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Algorithmic Software Verification

This review covers algorithmic software verification techniques, including model checking, predicate abstraction, and abstracting modular programs using LTL/CTL automata and regular verification methods. It also discusses the challenges faced in verifying context-free properties.

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Algorithmic Software Verification

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  1. Algorithmic Software Verification Rajeev Alur University of Pennsylvania ARO Review, May 2005

  2. Software Model Checking Observables Predicate abstraction Finite-state Boolean vars Abstractor Code Model LTL/CTL/Automata Regular! Verifier Counter-example Specification Yes On-the-fly explicit state Or Symbolic fixpoint evaluation

  3. Abstracting Modular Programs Program Recursive State Machine (RSM)/ Pushdown automaton main() { bool y; … x = P(y); … z = P(x); … } bool P(u: bool) { … return Q(u); } bool Q(w: bool) { if … else return P(~w) } A1 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 Box (function-calls) A3 A1 Entry/Inputs Exit/outputs

  4. Software Model Checking Predicate abstraction Observables Recursive State Machines Abstractor Code Model LTL/CTL/Automata Regular! Verifier Counter-example Specification Yes On-the-fly explicit state (see poster for VERA)

  5. LTL Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL) Q ::- p | not Q | Q or Q’ | Next Q | Always Q | Eventually Q | Q Until Q’ Interpreted over (infinite) sequences. Models of any LTL formula is a regular language. Useful for stating sequencing properties: • If req happens, then req holds until it is granted: Always ( req → (req Until grant) ) • An exception is never raised: Always ( not Exception )

  6. LTL is not expressive enough LTL cannot express: • Classical Hoare-style pre/post conditions • If p holds when procedure A is invoked, q holds upon return • Total correctness: every invocation of A terminates • Integral part of emerging standard JML • Stack inspection properties For security/access control • If a setuuid bit is being set, process root must be in the call stack Above requires matching of calls with returns, or finding unmatched calls --- Context-free properties!

  7. Context-free specifications But model-checking context-free properties against context-free models is Undecidable. However, the properties described are verifiable. • Existing work in security that handles some stack inspection properties[JMT99,JKS03] • Adding assert statements in the program (with additional local variables, if needed), and then checking regular properties (e.g. reachability) amounts to checking context-free properties

  8. CARET CARET: A temporal logic for Calls and Returns Expresses context-free properties A B C A …………. Global successor used by LTL

  9. CARET CARET: A temporal logic for Calls and Returns Expresses context-free properties A B C D …………. Global successor used by LTL Local successor: Jump from calls to returns Otherwise global successor at the same level

  10. CARET CARET: A temporal logic for Calls and Returns Expresses context-free properties A B C A …………. Global successor used by LTL Local successor: Jump from calls to returns Otherwise global successor at the same level

  11. CARET CARET: A temporal logic for Calls and Returns Expresses context-free properties Local path A B C A …………. Global successor used by LTL Local successor: Jump from calls to returns Otherwise global successor at the same level

  12. CARET CARET: A temporal logic for Calls and Returns Expresses context-free properties A B C A …………. Global successor used by LTL Local successor: Jump from calls to returns Otherwise global successor at the same level Caller modality: Jump to the caller of the current module Defined for every node except top-level nodes

  13. CARET CARET: A temporal logic for Calls and Returns Expresses context-free properties A B C A Caller path gives the stack content! …………. Global successor used by LTL Abstract successor: Jump from calls to returns Otherwise global successor at the same level Caller modality: Jump to the caller of the current module Defined for every node except top-level nodes

  14. CARET Definition Syntax: Q ::- p | not Q | Q or Q’ | Next Q | Always Q | Eventually Q | Q Until Q’ Local-Next Q | Local-always Q Local-Eventually Q | Q Local-Until Q’ Caller Q | Callerpath-always Q CallerPath-Eventually Q | Q CallerPath-Until Q’ • Local- and Caller- versions of all temporal operators • All these operators can be nested

  15. Expressing properties in Caret • Pre-post conditions • If P holds when A is called, then Q must hold when the call returns Always ( (P and call-to-A) Local-Next Q ) Q P A Pre-post conditions are integral to specifications for JML (Java Modeling Language)

  16. Expressing properties in Caret • If A is called with low priority, then it cannot access the file Always ( call-to-A and low-priority Local-Always ( not access-file ) ) A lowpriority A highpriority access-file

  17. Expressing properties in Caret Stack inspection properties If variable x is accessed, then A must be on the call stack Always ( access-to-x CallerPath-Eventually call-to-A ) A access-to-x

  18. Model checking CARET • Given: A (boolean) recursive state machine/ pushdown automaton M A CARET formula Q • Model-checking: Do all runs of M satisfy the specification Q? CARET can be model-checked in time that is polynomial in M and exponential in Q. |M|3 . 2O(|Q|) Complexity same as that for LTL !

  19. Model-checking CARET: intuition Main Idea: • The specification matches calls and returns of the program. • Hence the push (pop) operations of the model and the specifications synchronize • Given M and formula Q, • Build a Buchi pushdown automaton that accepts words exhibited by M that satisfy (not Q) • Check this pushdown automaton for emptiness • Specification automaton also pushes onto the stack! Local-Next Q1 Pop s and Q1 ; Check Q1 s Push s and Q1 s, Q1

  20. Can we generalize the idea? LTL Regular Languages CARET ? Must be a superset of CARET Must be model-checkable against pushdown models

  21. Generalizing the idea • Structured words: Partitioned alphabet: Σ = Spush Spop Sinternal • Consider finite words over Σ • A visibly pushdown automaton over Σ is a pushdown automaton that • pushes a symbol onto the stack on a letter in Spush • pops the stack on a letter in Spop • cannot change the stack on a letter in Sinternal Note: Stack size at any time is determined by the input wordbut not the stack content

  22. Visibly pushdown languages (VPL) • A language is a VPL over a partitioned alphabet Σ, if there is a visibly pushdown automata that accepts it (acceptance by final state) CARET is contained in VPL Model-checking: • CARET Q  VPL LQ • Pushdown model M  VPL LM • M satisfies Q iff LM LQ =  (Emptiness of pushdown automata is decidable) VPL is closed under boolean operations: union, intersection and complement

  23. VPL • VPLs are also determinizable (Consequence: Runtime monitors for CARET/VPL can be built) • We have also extended this class to languages of infinite words. DCFL VPL Regular Lang CFL

  24. VPL Emptiness Inclusion L Regular Yes Yes Yes NLOG CFL Yes No No PTIME Undec DCFL Undec No No Yes PTIME Yes Yes Yes Exptime VPL PTIME

  25. VPL: Connection to tree languages • Let w = i5c1i1 c2i4 i3 i3 r3c1i1 r1r5i5 i3 i5 c1 r5 i1 Stack trees i5 c2 i3 r3 i4 i3 c1 i3 i1 r1

  26. VPL: Connection to tree languages Tree-language characterization: Let L be a set of strings and let ST(L) be the set of stack trees that correspond to L. Then L is a VPL iff ST(L) is a regular tree language

  27. VPL is robust Visibly pushdown languages • Regular • stack-trees • Monadic second order logic with a matching predicate • Context-free Grammar Subset (generalizes Knuth’s Parantheses Languages)

  28. ω-VPL - extension to infinite words • A Büchi VPA: • VPA over infinite strings • A word is accepted if along a run, the set QF is seen infinitely often • ω-VPL – class of languages accepted by Büchi VPAs • ω-VPL is closed under all boolean operations Characterization using regular trees and MSO characterization hold. • However, ω-VPLs are not determinizable! • Let L be the set of all words such that the stack is “repeatedly bounded” i.e. n. the stack depth is n infinitely often. • L is an ω-VPLbut there is no deterministic Muller VPA for it.

  29. “Regular-like” properties continue.. • Congruences and minimization (Myhill-Nerode Theorem) cornerstone of theory of regular languages • Given a language L, for well-matched words u and v, define u ~L v iff for all words x and y, xuy in L iff xvy in L • Theorem: A language L of well-matched words is a VPL iff the congruence ~L is of finite index • Minimization • No unique minimal deterministic VPA in general, but… • Minimization of RSMs (i.e. procedural boolean programs) possible. Partitioning into k procedures/modules is adequate to get canonicity!

  30. Conclusions • Exposing calls and returns leads to an interesting subclass of context-free languages • VPLs seem robust and adequate to model software analysis problems • Publications: TACAS’04, STOC’04, TACAS’05, ICALP’05 • Coauthors: S. Chaudhuri, K. Etessami, V. Kumar, P. Madhusudan, M. Viswanathan • Active area of current research • DTDs, XML, and query languages • Branching-time logics, Fixpoint calculus, and visibly pushdown tree automata

  31. New Foundations for Software Model Checking Observable Calls/rets Predicate abstraction Recursive State machines+ Boolean vars Abstractor Code Model Caret/VPAs/VPm VPLs Verifier Counter-example Specification Yes On-the-fly explicit state Or Symbolic fixpoint evaluation

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