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Association EURATOM-MHST. Slovenian Fusion Association. Organisation of EU fusion R&D.
Association EURATOM-MHST Slovenian Fusion Association
Organisation of EU fusion R&D The European Union has a fully integrated and co-ordinated programme in fusion research with participation by the majority of Member States and associated third states. The programme is managed by the European Commission, which is assisted by a consultative committee of Member State representatives in the implementation of the programme.
Organisation of EU fusion R&D Fusion R&D in Europe is implemented within the framework of: Associations - Contracts of Association with organisations in, or acting for, Member States (and Associated States) for activities in physics, plasma engineering and fusion power plant technology. The European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) incorporating technology activities in the Associations and European industry, the collective use of the JET facilities, as well as the European contribution to international collaborations such as ITER. An agreement on the promotion of mobility of researchers which provides financial support for the exchange of personnel. Training and mobility of young researchers is supported by the European Commission’s EURATOM Fellowship scheme.
Slovenian Fusion Association CoA signed on April 7th, 2005 Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Associate) Steering Committee (21st March 2005) (3 members from Commission, 3 from Association) Research Unit (Head of research unit) Institution 1 Institution 2 Institution 3 Institution 4 Contract between MHST (Associate) and partner institutions in the RU has been prepared by the MHST and is under discussion at partner institutions
STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OF RESEARCH UNIT Deployment of Resources for the Period (01.01.2005 – 31.12.2005) The Research Unit of the SFA is composed of the following institutions: 1. Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) 2. University of Ljubljana (ULJ –FME) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, LECAD Laboratory Other institutions involved in the work of the association over this period: 1. Nova Gorica Polytechnic (NGP), subcontracting to JSI The principal officers of the Research Unit are: 1. Jožef Stefan Institute: dr. Milan Čerček 2. LECAD Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana; dr. Jože Duhovnik
Association EURATOM-MHST (SFA) Head of Research Unit (on the proposal of the Associate) and his Principal Assistants dr. Milan Čerček (HRU) • From the Contract of Association – Article 4/4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 - he: • submits, in due time before the last steering committee meeting in the year, to the Steering Committee, for the approval of the Contracting Parties, a programme of the research work to be carried out in the following calendar year, together with the draft budget therefore. • is responsible for approving, co-ordinating and monitoring the research projects of the Unit • renders to the Steering Committee an account of the Unit's research projects and of the management of all funds granted for research on fusion energy within the frame of the Contract of Association • submits to the Commission, an admissible recapitulatory statement of the annual accounts • periodically submits written reports to the Steering Committee on the progress of any priority project, including the financial situation of the project compared with the initial cost estimates. After approval by the Steering Committee, the Head of Research Unit shall transmit these reports to the Commission. • periodically submits written reports to the Steering Committee on the progress of the activities for enhancing the mutual co-operation between Associations. After approval by the Steering Committee, the Head of Research Unit shall transmit these reports to the Commission
periodically submit reports to the Steering Committee summarising the work executed in the support of the EFDA Close Support Unit and the Work-programmes • within six months after the end of the Associate’s accounting year submits to the Commission, an admissible recapitulatory statement of the annual accounts • at the meetings of the Steering Committee, makes reports on the progress of its Unit's research work and on the results obtained since the previous report. • at the end of each year, prepares a draft annual report covering all of its activities in the frame of the Contract of Association and forwards it, together with any amending comments by the Steering Committee, to the Contracting Parties by 30 September of the following year • on the expiry or termination of the CoA, within four months, submits to the Steering committee a general statement of the expenditure committed and paid within the frame of the Contract and, where appropriate, the revenue received. • on the expiry or termination of the CoA, and provided that it is not followed by a new contract of association in the field of fusion energy, prepares draft final reports on the studies and practical work carried out and the results obtained during the contract period
Uršula Turšič(secretary of the HRU) • planning and reporting, mobility plans and reports • circulation of information, publications, brochures etc. to the Associate, institutions and third parties • dr. Saša Novak (Jožef Stefan Institute) • underlying technology, materials technology • public information, conferences, etc. • dr. Jože Duhovnik (University of Ljubljana, FME, LECAD) • technology • industry • dr. Tomaž Žagar (Jožef Stefan Institute) • nuclear technology • irradiations • safety • Frida Žlak (Head of JSI Finance & Accounting Department) • keeps separate accounting system of all expenditure incurred within (RU) the frame of the Contract of Association • submits to the HRU an admissible recapitulary statement of the annual accounts
Financing • Association – Community (EURATOM) • General support by the Community at a rate of 20% • (physics, underlying technology) • Additional support by the Community • At an additional rate of 20% (enhancing the mutual co-operation between Associations) • b) Work in the frame of EFDA • (under Article 5.1.a – Basic support Technology) at a rate 20% • (under Article 5.1.b – Specified Technology work) at a rate of 40%
Collaborations Association EURATOM – Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften Association EURATOM – Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ) Association EURATOM – Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik (IPP) Association EURATOM – Hellenic Republic Association EURATOM – Ente per le Nuove technologie, l´Energia e l´Ambiente (ENEA) Association EURATOM – United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) EFDA Task Force Plasma Wall Interaction EFDA Task Force Integrated Tokamak Modelling The aim of the Task Force is to concentrate European research on the most urgent problems