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Beowulf Vocabulary. Lair. lair [lar] n. home or resting place, esp. of a wild animal. Lament. lament [lə ment] n. expression of sorrow or grief. Loathsome. loathsome [lothsəm] adj. extremely disgusting; repulsive; offensive. Purge.
Lair • lair [lar] n. home or resting place, esp. of a wild animal
Lament • lament [lə ment] n. expression of sorrow or grief
Loathsome • loathsome [lothsəm] adj. extremely disgusting; repulsive; offensive
Purge • purge [purj] v. to cleanse or rid of whatever is unclean or undesirable
Reparation • reparation [rep´ə ra shən] n. act of giving satisfaction or making amends, as for a wrong or an injury
Reprisal • reprisal [ri pr ̄zəl] n. retaliation against an enemy for injuries or losses suffered, with the intent of inflicting equal or greater injury
Solace • solace [solis] n. relief from sorrow or disappointment; comfort; consolation End Of First Set
Exulting • Exulting [i zultin] adj. rejoicing greatly
Fetters • Fetters [fetərz] n. anything that confines or restrains
Host • host [ho ̄ st] n. large number; multitude
Imperious • imperious [im pe ̄re ̄ əs] adj. dictatorial; domineering; overbearing
Surging • surging [surj in] adj. moving with a violent, heaving, swelling motion End second set
Bolt bolt [bo ̄ lt] v. to break away from control; start and run off
Hoary hoary [hore ̄] adj. venerable; ancient
Livid livid [livid] adj. having a grayish-blue coloration from a bruise
Reproach reproach [ri pro ̄ ch] n. act of reproaching; blame; reproof
Skulk skulk [skulk] v. to move in a furtive or stealthy manner
Venemous venomous [ venəməs] adj. able to inflict a poisonous wound, esp. by biting or stinging; secreting and transmitting venom