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During these unprecedented times, our staff continues to follow recognized sanitation and sterilization techniques to insure the safest environment possible for our patients.<br><br>Please feel free to contact us with any questions or inquiries at http://planettooth.com. If you would like to schedule an appointment or visit, please let us know in the comments section of the form on this page or give us a call at 801.974.5437<br> <br>#pediatricdentist #childrendentist #kidsdentist #sedationdentist #sedationdentistry #cosmeticdentistry
COVID 19 UPDATE: AWARENESS Duringtheseunprecedentedtimesourstaffcontinues tofollow recognizedsanitationandsterilizationtechniquesto insurethesafest environmentpossibleforourpatients.Additionally anystaffwith symptomsofillnesshasbetoldtheyneedtostay home. Due to current circumstances and for the safety of the community we ask you help with the following. IF YOU OR YOUR FAMILY ARE NOT FEELING WELL, HAVE A COUGH OR FEVER, PLEASE CALL TO RESCHEDULE YOU APPOINTMENTS. 1 IF YOU HAVE FAMILY MEMBERS OR CLOSE CONTACTS THAT ATTEND HUNTER HIGH SCHOOL OR ENTHEOS ACADEMY PLEASE RESCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENTS AS PART OF THE QUARANTINE. 2 IT IS PREFERRED THAT YOU ONLY BRING CHILDREN THAT NEED TREATMENT LEAVING SIBLINGS AT HOME. 3 PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AT 801-974- 5437 WITH ANY QUESTIONS!! 4 SIT BACK, RELAX AND TRY TO MAKE THE MOST OF THESE UNPRECEDENTED TIMES. 5 WE ARE SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT. YOU ARE WONDERFUL PATIENTS AND WE ARE HONORED TO SERVE YOU!!! THANKS 6 https://planettooth.com/ 801-974-KIDS (5437)