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This presentation discusses the integration of environmental analysis tools within NAS-wide simulation for NextGen benefits analysis. The focus is on understanding how federal agencies, under NEPA guidelines, incorporate environmental considerations into decision-making processes. Various environmental factors, such as air quality, coastal resources, noise, and more, are evaluated using modeling tools like Noise Integrated Routing System and Air Traffic Focus Emission Dispersion Model System. Critical input development, fleet trajectories, and environmental modeling using tools like Environmental Sensitivity Tool and NAS-wide Environmental Screener are also highlighted. The presentation emphasizes the importance of accurate data input and proper tool selection for efficient results validation.

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  1. INNOVATIONS IN NAS-WIDE SIMULATION IN SUPPORT OF NEXTGEN BENEFITS ANALYSIS Metron Aviation January 28, 2010 Mike Graham & Terry Thompson Materials from FAA/JPDO/NASA Integration of Environmental Analysis Tools with NAS-wide Simulation

  2. Outline Overview/Introduction Review of Existing Models Integration for NAS-wide Modeling Conclusions

  3. Why The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision making processes by considering the environmental impacts of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions. What Air Quality, Coastal Resources, Compatible Land Use, Construction Impacts, Department of Transportation Act: Sec. 4(f), Farmlands, Fish, Wildlife, and Plants, Floodplains, Hazardous Materials, Pollution Prevention, and Solid Waste, Historical, Architectural, Archeological, and Cultural Resources, Light Emissions and Visual Impacts, Natural Resources and Energy Supply, Noise, Secondary (Induced) Impacts, Socioeconomic Impacts, Environmental Justice, and Children's Environmental Health and Safety Risks, Water Quality, Wetlands, Wild and Scenic Rivers And GHG coming soon Introduction: Why & What

  4. Modeling Fidelity Some of the first questions we like to ask: What data is available? How will the results be used? When are the results needed? What is the budget and what resources are available? Bottom Line

  5. Outline Overview/Introduction Review of Existing Models Integration for NAS-wide Modeling Conclusions

  6. Noise Models: Overview Current Noise Models/Tools maintained by the FAA Single Airport Focus Airport Equivalency Model (AEM) – aircraft noise screening Heliport Noise Model (HNM) – helicopter noise in the terminal area Integrated Noise Model (INM) – high resolution aircraft noise analysis Air Traffic Focus Air Traffic Noise Screening Tool (ATNS) – noise screening for single aircraft type/single route analysis NIRS Screening Tool (NST) – noise screening for multiple aircraft types/routes/airports Terminal Area Route Generation, Evaluation, & Traffic Simulation (TARGETS) – noise screening for terminal area procedures Noise Integrated Routing System (NIRS) – high resolution aircraft noise analysis for regional/multi-airport Policy Focus Model for Assessing Global Exposure to the Noise of Transport Aircraft (MAGENTA) All models/tools share the same underlying noise engine developed by Volpe.

  7. Emission Models: Overview Current Emissions Models/Tools maintained by the FAA or provided by EPA Single & Multi Airport Focus Emission Dispersion Modeling System (EDMS) generates emissions inventories (emissions screening) integrates with higher fidelity EPA models for dispersion modeling AERMOD Modeling System - A steady-state plume model that incorporates air dispersion based on planetary boundary layer turbulence structure and scaling concepts, including treatment of both surface and elevated sources, and both simple and complex terrain. Air Traffic Focus “Presumed To Conform” – this is changing! Policy Focus System for Assessing Aviation's Global Emissions (SAGE)

  8. Outline Overview/Introduction Review of Existing Models Integration for NAS-wide Modeling Conclusions

  9. Input Development - KEY Why is your input so important? Garbage In Garbage Out Pay me now or pay me later! Constantly evaluating “How much is enough?” It depends!! Most of the models will accept text based files, so the trick is to identify the tools and utilities that will make you most efficient Knowing the right tool for the task, isn’t always as simple as it sounds Just because you have a hammer, doesn’t mean it’s the best tool for the task Many of these tools and utilities can be used for validating your results as well. Often times they are one-off implementations

  10. Critical Inputs Demand Fleet Trajectories/Airport Use Weather Terrain Land use IAD South Configuration TAAM tracks - Blue Radar tracks – Other colors Population density and tracks in vicinity of ORD MDW Runway 31C Departures

  11. Mixed Fidelity Environmental Modeling

  12. Environmental Sensitivity Tool (EST) Environmental Sensitivity Tool (EST) has been developed for policy oriented analysis and is a light weight spreadsheet based tool for evaluating the sensitivity of airframe/engine technologies and changes to fleetmix. In the summer we began development of the tool that calculates fuel, emissions, and noise. Its been used to consider multiple upgaging scenarios

  13. NAS-wide Environmental Screener (NES) NAS-wide Environmental Screener (NES) was developed in support of the JPDO and NASA NRA as a light weight model capable of producing fuel, emissions, and noise impacts. • Principle Capabilities: • Includes a light-weight tool for generating aircraft that meet future environmental performance targets. (“paper airplane”) • Producing fuel, emissions, and noise factors for all tiers of environmental modeling. • Minimal input – flight schedule, runway utilization to generate airport level fuel, emissions and noise. • Used iteratively to understand environmental constraints that could limit airport or system capacity.

  14. Aviation Environmental Tools Suite Environmental Design Space (EDS) Vehicle Noise Design Tools Technology Impact Forecasting Vehicle Emissions Design Tools Design Tools Interface APMT Economics Operations DEMAND (Consumers) SUPPLY (Carriers) Fares Federal Aviation Administration Policy and Scenarios Including Alternative Fuels and outputs from Simulation Tools as appropriate Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT) Aviation environmental Portfolio Management Tool (APMT) forImpacts New aircraft and/or generic fleet SingleAirport Regional Global Studies IntegratedNoise, Emissions,and Fuel BurnAnalyses Emissions & Noise Climate Impacts Emissions New aircraft and/or generic fleet Air Quality Impacts Schedule & Fleet Mix Emissions Noise Impacts Noise Emissions, Noise, & Fuel Burn Monetized impacts Collected costs APMT Cost Benefit EDS = Environmental Design Space • AEDT = Aviation Environmental Design Tool•APMT = Aviation environmental Portfolio Management Tool

  15. AEDT – Simplified Users Perspective Time Study-Specific Database CalculatePollutantConcentrations TotalNoise & EmissionsResultsDatabase SEL, Time Audible,Lmax, Time Above CalculateAdditional Noise Metrics Repeatfor allFlights AircraftPerformance+ Fuel Burn GraphicalUserInterface<or>AdvancedInputFiles All Pollutants + GHGs Terrain Calculations Fly Aircraft Weather Calculations Calculate Emissions Calculate Noise GISCapability Outputs Aircraft Data Non-aircraft Sources Database Aircraft Fleet Database MovementsDatabase Aircraft Data Aircraft Data Airports Database EmissionsInventories Noise & Pollutants Grids Contours NoiseChange Analyses Federal Aviation Administration

  16. AEDT “handshakes” with 4-D trajectory-based ATO tools Federal Aviation Administration • Currently available in AEDT: • Current Development of a standardized input file: • Will support 4D Trajectory-based Tools such as: • ACES – NASA’s Airspace Concept Evaluation System • SIMMOD – FAA’s Airport & Airspace Simulation Model • NASPAC – National Airspace System Performance Analysis Capability • SYSTEM-WIDE MODELER – NAS Airspace Modeling System ACES AEDT Results SIMMOD AEDT AEDT Standard Input File AEDT Output DB/Reports Simulation Output AEDT Environmental Output

  17. AEDT Vision Federal Aviation Administration Federal Aviation Administration • AIM Data Warehouse • Located in Tech CenterAtlantic City, NJ • Key Features • 4D trajectory-based • Interdependent environmental results • Publicly Available • SWIM compliantdata exchange • Scalable • Uncertainty Assessed • Radar/Surveillance Data • Integrated with 4D Sim tools • Integrated with EDS & APMT • AIM Downloads • Geo-coded info • Fleet info • Radar data • Airspace data • AIM Uploads • Airport Noise Contours • Noise & Emissions Inventories • Fuel Consumption • AEDT Web Server • Located in Cambridge, MA • Houses all AEDT databases and software User Base NextGenPlanning ICAO/CAEPPolicies & Standards Environmental Compliance Research PDARS

  18. AEDT Development Timeline 1stAEDT Alpha version for NASA NRA 2ndAEDT Alpha version for JPDO IPSA Federal Aviation Administration Design Review Group meetings DRG #5Web Training >>>>>>>>l DRG #6 DRG #4 Web Training >>>>>>l DRG #3 INM7b, EDMS5.1.1 JAN-DECStakeholder Beta2 Testing APR-DECStakeholder Beta1 Testing WEAREHERE 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2009 with ACES & SIMMOD TARGETS with other sim tools… PHASE 1 AEDT2apublicrelease RegionalAnalyses only Sunset NIRS PHASE 2 AEDT2bpublicrelease FullCapabilities Sunset INM and EDMS RAMS FullCapabilities+Volpe AEDT Distribution & Maintenance System RegionalAnalysisCapabilitiesonly

  19. Outline Overview/Introduction Review of Existing Models Integration for NAS-wide Modeling Conclusions

  20. Conclusions Integration of Environmental Analysis Tools with NAS-wide Simulation There was a need for a more rapid evaluation of the environmental impacts. Such tools are now being applied. Fortunately many of the tools developed for regulatory analysis had the building blocks needed Other capabilities for screening tools are being developed and continued to evolve

  21. Questions MICHAEL GRAHAMMetron Aviation MOBILE    +1 571 246 2531 OFFICE     +1 703 234 0764 mike.graham@MetronAviation.com www.MetronAviation.com

  22. TARGETS/AEDT Interface • Radar Data • -Offload • -ETMS • -SDAT • STARS • ARTS • PDARS • Etc. Formats -TAAM -SDAT -RNAV Pro -MapInfo -ArcGIS -KML -ACRP -others… Display AEDT Output Nav Database (airports, runways, etc.) TARGETS import Export AEDT Output (raw & summarized) Write Flight Data AEDT AEDT Read/Decode Results InventoryProcessor.exe Movements Database (MOVEMENTS_ACES or MOVEMENTS_SIMMOD) -OD_PAIR -FLIGHT -FLIGHT_TRAJECTORY EventResults Database -EVR_COMBINED (Performance, Emissions, Acoustics) -ACR_NOISE MS SQL SERVER Airport Database Fleet Database

  23. AEDT Connectivity with 4D Simulation Tools Federal Aviation Administration • ACES – NASA’s Airspace Concept Evaluation System • NASPAC – National Airspace System Performance Analysis Capability • RAMS – Reorganised ATC Mathematical Simulator • SIMMOD – FAA’s Airport & Airspace Simulation Model • SYSTEM-WIDE MODELER – NAS Airspace Modeling System • TAAM – Total Airspace and Airport Modeller • TARGETS – Terminal Area Route Generation, Evaluation, & Traffic Simulation

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