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Separate Waste C ollection

Separate Waste C ollection. By Fattori Giacomo Nardini Xeno Covoni Niccolò Rosselli Simone Borghi Federico. Introduction. In Empoli th e door to door collection started last year . This kind of collection is cheaper , we can reduce the pollution a nd save natural elements .

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Separate Waste C ollection

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SeparateWaste Collection By Fattori Giacomo Nardini Xeno Covoni NiccolòRosselli Simone Borghi Federico

  2. Introduction

  3. In Empoli the door to door collectionstarted last year. Thiskind of collectionischeaper, wecan reduce the pollution and savenaturalelements.

  4. OrganicWaste Organicwasteswas the biggest part of all the rubbish wedepositintolandfillsites. Now with the separate collection of the rubbishorganic wastes are recycled.

  5. What are organicwastes ?

  6. Composter A composterissimply a machine wichmake compost

  7. Digestor • A digestoris a placewhereorganic materialsbecome gasses. Here we produce biogas.

  8. Paper The paperisrecycled to create new paper.

  9. Everytype of paper are collected and brought to a factory

  10. During the process the paperischopped. Thenwater isadded to produced a mush.With thatmushnew coils of paperwill be produced.

  11. Ifallpeopleof the world recycled • the paper, wewouldsave the forests.

  12. Plastic • Thisis the blue • bin for plastic.

  13. Cetaceansoften die becauseof eatingplasticobjects.

  14. Alsofor thisreason separate collectionisimportant : lessrubbish.

  15. From the plasticwecanhavealso pile clothes.

  16. Glass • The termindicatesthe glassmaterialthatis • obtainedfrom the solidification of a liquid. In our • Dailylivesitiswhatmakesvases, glasses, frames .

  17. The Collection of glass • The collection of glassmaterial, • occursin green bottlebank.

  18. Glass is reduced into pieces, fused at high temperature and made into new obejcts.

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