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Cincinnati History Unit 2: Organization and Settlement of Ohio. The Northwest Territory. Close of the War of Independence A. Treaty of Paris – 1783 – Ended the war between the American colonists and British. * British gave up control of the Northwest Territory
Cincinnati History Unit 2: Organization and Settlement of Ohio
The Northwest Territory • Close of the War of Independence A. Treaty of Paris – 1783 – Ended the war between the American colonists and British. * British gave up control of the Northwest Territory * The rich Ohio region was now part of the U.S. * The Articles of Confederation did not include a plan to expand..and this created growing pains for the new nation.
II. Claims of the States • Disputes over ownership of the Northwest Territory * American Indians felt it was there land * Several states felt they had legally claimed the region • Other states felt that the land belonged to the nation as a whole to be shared among all states. • Three Things Had to be Decided.. • What to do about the Native Americans • What to do about previous States claims on the land • How to provide for the settlement and government of the land.
III. Articles of Confederation • In order to approve the Articles..states had to agree to give up claims…except • Land between the Little Miami and Scioto Rivers = Virginia Military District (Va. Controlled) • Western Reserve or “The Firelands” – IN northern Ohio given to migrants from Connecticut for their homes being burned in the war. • The remaining parts of the land became known as the Northwest Territory under the jurisdiction of the U.S. government…and officially became a territory – land that is part of the country, but not yet a state.
IV. Native Americans • Treaties were made with Indian tribes separately…the Iriquois gave up all lands north of the Ohio River = Treaty of Fort Stanwix. • Wyandots, Delaware, Chippewas, and the Ottowas gave up central Ohio, but were given a reservation in northern Ohio, • Indian Reservation – Government owned land set aside for Indians. • Shawnee agreed to be moved to lands between the Great Miami and Wabash Rivers. • Temporary solution as the Indians continued to fight for their traditional lands.
V. The Need For Action • After the Revolutionary War thousands moved into the region…with no legal claims to the land. • Speculators – People who buy or sell something that has a large risk..in the hopes of getting a large gain. • Speculators were “buying” up land in this region hoping to be able to cash in.
Land Ordinance of 1785 • Divided the NW Territory into square parts called townships. • Each township was 6 miles square • Each township divided into 36 smaller parts called sections. • Each section was 640 acres. • All land in the NW Territory was to be sold and min purchase was 640 acres.
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 • Government of the NW Territory was to be…Governor, Secretary, and 3 Judges who were appointed by U.S. Government • 5,000 male voters = law making body elected • 60,000 male voters = Statehood allowed. • 3-5 states allowed to form out of the NW Territory.’
Also promised religious freedom, and the right to trial by jury. All new states held the same power as original 13. No slaves, and schools to be provided.
II. The First Settlements • The Ohio Company 1. Founded by a group of soldiers from Massachusetts 2. General Rufus Putnam – Superintendent of the Ohio Company. 3. Agent – Person who represents the company. * Manasseh Cutler was the Ohio Company’s agent in Ohio..and helped write the Northwest Ordinance.
Ohio Company’s Purchase • 1.5 million acres of land in southeast Ohio. • Price was supposed to be $1 million, but the company only about $120,000.
Marietta – 1st Settlement • Settlers arrived in April 1788. • Named their settlement Marietta, after France’s Queen Mary Antoinette • Cleared land for farming • Built a fort on top of an ancient mound. • Fort was made by placing log cabins side by side with blockhouses - buildings with loopholes to shoot from – on the 4 corners.
Oldest building in all of the Northwest Territory is the Ohio Company Land Office in Marietta, Ohio.
Other Ohio Settlements • Per our Previous Discussions… • Symmes Purchase – 1788 • Cincinnati – Settlers arrived December 1788. • North Bend – Established Jan 1789 by John Symmes
Gallipolis • Large piece of land to the west of the Ohio Company’s lands.. • Agents went to France to sell pieces of land to Frenchman looking to avoid the French Revolution. • French were tricked…they bought land that actually belonged to the Ohio Company.. • Had very few cabins in the wilderness
III. The Fight for the Land A. Indian Resistance * Indians had never accepted the white mans treaties. * Blue Jacket (Shawnee) & Little Turtle (Miami) tried to stop the settlers from moving into the region. * The NW territory became a very dangerous place. Indian attacks became very common.
B. The 1st Campaign • 1,400 US Soldiers gathered at Ft. Washington in 1790. • Destroy the Indian stronghold in Ft. Wayne, In. • Destroyed several Indian village food supplies’ • Walked into an ambush – Surprise attack where they were badly defeated.
C. The 2nd Campaign • Loss in the 1st battle led to an increase in Indian attacks against settlers. • 3,000 under trained and under supplied soldiers sent to battle the Indians in Ft. Recovery, Oh. • Same outcome..Bluejacket and Little Turtle led Indians to victory which further inspired their efforts to resist the settlers.
D. Wayne’s Campaign • American General, Mad Anthony Wayne picked by President Washington to deal with the natives once and for all. • 2,500 well prepared & well trained soldiers. • Gen. Wayne moved his army from Ft. Washington to Greenville, Oh…built a fort and stayed the winter to continue training. • Moved on to build another fort…Ft. Recovery…same spot as 2nd campaign’s defeat.
July 1794 – Wayne moved north to the Maumee River area..Ft. Defiance • Sent one last offer of peace to the Native American leaders. • Little Turtle wanted peace, but the other Native leaders felt they could continue to win battles vs the white army.
E. Battle of Fallen Timbers • Wayne met the Indians in battle at Fallen Timbers (Mich-Oh border) • Wayne’s forces soundly defeated the Natives..who were now ready to stop fighting.
F. Treaty of Greenville • The meeting took over 1 year to plan. • 1,100 Natives showed up to Ft. Greenville for the peace meeting with General Wayne. • Representatives from all major tribes in the NW Territory attended. • Northwestern Ohio was given to the Natives. They also got $20k worth of goods and $9,500 per year in payments from the government.
IV. Ohio Grows • More Settlers • The danger of Indian attacks was gone. • 1795 All of the Western Reserve was put up for sale. • Connecticut Land Company bought 120 miles of Lake Erie shoreline • Moses Cleveland founded the city eventually called Cleveland.
B. Other Settlements • Steubenville – Founded in 1797 by German and Scottish/Irish settlers from Pa. • Dayton – Formed where Mad River and Great Miami River meet. • Chillicothe – Founded by people from the Va. Military District. Became Ohio’s 1st state capital.
C. Zane’s Trace • All settlement had been done via Ohio river or Lake Erie • 1796 – U.S. Government contracted with Zane Trace to build a road in Ohio. • Started as a path that was eventually widended to be wide enough for wagons. • Wheeling, Wva in to Maysville, Ky then crossed into Ohio passing through Cambridge, Zanesville, Lancaster, and Chillicothe.