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A sample selection of a phase 1 Mantek Lubemaster Gear Oil Seminar

A sample selection of a phase 1 Mantek Lubemaster Gear Oil Seminar. Advanced Lubrication Technology -Gear Oil-. MANTEK. R. Four Benefits of this Seminar. Awareness of gear oil ’ s necessity Know-how behind common equipment problems

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A sample selection of a phase 1 Mantek Lubemaster Gear Oil Seminar

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  1. A sample selection of a phase 1 Mantek Lubemaster Gear Oil Seminar

  2. Advanced Lubrication Technology -Gear Oil-

  3. MANTEK R Four Benefits of this Seminar • Awareness of gear oil’s necessity • Know-how behind common equipment problems • Problem-solving power of gear oil • Benefits of flushing your system


  5. MANTEK R The gear box and transmission can be the most neglected components on heavy equipment

  6. MANTEK R Unfortunately, they are susceptible to many costly problems...

  7. MANTEK R Severe gear tooth damage - due to inefficient lubrication

  8. MANTEK R Oil Viscosity The Single Most Important Feature of a Lubricating Oil Measurement of the internal friction of a fluid(Absolute) or Measurement of the flow rate of a liquid at a certain temperature( Kinematic or Absolute  Density )

  9. MANTEK R ? Why is it Important?

  10. Viscosity MANTEK R 30°C 30°C 30°C High viscosity move more slowly Low viscosity oils flow freely Medium viscosity At constant temperature …

  11. Viscosity MANTEK R Viscosity of oil is affected by temperature • Low viscosity recommended for low temperatures • High viscosity for higher temperatures Oil will thin out when heated and thicken in cold temperatures

  12. Viscosity MANTEK R Oil Viscosity Index • Measures the rate at which the viscosity of oil (thickness) changes in relationship to changes in operating temperatures. • The higher the viscosity index (V.I.), the more the oil keeps the same viscosity when operating temperatures change.

  13. Viscosity MANTEK R More resistantto change in thickness with variations in temperature Better lubricating quality Above 100 usually indicates multi viscosity oils 200 High quality single grade oils Viscosity Index 100 0 Less resistanttochange in thickness with variations in temperature Poorer lubricating quality

  14. Viscosity MANTEK R Monograde Gear Oils • Viscosity measured at 100°C • The lower the number, the thinner the oil • Typical examples of Grades are SAE 50, SAE 90 and SAE 140. • The Viscosity Index will typically be less than 100

  15. Viscosity MANTEK R 80w refers to the oils viscosity at low temperature so that it does not thicken too much 90 refers to the oil viscosity at high temperature so that is does not thin too much 80w90 Multi-Grade Gear Oils • Contain viscosity improvers(limit the oil’s tendency to thin as it gets hotter). • Measured at two different temperatures to tell you how the oil behaves when both hot and cold. • The Viscosity Index will be greater than 100 This example is for a multi-grade transmission (gear) oil

  16. Viscosity MANTEK R Typical Viscosity-Temperature relationship for an SAE 10w-30 oil Thicker Kinematic Viscosity cSt SAE 10w-30 SAE 30 Oil SAE 10w Oil Thinner -30 -10 0 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 Temp Deg C

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