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Understanding Host-Pathogen Interactions and Autoimmune Diseases

Learn about the principles of cell and organ pathology, infectious agents in humans, and the mechanisms of autoimmune diseases in this comprehensive guide. Explore the interactions between viruses and host cells, as well as the immune responses to infections and autoimmune conditions.

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Understanding Host-Pathogen Interactions and Autoimmune Diseases

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  1. General Pathology Basic Principles of Cellular and Organ Pathology Infection – II & Autoimmune Diseases http://www1.lf1.cuni.cz/~jdusk/ Jaroslava Dušková Inst. Pathol. ,1st Med. Faculty, Charles Univ. Prague

  2. nonliving physical chemical Inflammation - causes • living prions (?) viral bacterial mycotic parasitic AUTOIMMUNE

  3. Infectious Agents of Humans Viruses • virion • obligate intracellular • either DNA(adeno, herpes, pox, cytomegalo, EB, papova, HPV, .. • or RNA (picorna - entero, polio, coxsackie arbo, rhino, arbo, myxo, paramyxo, RS, rubeola, rabdo, retro,)

  4. Virion • capsid helical symmetry icosaedral symmetry • genome DNA RNA

  5. General Natural defenses Inflammation Immune status Successful transmission Site of attack Number of microorg. Pathogenicity Host & Microorganism Encounter

  6. General age, race, nutrition, other diseases (diabetes) Natural defenses skin, mucose integrity mucus, cilliary action, unobstructed flow protective secretion (lysosym in tears, gastric acid, IgA Inflammation leucocytes macrophages -phagocytosis Immune status immunity (or lack of it) active, passive immunisation, contact lymphocytes immunoglobulins complement Host

  7. Successful transmission Site of attack Number of microorg. Pathogenicity invasiveness toxin production multiplication resistence to host defence mechanisms ability to cause necrosis enzyme release Microorganism

  8. Virus – Host Cell Interaction • cytocidal • stabilised (steady– state) • transformation – ONCOGENS

  9. Virus-Induced Injury • cell entering - surface ligands – viral tropism • translocation of the entire virus • fusion of the viral envelope with the cell membrane • receptor mediated endocytosis • intracellular replicative phase – forming ofvirions using virus specific enzymes • virus assembly & release extracellular phase

  10. Virus – Organism Interaction • infected cell lysis by antibody and complement • cell mediated immunitylymphocytes macrophages interferon 

  11. Virus-Induced Injury Host cell responses: • DNA, RNA and protein synthesis • metabolic derangements • cell lysis / cell fusion • multinuclear formation • viral inclusions

  12. Infectious Agents of Humans Viruses • virion • obligate intracellular • either DNA(adeno, herpes, pox, cytomegalo, EB, papova, HPV, .. • or RNA (picorna – entero, polio, coxsackie arbo, rhino, arbo, myxo, paramyxo, RS, rubeola, rabdo, retro,)

  13. Inflammation Definition: complex reaction of organism to damage (aim: homeostasis maintenance)

  14. nonliving physical chemical Inflammation - Causes • living viral bacterial mycotic parasitic AUTOIMMUNE

  15. Nonspecific antibodies imunocomplexes on dendritic cells long lasting antigen presentation Inflammation– immunity

  16. antigen specific humoral B– lymphocytes cellular T– lymphocytes INTERACTION B-lympho–Th – affinity maturation – plasmocyte Mechanisms of ImmuneResponse

  17. Def.: lack of self-tolerance Autoimmunity

  18. constant activity in organogenesis regeneration metalaxia Autoimmunity

  19. loss of self-tolerance resulting into damage of organ /tissue Autoimmune Diseases

  20. Mechanisms Preventing Antiself Reactivity: • clonal deletion (thymus) • clonal anergy (thymus) • peripheral clonal supression by Tsupressor cells ( B,T helpers)

  21. DISEASE SLE RA Sjögren dis. Syst. sclerodermia Dermato–polymyositis Prim. vasc. syndromes ANTIBODY ANA, ENA collag. II, Fc –Ig (rheum. factor) ANA,ENA ENA (Scl–70) ENA (Jo–1) ANCA Inflammation – autoimmuneSystemic autoimmune diseases

  22. ANTIBODY intercel. epit. matrix basal membrane of epidermis DISEASE pemphigus pemphigoid Inflammation – autoimmuneOrgan autoimmune diseases – skin

  23. ANTIBODY TGB, microsomes pancreas  cells insulin ins. receptors adrenal microsomes TSH rec. DISEASE GB, HT DM I I–res. DM I–res. DM Adison dis. GB Inflammation – autoimmuneOrgan autoimmune diseases – endocrine

  24. ANTIBODY mitochondrie membr. hct., cytosol gliadin DISEASE prim. bill. cirrhosis CAH gluten enteropathy Inflammation – autoimmuneOrgan autoimmune diseases – GIT

  25. ANTIBODY acetylcholin rec. basic myelin protein DISEASE myasthenia gravis disseminated sclerosis Inflammation – autoimmuneOrgan autoimmune diseases – CNS

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