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Guess That Feminist?. A Look Into the Brilliant Minds of the Feminist Movement . From Britain and worked in the country as a teacher Wrote her powerful work A Room of One’s Own declaring that men treat women as inferiors and they must reject social ideals for femaleness to define themselves
Guess That Feminist? A Look Into the Brilliant Minds of the Feminist Movement
From Britain and worked in the country as a teacher • Wrote her powerful work A Room of One’s Own declaring that men treat women as inferiors and they must reject social ideals for femaleness to define themselves • A Room of One’s Own centers on a story in which Shakespeare’s sister who is equally talented and gifted as writer is stifled for being a woman • WHO AM I?
Part of the second wave feminist movement in the late 60’s and 70’s • Wrote Sexual Politics and brought forth the assertion that a female is born and a woman created • Says that sexual politics are the operations of power relations in society and that in the West, institutional power rests with the man • WHO AM I?
Broke down female writing into three phases: femine, feminist, and female • Brought forth the idea of gynocriticism and gynocritics which focuses on the study of the female experience • Classifies gynocritics into four models: the biological, the linguistic, the psychoanalytic and the cultural models. • WHO AM I?
Is Christian Bale’s stepmother • Was deeply involved in the women’s liberation movement and founded the National Women’s Political Caucus • Has written many prolific books and articles with a feminist approach including Revolution from Within and Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions • WHO AM I?
Was Mary Shelly’s mother • Wrote The Vindication of the Rights of Woman in an attempt to create equality between men and women in the academic setting • One of the founding mothers of the feminist movement as a member of the first wave of feminism • WHO AM I?