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Using LibGuides and Classmarker for Content Delivery and Online Assessment in and Beyond the Classroom. Aaron Glenn Reference Librarian University of South Carolina Law Library. Legal research & “Flipping the Classroom”. Legal research & “Flipping the Classroom”.
Using LibGuides and Classmarker for Content Delivery and Online Assessment in and Beyond the Classroom Aaron Glenn Reference Librarian University of South Carolina Law Library
Legal research & “Flipping the Classroom” • Create a textbook that is focused on South Carolina Legal Research and can be updated quickly; • Create quizzes that can be taken outside-of-class, include robust statistics, and that provide immediate feedback; and • Increase the amount of class time that can be devoted to hands-on practice.
Creating an online textbook with libguides https://www.springshare.com/libguides/
For Example: • Circuit Riders Guide • LRAW Research Textbook
Creating Online quizzes with Classmarker https://www.classmarker.com/
Question types &Settings • Multiple Choice and True/False are the most useful for automatic grading purposes, with the possibility of Matching questions as well. • Free Text and Grammar questions rely on the instructor providing all of the acceptable answers, so these are more challenging to use. • The Essay question option does not allow for automatic grading. • Available Test Settings can be found on the Classmarker website.
Using the “Resume later” option • Prevents many issues related to tests that must be completed in one sitting, such as students who lost power, lost internet access, or closed the test accidentally.
Grading and Statistics • A quiz created in Classmarker can be assigned to multiple instructors, each with a unique link. • The results for each instructor are compiled separately, but can be compared to other instructors. • This includes the ability to compare the average score by question, allowing you to pinpoint troublesome questions. • Results can be easily exported to a CSV spreadsheet file.
Instructor View Email Confirmation for Student
2017: Amazon webServicesoutage Rebecca Hersher, Amazon And The $150 Million Typo, National Public Radio, (Apr. 3, 2017), https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/03/03/518322734/amazon-and-the-150-million-typo
Have a Backup Plan – Extent of the problem • If the outage is limited to one or more of your online platforms (LibGuides, Classmarker, BlackBoard, others), be prepared to provide documents and course materials on another platform or via email.
Have a Backup Plan – use alternate platforms • LibGuides allows you to create HTML backups of your guides, which can then be saved as PDF documents. • You can also create your own PDFs for readings in Adobe or Word. • If using video content, be prepared to offer access on another platform.
Have a Backup Plan – consider your syllabus • Address your policy for outages affecting individual students in your syllabus (such as power failures or equipment malfunction).
Syllabus considerations • Assignment and Question Deadlines • Anticipate that students may have technical difficulties or other circumstances may arise that prevent completion of an assignment. • Having a policy in place, including a deadline for asking questions on an assignment, will help avoid confusion and allow you to be fair in responding to these situations.
From the fall LRAW 2018 syllabus: • “Technology problems and Internet outages are not acceptable excuses for submitting late assignments or quizzes. As in law practice, you are responsible for anticipating possible computer problems by allowing sufficient time to deal with them. Test your computer before each deadline. Waiting until the last minute to finish an assignment is a good way to fare poorly in this course.”
Syllabus considerations • Technology • Make sure that students understand how to access your online content. • Try to anticipate questions students may have, and be mindful of new concerns that may arise. • Consider making a “practice quiz” available.
From the fall LRAW 2018 syllabus: • “When you submit the quiz, you will receive a confirmation email. This email is for your records only. If you do not receive a confirmation email, please check your email spam folder to verify that you have in fact completed the quiz.” • “While it is recommended that you complete the quiz in one sitting, you may save your results and resume work later. Answer order is randomized with each login, so double check your answers after returning to the quiz before final submission.”
Syllabus considerations - Cheating • Student Collaboration / Honor Code Concerns • Make clear that students may not discuss quiz questions or share quiz materials with other students before the assignment is due. • Know the restrictions you can place on your online quiz platform to make cheating more difficult. • Classmarker allows you to restrict printing options, randomize answers, and create time limits.
Revisiting The goal: • “This flipped classroom model exposes you to key concepts prior to class, through readings, examples, and demonstrations, so that you may spend your class time putting what you have learned to practice with your legal research professor there to guide you.”