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Mysteries of Of?p Stars: HD 108, HD 191612, and More

Explore the enigmatic characteristics of Of?p stars like HD 108, HD 191612, and others in this engaging talk by leading astronomers. Uncover their spectral types, binary nature, magnetic fields, X-ray emissions, and peculiar behaviors that continue to puzzle the scientific community. Delve into the intriguing observations, potential binary systems, and the quest to solve the mysteries surrounding these unique massive stars. Join the discourse on understanding these enigmatic celestial bodies in the vast universe.

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Mysteries of Of?p Stars: HD 108, HD 191612, and More

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  1. Conti Vreux HD 108 and the Other Peculiar Of?p Stars: Still Puzzling Peter, Jean-Marie, and the Massive Star Community Yaël Nazé (Liège University), Nolan R. Walborn (STScI), and Maxime Spano (Geneva Observatory)

  2. Outline of the talk Of?p, a long story… • HD108 • HD191612 • HD148937 • Others… • Conclusions

  3. Of?p, what is that for a spectral type ? • The Of?p zoo : • introducedby N.R. Walborn in 1972,1973 • principal defining Of?p characteristic:C III 4650 comparable to N III 4640 + narrow emission/PCyg in Balmer lines + asymmetric/PCyg HeI lines + peculiar wind lines in UV • Rare : 3 Galactic objects

  4. HD108 • My first job : • Jean-Marie : “I have a bunch of spectra” • CIII, H lines, HeI lines variable (+ HeII4686) • 4542 cst  apparent ST changes : O4f?p  O8.5fp(Nazé et al. 2001,2004) • Not so new : • Andrillat, Fehrenbach, Swings & Vreux 1973 “Observations recentes du spectre de HD108 (Of)” • Vreux & Conti 1979 “Spectral variations in the Of star HD108: are they periodic?” Yes, with about 55yrs !

  5. HD108 • What is it ? • Binary ? (Hutchings 1975, Aslanov & Barranikov 1989) • Expanding atmosphere ? (Andrillat et al. 1973) • Disc & jets ? (Underhill 1994) • Wind variations ? (Vreux & Conti 1979) • Disc & oscillations ? (Nazé et al. 2001) • Magnetically confined wind ? (Nazé et al. 2001) • XRB ? (Nazé et al. 2001) Prob. not No No ? ? ? ?

  6. HD108 XMM observations from Jean-Marie : • A soft X-ray spectrum (T1=0.2-0.3 keV – dominates!, T2=1-3keV) • Luminous, but log(Lx/Lbol)= –6.1 (Nazé et al. 2004)  Not an XRB !

  7. HD108 too ! HD191612 • Just as HD 108… • Spectral type : O6.5f?p  O8fp • LPV with P=538d • Photometric variations too ! • Binary with P=1540d (Walborn et al. 2003,2004, Nazé et al. 2007, Howarth et al. 2007 )

  8. 40% New HD191612 XMM, again… Nearly identical high-E spectra ! • Soft X-ray spectrum, with only ~30% of flux (0.5-10keV) in the high T • Broad lines (FWHM~1800km/s), overluminosity log(Lx/Lbol)= –6.1 to –6.2 • Variations! less X-rays when less visible emissions & star fainter (Nazé et al. 2007) is it phase-locked ? YES ! New XMM observation taken at the same phase in the LPV cycle, but at +1.6 in orbital phase

  9. - May 8 - May 12 - May 15 - May 20 HD148937 • Not just the same… • Spectral type : O6f?p • Not a binary : Indeed… see Conti et al. 1977 • LPV for HeII4686, H & H • Possible period : ~7d but sampling inadequate (Nazé et al. 2008a,b) New • Additional monitoring with Coralie • Amplitude of variations  from H to H • HeI5876 also variable ! • Period of ~7d confirmed ! • What about the photometry ?

  10. An answer ? • HD 191612 : detection of a magnetic field ! • Zeeman signature in metallic & HeI lines • line-of-sight component : -220 +/- 38 G (Donati et al. 2006) • HD148937 : • Line-of-sight component : -276 +/- 88 G (Hubrig et al. 2008) • What about HD 108 ? HD191612 New

  11. Others… • In the MCs : a few ones were detected (Heydari-Malayeri & Melnick 1992, Walborn et al. 2000, Massey & Duffy 2001)but are they similar to the Galactic ones ? • In the Galaxy : ONE MORE ! CPD-28°2561 (Barba & OWN survey team, 2008, in prep.) • Spectral variations similar to HD191612 • Period not yet identified due to lack of spectra New

  12. Of?p, unsolved mysteries Questions to be answered • Observationally : • Are they all magnetic ? Test HD108 & the new ones ! • What is the magnetic field geometry ? Monitor it ! • Are small-scale variations periodic too ? Make short-term monitoring of HD108 & HD191612 ! • Theoretically : • If LPV period = rotation period, is it possible to brake rotation up to 55yrs, as for HD108 ? • Where does the soft X-ray emission come from ? • Why is HD148937 the only one to have a nebula ? • Where does the strong CIII emission come from ?

  13. Concluding remarks by the president : « you did convince me, I temporarily maintain my scenario » Liege Colloquium 1996 President of the colloquium : « Andre, I am no longer sure my scenario is correct, what should I do ? » A. Maeder : « It’s too late to cancel everything… most of the participants are seated… some of them look agressive »

  14. Astronomy is a serious affair…but doing it in Belgium has advantages…Rendez-vous in 2010 !

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