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Macro-regional strategies laboratories for a new Europe

Macro-regional strategies laboratories for a new Europe. 18 April 2018 | Baltic Sea Labour Forum – Round Table | Riga.

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Macro-regional strategies laboratories for a new Europe

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  1. Macro-regional strategieslaboratories for a new Europe • 18 April 2018 | Baltic Sea Labour Forum – Round Table | Riga

  2. Macro-regional strategies focus on societal challenges that can’t be solved solely on local, regional or national levels but requires transnational cooperationinvolving stakeholders cross-sectorial and cross-borders. In Macro-regional strategies transnational cooperation is integrated in joint development processes Macro-regional strategies are complex initiatives, with multiple stakeholders, bringing different perspectives together, with multilevel governances as guiding principle. Macro-regional strategies Guiding principles

  3. Macro-regional strategies

  4. EUSBSR: Objectives, Policy Areas and Horizontal Actions Policy Areas and Horizontal Actions

  5. Flagships – development processes

  6. Gather stakeholders in a multilevel governance structures – stakeholders with capacity for development, implementation and providing sustainable impact. A mix of thematic working groups, networks and projects. Projects with different financing depending on the partnership and type of development. Macro-regional strategies Flagships– transnational development processes

  7. FLAGSHIP LEADER Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions Sweden Structure NEETs Knowledge platform Norden Association Sweden EARLY SCHOOL LEAVING Knowledge platform City of Turku Finland INTEGRATION OF REFUGEES Knowledge platform City of Turku Finland Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and Evaluation Thematic working groups Thematic working groups Thematic working groups Capacity building Capacity building Capacity building Projects Projects Projects

  8. EUSBSR PA Education – in brief Photo taken from www.ithinkwell.org

  9. Education Research Employability Integration ofnewlyarrivedrefugees EUSBSR PA Education – in brief 4 policy areas 2 policy area coordinators • Sabine Hahn (Hamburg) • Anders Bergström (Norden Association in Sweden) 5 actions • Reducing the rates of early school leaving and smoothening transition from school to work • Improving the quality of VET and Higher Education through work based learning and fostering entrepreneurial mind sets • International excellence in higher education and research • A labour market for all and using resources of longer lives • Recognising potential – easing the way for migrants

  10. More information Sabine Hahn sabine.hahn@hibb.hamburg.de Anders Bergström anders.bergstrom@norden.se Nino Simic nino.simic@norden.se Website http://groupspaces.com/eusbsr-education/ Twitter https://twitter.com/bsreducation

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