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A Knowledge-Based Search Engine Powered by Wikipedia

A Knowledge-Based Search Engine Powered by Wikipedia. Queries. Wikipedia. Documents. Like any other search engine Koru deals in queries and documents. Koru | introduction. Unlike others, it uses Wikipedia to obtain an understanding of both. Queries. Wikipedia. Documents.

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A Knowledge-Based Search Engine Powered by Wikipedia

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  1. A Knowledge-Based Search Engine Powered by Wikipedia

  2. Queries Wikipedia Documents Like any other search engine Koru deals in queries and documents Koru | introduction Unlike others, it uses Wikipedia to obtain an understanding of both

  3. Queries Wikipedia Documents Documents are cross-referenced with Wikipedia articles to obtain a WikiSaurus WikiSaurus This corpus-specific knowledge base describes the topics, terminology and semantic relations that are relevant to the documents Koru | introduction Document Topics From this Koru understands the topics that documents discuss, and whether they are about the topic or just mention it in passing.

  4. Queries Wikipedia Documents From this Koru understands the topics involved in queries, and how relevant they are to the documents available Almost all relevant queries for our documents can also be matched to entries in the WikiSaurus Query Topics WikiSaurus Koru | introduction Document Topics

  5. Queries Wikipedia Documents This allows Koru to guide users to other topics that are likely to be of interest WikiSaurus Koru | introduction Document Topics Related Topics Query Topics

  6. Koru is built on the AJAX framework. It requires nothing more than a standard web browser to use. type in a query to begin Koru | demonstration

  7. only the best topics that cover intent of query are chosen phrases are recognized automatically all candidate topics (possible senses or combinations of terms) are listed Koru | demonstration

  8. this decision is made according to significance of topics within documents and Wikipedia Koru | demonstration and can be manually corrected if necessary

  9. Koru | demonstration e.g. if the user is not just interested in american airlines

  10. … but in all airlines… Koru | demonstration

  11. from this… then they will be given different query results queries are automatically expanded with synonyms … that operate in america Koru | demonstration …to this security AND (air carrierORairline companyORairline industryORflight companyORmodern aviationORpassenger aircraft….) AND (America OR American OR American continent…) so that complex boolean queries are issued very easily without special syntax

  12. queries can also be expanded manually by browsing lists of related topics Koru | demonstration

  13. Koru | demonstration these are ranked by their significance within documents and Wikipedia, and their relatedness to query topics

  14. topics and results are presented side by side so that users can quickly modify, evolve and evaluate their queries Koru | demonstration

  15. results and document content are also presented side by side so that users can quickly browse relevant documents Koru | demonstration

  16. Koru | demonstration users can also gather multiple documents that they intend to read

  17. Koru | further reading • Online Demo www.greenstone.org/greenstone3/koru • Description and Evaluation Milne, D., Whitten, I.H. and Nichols, D.N. A Knowledge-based Search Engine powered by Wikipedia Submitted to CIKM’07, Lisbon, Portugal

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