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Larry Weber Chairman and CEO W2 Group, Inc.

Pandemonium. Larry Weber Chairman and CEO W2 Group, Inc. Pandemonium and the Rise of Digital Influence. Podcasting. 25,000 Podcasts in June 2005. In Thousands. Source: Technology Review October 2005. Blogging. 80,000 Blogs in July 2005. RSS.

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Larry Weber Chairman and CEO W2 Group, Inc.

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  1. Pandemonium Larry Weber Chairman and CEO W2 Group, Inc.

  2. Pandemonium and the Rise of Digital Influence

  3. Podcasting 25,000 Podcasts in June 2005 In Thousands Source: Technology Review October 2005

  4. Blogging 80,000 Blogs in July 2005

  5. RSS More than 1 million RSS feeds were added in March and April.

  6. Why is he Smiling?

  7. He’s In Control • Favorite bloggers filter his news • With RSS he picks what he reads • He opts-in to Web and pod casts • He belongs to a private social network

  8. You Want it Back! • You want your ads astride his news • You want to own his first brand impression • His webcasts/podcasts are your advertorials • You want to monetize his RSS feeds

  9. You’ll Never Get it All Back • He can drop feeds at any time • He’ll expose the blogger and it’s over • He’ll smell a rat and tell everyone • He will leave if he feels pushed • You’ll put ads in RSS feeds • You’ll get bloggers to endorse your product • You’ll make a great advertorial podcast • You’ll host a party for his social network

  10. Some Have Tried • McDonald’s fake blog to support Super Bowl ad • Blogsphere reaction was terse: not lovin’ it • Lesson: It has to be real!

  11. Some Have Tried • Mazda’s fake blog to support M3 car launch • Blogsphere hated it: blog removed • Lesson: Be transparent!

  12. Some Are Trying • Bzz Agents pass along opinions; receive free stuff • Some claim it’s disingenuous and/or dishonest • Lesson: You can’t hide the point of origin

  13. Some Are Trying • Burger King goes back to viral well • Many wonder if it really helps the brand? • Lesson: There’s a fine line between cool and cloying

  14. Some Are Trying • Wash Post puts ads in its feeds • No agreement on whether it will be viable model • Many wonder about a backlash • Lesson: Stay tuned!

  15. So What’s To Be Done Morph!

  16. Morphing 101 GOALS Stronger dialogue Compelling content Reach fewer, better Loyalty/rewards Transparency Morph!

  17. Morphing 101 STRATEGIES Embrace consumer generated media Tap power of citizen journalism Use “unpaid” media (and be creative) Use paid media wisely Morph!

  18. Morphing 101 TACTICS OVERVIEW Induce customers to generate content Monitor and engage citizen journalists Form communities people want to join Use paid media to drive the above Morph!

  19. Morphing 101 SUCCESS MEASURES Share of conversation Engagement Tone of digital discourse Real market share Relate all above to actual sales, etc. Morph!

  20. Morphed Marketer’s Platform Data & Analytics Relationship Engine Digital Communications Interfaces • CMO Dashboard Custom Micro sites

  21. A Blend of Paid & Unpaid Paid Unpaid Ads/Sponsorships • TV/iTV • Magazines • Out-of-home • Online/RSS • Mobile/SMS • Conferences • Experiential events • In-Game Wireless • SMS • Podcasting • Mobile RSS Online • Webinars • Weblogs/Vlogs • Social networks • 2nd gen. website • Podcasting • RSS • Micro sites Direct/Collateral • Mailers • Interactive email

  22. A New Environment Seamless travel between physical and virtual A true social web Consumer enters or leaves at will Requires a new set of skills and discipline

  23. A New Environment New media doesn’t replace mass media – it’s just less expensive The mix changes for every brand Some constants: RSS is now a major delivery vehicle, rich media engages, real opinions are catalytic

  24. Morphing Already: Webisodes • Unilever: no TV/print spots for Spray launch • Animated Webisodes • Start w/smart email campaign; tell-a-friend link • Lesson: The big ships are turning Flash-enabled Micro site

  25. Morphing Already: SMS • Harper Collins’ campaign for Princess Diaries • SMS-based; support with print ads • Flytxt gives HC real-time subscriber info • Lesson: Paid and unpaid co-exist

  26. Morphing Already: Micro sites • Akamai wants to tell a richer story • PR campaign built around rich media micro site • Seed with smart email; drive traffic with media coverage • Lesson: Not just for consumer brands Flash-enabled Micro site

  27. Morphing Already: CGM • American Airlines micro site for Why You Fly campaign • Contest: real flyer’s videos and pictures • AA ad campaign mimics home videos • Lesson: Consumers provide free video (brand impressions)

  28. Morphing Already: RSS • NYC-based realtor RSS feeds everything • One-click to add RSS feed on every page • User’s choice: from news to open houses • Lesson: You’ve morphed when your brand awareness is regarded as service

  29. Morphing Already: Podcasting • IBM podcasts fresh thought leadership • 21 minutes is all they ask • RSS feeds connect IBM to podsphere • Lesson: Podcasting is not for consumer brands alone

  30. Morphing Already: LMN • Verizon’s“Location-aware” media networking • User-generate mobile content; based on proximity/interest • Like blogging, but wireless • Lesson: Blogging was only the tip of the social web explosion

  31. Morphing Already: MeTV Pro-Am Production Daily episodes w/ loyal following Sponsorship! Syndicated ads!

  32. So What’s Next? TV TV Moblogs, SMS, location based Advervision in Prime Time 1,000+ channels of Pro-Am TV (Google Video Upload??) Biz/ Commerce Sites Breaking News Blogs/ Vlogs Totally paid-for content; syndicated revenue model RSS-fed life portals… still battling

  33. Pandemonium Larry Weber Chairman and CEO W2 Group, Inc.

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