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Advanced techniques Conducting surgery to remove pilonidal cyst

Learn advanced surgical techniques for removing pilonidal cysts. Expert guidance and step-by-step instructions for successful procedures.

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Advanced techniques Conducting surgery to remove pilonidal cyst

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  2. Endoscopic technology for pilonidal sinus Endoscopic technology uses heat to seal the sinus without cutting, ensuring safety. Surgeon cleans part, removes infected tissue, and hair, then uses local anesthetic.

  3. Video-Assisted Ablation A minimally invasive technique for recovering from pilonidal sinus involves removing the sinus cavity, causing only a minor wound. Most patients report no infection and the surgeon checks symptoms before starting the procedure.

  4. Modified Limberg flap MLF, a modified version of the standard Limberg flap method, is a popular choice for recurrent pilonidal sinus symptoms, as it reduces recurrence and ensures no complications post-procedure.

  5. Bascom procedure The Bascom process, a minimally invasive cleft lift method, is recommended by pilonidal specialists for treating pilonidal disease. This procedure involves removing infected tissue from a pilonidal abscess, taking around 45 minutes.

  6. CONCLUSION Pilonidal sinus is often overlooked until symptoms appear, leading to infection, swelling, pain, pus-filled skin abscesses, and discomfort. If left untreated, the condition can cause ongoing pain and discomfort, necessitating surgery to remove pilonidal cyst.

  7. THANK YOU Learn More www.pilonidalexpert.com 310-439-9941

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