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Explore the past achievements, current status, future goals, paths forward, and required tools in the field of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. Learn about the birth of ideas like Neutrinos and Gravitational Waves. Discover the historical perspectives and advancements in this exciting scientific journey.
Imagining the Future: Gravitational Wave Astronomy Barry Barish Caltech 28-Oct-04 “What infrastructure will contribute to facilitating broad participation, community growth, and the best possible science?”
A Roadmap for the Future A "roadmap" is an extended look at the future of a chosen field of inquiry composed from the collective knowledge and imagination of the brightest drivers of change in that field. R Galvin Motorola Frontier Pathway Scenic and Historic Byway Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Creating a Roadmap for the Future Gravitational Wave Astronomy • What have we accomplished? • Where are we now? • Where are we going? • What are the paths to get there? • What tools do we need to reach our goals? Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Comparing the Evolutionof Two Fields Neutrino Physics and Astronomy Gravitational Wave Astronomy Solar Neutrinos Binary Black Hole Merger Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos: the birth of the idea 1930 Pauli's letter of the 4th of December 1930 Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen, As the bearer of these lines, to whom I graciously ask you to listen, will explain to you in more detail, how because of the "wrong" statistics of the N and Li6 nuclei and the continuous beta spectrum, I have hit upon a deseperate remedy to save the "exchange theorem" of statistics and the law of conservation of energy. Namely, the possibility that there could exist in the nuclei electrically neutral particles, that I wish to call neutrons, which have spin 1/2 and obey the exclusion principle and which further differ from light quanta in that they do not travel with the velocity of light. The mass of the neutrons should be of the same order of magnitude as the electron mass and in any event not larger than 0.01 proton masses> The continuous beta spectrum would then become understandable by the assumption that in beta decay a neutron is emitted in addition to the electron such that the sum of the energies of the neutron and the electron is constant... I agree that my remedy could seem incredible because one should have seen those neutrons very earlier if they really exist. But only the one who dare can win and the difficult situation, due to the continuous structure of the beta spectrum, is lighted by a remark of my honoured predecessor, Mr Debye, who told me recently in Bruxelles: "Oh, It's well better not to think to this at all, like new taxes". From now on, every solution to the issue must be discussed. Thus, dear radioactive people, look and judge. Unfortunately, I cannot appear in Tubingen personally since I am indispensable here in Zurich because of a ball on the night of 6/7 December. With my best regards to you, and also to Mr Back. Your humble servant . W. Pauli Wolfgang Pauli Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos a glitch 1932 Chadwick discovered the neutron, but neutrons are heavy and do not correspond to the particle imagined by Pauli. Pauli responds …. J Chadwick Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos 1933 Pauli responds at Solvang, in October 1933 “... their mass can not be very much more than the electron mass. In order to distinguish them from heavy neutrons, mister Fermi has proposed to name them "neutrinos". It is possible that the proper mass of neutrinos be zero... It seems to me plausible that neutrinos have a spin 1/2... We know nothing about the interaction of neutrinos with the other particles of matter and with photons: the hypothesis that they have a magnetic moment seems to me not founded at all." E Fermi Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Gravitational Waves the birth of the idea 1916 Newton’s Theory “instantaneous action at a distance” Einstein’s Theory information carried by gravitational radiation at the speed of light Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Gravitational Wavesa glitch Early claims of gravitational wave detection were not confirmed. J. Weber Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Developing the Theoryrefining the predictions "Since I first embarked on my study of general relativity, gravitational collapse has been for me the most compelling implication of the theory - indeed the most compelling idea in all of physics . . . It teaches us that space can be crumpled like a piece of paper into an infinitesimal dot, that time can be extinguished like a blown-out flame, and that the laws of physics that we regard as 'sacred,' as immutable, are anything but.” – John A. Wheeler in Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam John Wheeler Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos direct detection 1953 Reines and Cowan The target is made of about 400 liters of water mixed with cadmium chloride The anti-neutrino coming from the nuclear reactor interacts with a proton of the target, giving a positron and a neutron. The positron annihilates with an electron of target and gives two simultaneous photons. The neutron slows down before being eventually captured by a cadmium nucleus, that gives the emission of photons about one 15 microseconds after those of the positron. All those photons are detected and the 15 microseconds identify the "neutrino" interaction. Fred Reines Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
“Indirect”evidence for gravitational waves Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Direct Detectionstill waiting ….. Gravitational Wave Astrophysical Source Terrestrial detectors LIGO, TAMA, Virgo, AIGO Detectors in space LISA Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
The Birth of a Field The evolving ‘roadmap’ for neutrino physics particle physics astrophysics properties beams interactions Reines-Cowan direct n detection Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
The Birth of a Field The evolving ‘roadmap’ for gravitational-wave astrophysics physics astrophysics Improved Sensitivity GW Properties GW Observed LIGO et al (soon ??) direct grav. wave detection Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos the properties 1960 In 1960, Lee and Yang are realized that if a reaction like - e- is not observed, this is because two types of neutrinos exist nm and ne Lee and Yang Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos Beams 1960 Mel Schwartz realized the possibility to produce an intense neutrino beam from the decay of pions, that are particles produced from the collision of a proton beam produced in accelerators P + N Nucleons +n’s Mel Schwartz Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Two Neutrinos 1962 AGS Proton Beam Schwartz Lederman Steinberger Neutrinos from m-decay only produce muons (not electrons) when they interact in matter Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrinos the modern era 1970’s High energy neutrino beams at CERN and Fermilab 15 foot Bubble Chamber At Fermilab Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrino Physics weak neutral current Gargamelle Bubble Chamber CERN First evidence for weak neutral current nm+ e nm+ e Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrino Physics neutrino scattering CCFR – Fermilab nm+ N m + X • Quark Structure • QCD Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrino Astrophysics solar neutrinos Ray Davis Homestake Detector • Solar Neutrino Detection • 600 tons of chlorine. • Detected neutrinos of energy > 1 MeV • Detection verifies fusion process in the sun • The rate of solar neutrinos detected is three times less than predicted Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
The Development of the Field weak neutral current quark structure QCD The evolving ‘roadmap’ for neutrino physics particle physics astrophysics solar n’s properties beams nm & ne Schwartz-BNL HE CERN/Fermilab interactions Reines-Cowan direct n detection Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
gamma ray burst Properties of Gravitational Waves The Speed If gamma ray burst (GRB) and gravitational waves arrive at same time to within ~ 1 sec Then, speeds are the same to ~1 second / 2 billion yrs ~1 part in 1017 Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Properties of Gravitational Waves The Polarization of Gravitational Waves TAMA 300 LIGO GEO 600 Virgo LIGO Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Advanced LIGOimproved subsystems Multiple Suspensions Active Seismic Sapphire Optics Higher Power Laser Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Advanced LIGOCubic Law for “Window” on the Universe Improve amplitude sensitivity by a factor of 10x… …number of sources goes up 1000x! Virgo cluster Advanced LIGO Initial LIGO Today Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
SOURCE SOURCE GEO TAMA VIRGO LIGO Hanford LIGO Livingston SOURCE SOURCE Event Localization With a Network cosq = dt / (c D12) Dq ~ 0.5 deg DL = dt/c q 1 2 Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Advanced LIGO 2007 + • Enhanced Systems • laser • suspension • seismic isolation • test mass Rate Improvement ~ 104 + narrow band optical configuration Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
The Development of a Field The evolving ‘roadmap’ for gravitational-wave astrophysics physics astrophysics Strong Field GR Binary Inspiral Pulsars Improved Sensitivity GW Properties GW Networks Adv Detectors Speed Polarization GW Observed LIGO et al (soon ??) direct grav. wave detection Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
n Oscillation Probability Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
n Oscillation Phenomena Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
The Status of the Field weak neutral current quark structure QCD The evolving ‘roadmap’ for neutrino physics particle physics astrophysics solar n’s rate? properties beams nm & ne 3 n types n oscillations Schwartz-BNL HE CERN/Fermilab interactions Reines-Cowan direct n detection Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Roadmap for the Futureof Two Fields Neutrino Physics and Astronomy Gravitational Wave Astronomy High Energy Neutrino Astonomy LISA – Low Frequency Grav Waves Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Goals: Dirac or Majorana particle? Majorana : The neutrino is its own antiparticle Ettore Majorana Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Acceleratorsneutrino factory – neutrinos from muon collider muon collider Example 7400 km baseline Fermilab Gran Sasso “world project” neutrino beams select nm’s or anti nm’s Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Future Long Term Goals for the Field The future ‘roadmap’ for neutrino physics particle physics astrophysics properties beams Dirac vs Majorana Superbeams n osc parameters CP violation Neutrino Factories interactions the long term Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Future Long Term Goals for the Field The future ‘roadmap’ for neutrino physics particle physics astrophysics WIMP Dark matter High energy Solar Supernovae GRBs properties beams Dirac vs Majorana cosmic rays n osc parameters interactions Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Future Long term Goals for the Field The evolving ‘roadmap’ for gravitational-wave astrophysics physics astrophysics New Physics New Phenomena Improved Sensitivity GW Properties Speed Polarization ????????? GW Observed LIGO et al (soon ??) direct grav. wave detection Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Multi-messenger Astronomy supernova gravitational waves neutrinos electromagnetic radiation Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Emerging Detector Technologies • Cryogenic suspensions (LCGT Japan) • Broadband (white light) interferometers (Hannover, UF) • All-reflective interferometers (Stanford) • Reshaped laser beam profiles (Caltech) • Quantum non-demolition • Evade measurement back-action by measuring of an observable that does not effect a later measurement • Speed meters (Caltech, Moscow, ANU) • Optical bars (Moscow) • Correlations between the SN and RPN quadratures Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
X- X+ Sub-quantum-limited interferometer Quantum correlations(Buonanno and Chen) Input squeezing Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Ultimate Goal for the Field The future ‘roadmap’ for neutrino physics QCD WIMPS particle physics astrophysics High energy Solar Supernovae GRBs properties beams Dirac vs Majorana n osc parameters relic n’s interactions cosmology Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Ultimate Goal for the Field The evolving ‘roadmap’ for gravitational-wave astrophysics physics astrophysics New Physics New Phenomena Improved Sensitivity GW Properties Speed Polarization ????????? GW Observed gw cosmology Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Neutrino Signals from the Early Universe the ultimate goal Cosmic microwave background • Neutrinos decoupled just prior to big bang nucleosynthesis, when the age of the universe was around 1s and the temperature around 1 MeV. • Their momentum distribution subsequently redshifted to an effective temperature Tn ~ 1.9 K, and they have an average density of ~ 300/cm3. • The direct detection of such low-energy neutrinos remains an ultimate challenge. Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Gravitational Waves from the Early Universe the ultimate goal Cosmic microwave background Maybe a Special New Experimant A. Vecchio Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Ultimate GW Stochastic Probes log Omega(f) -11 -12 -13 -14 -15 -16 3rd generation sensitivity limit (1yr) ? WD-WD NS-NS CLEAN LISA sensitivity limit (1yr) NS BH-MBH CORRUPTED -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 log f Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
10-18 MBH-MBH coalescences h LIGO 10-20 SN NS 10-22 LISA Unresolved Binaries 10-24 LISA II 50 000 km 10-26 Earth 90° 60° 103 10-7 10-3 101 10-5 10-1 Sun 90° Frequency [Hz] Future experiments in the “gap” (?) A. Vecchio Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy
Imagining the Future Reaching our Goals The morale of my story: “Comparing roadmaps for neutrinos & gravitational waves The key to the future will be investing enough resources in technological development and new detectors Imaging the Future: Graviational Wave Astronomy