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JoinIT. Discipline-focused Learning and Teaching Enhancement Academy. The problems. technology comes from a wide range of providers: OUCS; IMSU (Hospitals); MSDLT; MSD WebTeam; Departments limited coherence leads to: staff do not always know who to ask for support with technology

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  1. JoinIT Discipline-focused Learning and Teaching Enhancement Academy

  2. The problems • technology comes from a wide range of providers: OUCS; IMSU (Hospitals); MSDLT; MSD WebTeam; Departments • limited coherence leads to: • staff do not always know who to ask for support with technology • staff may not know: • what already exists (duplication of effort) • what it is possible to achieve with technology

  3. The problems (cont.) • lack of a coherent Divisional vision for IT: • prioritising Divisional IT resources • influencing the central University to address Divisional needs

  4. Towards a solution • 'JoinIT' is an initiative which aims to develop a framework for better procurement and development of educational technology within MSD. • Initiated by Vivien Sieber now led by Damion Young (Learning Tecnologies) with David Popplewell (Divisional IT Coordinator/Academic), Robert Wilkins (Academic), Philippa O’Connor (Senior Assistant Registrar), Anne Bowtell (WebTeam), Vivien Sieber (Surrey) with support from Terry McAndrew (UK Centre for Bioscience) and John Hostler (HEA Change Academy). • It does not explicitly address IT needs within research, nor is it intended to reform the whole management of Divisional IT, but it is hoped that the models that are emerging will inform the process of procurement and development of IT more generally.

  5. Progress • * Jan 2010 – Project start • * Apr 2010: 3-day residential event in Milton Keynes - ice-breaking exercises, motivational talks, brain-storming sessions...BUT, forced team together to really tackle the problem and plan the project. • April 2010 - Support of Associate Heads of Division (Prof. William James and Prof. Nick Rawlins) • * June 2010 – briefed Director of IT - very useful discussion and learnt about Fostering Learning exercise and opportunity for Division to present its most important ‘learning need’. • June/July 2010 – consultation with course comittees – nothing negative and limited enthusiasm • * November 2010 – Launch Event (talks by Emma Potts, Stephen Goss, Robert Wilkins and Damion Young) - pleasantly surprised by turn-out (c.50 from across Division) and enthusiasm in generating ideas – educational and administrative

  6. Currently planning • * Feb 2011 – invite academic, administrative and IT staff to form new eMSD ‘stakeholder’ group: • identify priorities for MSD • advise MSD and external bodies (ODIT, OUCS) on needs, funding • acquire an overview of various IT providers • develop a project review process against awareness of: • background priorities • available resources • * Feb 2011 – launch ‘joined-up’ eMSD website:http://emsd.medsci.ox.ac.uk • * March 2011? – half-day workshop with new undegraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences to identify how educational technology can contribute

  7. Welcome any thoughts • General • Approach to our workshop • Evaluation of the project • eMSD website

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