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Changing Leadership Roles in Church Planting

Changing Leadership Roles in Church Planting. The Changing Roles of Church Planting leadership. New Way. Old Way . Telling (Expert) Do-it-yourself (Lone Ranger ) Event- orientation Believe-Belong Pastoral model Information Speaking Start with Chr. culture Zentripetal.

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Changing Leadership Roles in Church Planting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Changing Leadership Roles in Church Planting

  2. The ChangingRolesofChurch Plantingleadership New Way Old Way • Telling (Expert) • Do-it-yourself (Lone Ranger) • Event-orientation • Believe-Belong • Pastoral model • Information • Speaking • Start with Chr. culture • Zentripetal • Listening (Learner) • Do-it-with-others (Missional community) • Relational-orientation • Belong-Believe • Missionary model • Transformation • Serving • Start withsecul. Culture • Zentrifugal

  3. The tencommandmentsofchurchplanters • Thoushalt not do counseling • Thoushalt not givethyselftoadministration • Thoushalt not spendmuch time behind a studydesk • Thoushaltchangeleadership style as the churchgrows • Thoushaltemphasizediscipleship and leadershipdevelopment • Thoushaltexpectthypreachingtochangelives • Thoushaltseek the Lord morethan His blessings • Thoushaltremain a studentofcontemporarysociety • Thoushaltpractice the spiritual disciplines • Thoushalt plant churchesthat plant churches

  4. Fourareasofleadershipfocus 1. Evangelism / Disciple-Making 2. Training Workers 3. Leadership Training 4. Administration / Organisation • (50 - 70 %)

  5. ChangingleadershipRols in the Plant The roleofthechurchplanter • Ophthalmologist (eyespecialist): Liveswith bi-focals. • Nanny: Doesmosteverythinghimself. • Personal trainer: Enablesothersto live asdisciplestoserve. • Mentor: Raisesupleaderswhoservetheirpeople. • Coach: Focuses on areaministryleadersguidesthem. • Remodler: Mustrevampoutlivedstructuresthatinhibitgrowth. • Rancher: Leads paidstaffwho intern shepherdlayministryarealeaders. Size of a church plant 0 people 15 people 25 people 50 people 100 people 150 people 200 people

  6. The Challenge in Europe – Goingfromgoodtogreatchurchplanting

  7. Good Church Planting Daughter Church Mother Church Daughter Church Daughter Church

  8. Great Church Planting . . . 4rd Genera- tion . . . 4rd Genera- tion . . . . . . 3rd Genera- tion 4rd Genera- tion . . . 3rd Genera- tion . . . 2nd Genera- tion 3rd Genera- tion 4rd Genera- tion 4rd Genera- tion 3rd Genera- tion 2nd Genera- tion 2nd Genera- tion 1st Genera- tion Mother Church 1st Genera- tion 2nd Genera- tion 3rd Genera- tion 2nd Genera- tion 3 years 3 years 3 years

  9. New Disciplines are needed for church planting multiplication • The Discipline of Vision Casting for CPM • The Disciplines of Prayer and Sabbath • The Discipline of a Multiplication Coordinator • The Discipline of bi-focal vision • The Discipline of Leadership multiplication • The Discipline of congregation-wide Missional practices

  10. Barriers to Church Planting Multiplication • Christian Consumerism • Denominational Resistance • Moral Failure • MyopicMinistry • Pastoral Change • Economic Down-Turn

  11. QuestionstoPonder • Whichof the 6 Disciplines do weneed the most? Why? • What personal pricewould I havetopaytosee a CPM cometolife? • Withwhomcan I partnertosee a CPM happen? • Whatonethingdo I intendtoactualizeas a resultofthissession?

  12. Can youseeit? On a continentwheredeathhasreigned – Christ will reign and rulethrough a greatmovementofchurchplantingmultiplication!

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