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Brussels , 27 February 2013 International Conference WEEE C ollection Targets

Visions and Proposals from the Specialised Retailers of Electronic Products. Brussels , 27 February 2013 International Conference WEEE C ollection Targets. Davide Rossi Director General AIRES Associazione Italiana Retailers Elettrodomestici Specializzati. 8 Companies / Groups

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Brussels , 27 February 2013 International Conference WEEE C ollection Targets

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  1. Visions and Proposalsfrom the SpecialisedRetailersof Electronic Products Brussels, 27 February 2013International Conference WEEE Collection Targets Davide Rossi Director General AIRES Associazione Italiana Retailers Elettrodomestici Specializzati

  2. 8Companies / Groups € 9,6 MLD Total Turnover in 2012 (-5% vs 2011 and -13% vs 2010) 1.900Shops 22.000F.T.E. Jobs 2,3 MIO Piecesof WEEE collected from consumers in 2012

  3. KEY POINTS FOR RETAILERS • MANDATORY COLLECTION on 0:1 basis • RetailShopsover 400 mq, today are due toreceive and collect on 1:1basis, when the newDirectivewillbeimplemented on 0:1 basiswillbemandatoryforall WEEE smallerthan 25 cm per side. Suchprovisioncouldnotenterintoeffect«in case itwillbeevaluatedthat alternative collectionsystemswillbeaseffectiveasthis» • COSTS AND FINANCING • MemberStatesmustgrant“… toconsumers and todistributorstodeliver at least free ofanycostssuch WEEE» they can «encourageproducersto finance alsocostesconnectedtohouseholdcollection». • NEW COLLECTION TARGETS • Itwillbemandatoryfor MS toreach the target of 85% collection on generated WEEE. In otherwords, within 2019 the collectionmustbeover 17 KGs per capita. • WEEE Recycling FEE • The newDirectiveallows MS to create and/or confirmsuchfeewichisusedsolelyto finance consortiumoperations. Trerefore the total amountoffeescollectedmustnotbehigherthan the costsreallygeneratedby the system.

  4. WHICH DIRECTION • MANDATORY COLLECTION on 0:1 basis • New Directive (Whereas 14) establishesthatshopscollecting WEEE on 0:1 basisshouldnotbesubmittedtogenaralformalitiesforregistration and authorizationrequestedtohandlewaste (as per D. 2008/98/CE). • COSTS AND FINANCING • In ordertoencouragehouseholdcollectionis, at least, fundamentaltoreimburseretailersfor the costsofprimarylogistics. • Retailers are presentlyobligedtobe part ofcollectionactivitieswithoutbeinggrantedbylawanycompensation. • NEW COLLECTION TARGETS • Veryambitious. • Onlypossiblewith strong involvementofdistribution and proper and clearlegalframeworkabout on-line salesof EEE. • WEEE Recycling FEE • Thisaspectmustbeverycarefullyconsideredfromallperspectives. • Cannotbetransformedintoanadditionaltaxwithoutclearfunctions, targets and controls.

  5. THE NEED FOR A RADICAL CHANGE OPEN ISSUES TODAY • The system is not financing household collection. • Costs for retailers are, in any case, too heavy. • The WEEE consortiums (created by EEE producers) are financed by consumers for the collection from distributors and from ecological platforms. The collected WEEE are subsequently delivered to final treatment. • Whole system is therefore remarkably asimmetric. Producers have committments but also many possible actions and leverage to increase their level of performance and create value/savings. Distributors are only obliged to give execution to laws and rules decided by others. • The Program Protocol between CDC RAEE, ANCI and Distribution is the best possibile instrument that given the starting conditions but a complete change of perspective must be enhanced.

  6. WHERE TO CHANGE WHAT WE NEED • Immediate reaction to problem of WEEE collection decrease (in the official network): a real co-operative and synergic scenario must be created among all stakeholders. Nobody must have the impression to be abused. • Household collection must be financed (through reimbursement to retailers working in «1vs 1» mode. • Incentives must be put in place to operators in order to encourage the development of the «official» WEEE network. • Law and Rules must be deeply simplified. • CDC RAEE (the body for the co-ordination of the WEEE handling) must be open to representatives of EEE Distribution and Retail.

  7. EXPECTATIONS AND PROPOSALS • Extensive, creative and inclusive teamworktouse at the best the opportunitiesofferedby the New Directive • IF THE SYSTEM WILL NOT BE DESIGNED IN AN INCLUSIVE PERSPECTIVE • THE PRESENT PROBLEMS WILL HEAVILY INCREASED • 2. Creationof a negotiated and trasparentroadmapwithidentifiedpivots (Associations, Public Bodies, IndependentInstitutes) to work together in the interest of the environment and consumer • THE TOTAL EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVNESS OF THE OFFICIAL SYSTEM MUST BE THE BEST GUARANTEE THAT NO OTHER LEGAL - OPTION WILL BE POSSIBLE

  8. Thanksforyourattention. Davide Rossi DirectorGeneral AIRES (+39) 02 67101308 davide.rossi@airesitalia.it

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