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LEED. SUSTAINABLE SITES Fei Cui Xiao & Whitney Osterhout. SUSTAINABLE SITES. LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES. 3 points. Intent: To encourage tenants to select buildings with best practices systems and employed green strategies. REQUIRERMENTS.
LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES Fei Cui Xiao & Whitney Osterhout
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 3 points Intent: To encourage tenants to select buildings with best practices systems and employed green strategies. REQUIRERMENTS Option 1: Locate the tenant space in a LEED- Certified Building Option 2:: Use any combination of Options A through L to earn up to 3 Points Submittal: Option 1: Copy of the core building LEED certification document Option 2: Submittal documentation for Options A through L varies. See SSc1A-SSc1L for submittal information SITE SELECTION-SSc1
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to rehabilitate damaged sites and reduce pressure on undeveloped land. REQUIRERMENTS: occupy a space that has been… • - Developed on a contaminated site • - Classified as a Brownfield by a local, state or federal agency • - Perceived as contaminated and has been remediate prior to development SITE SELECTION-BROWNFEILD REDEVLOPMENT-SSc1A SUBMITTAL: any of the following… • - Documentation of contamination: a copy of applicable sections of ASTM E1903-97 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment • - Letter from a local, state or federal regulatory agency confirming that the site is classified as a Brownfield • - Description and documentation describing and site contamination that has been remediate prior to development Listing of remedial measures taken to protect the environment including: • - list of prior damage or contamination • - area of the site affected by the damage or contamination • - remedial measures taken
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to limit disruption and pollution of natural water flows REQUIRERMENTS: occupy a space whose location, prior to development, was either… • - Less than or equal to 50% impervious and has implemented a stormwater management plan that equals or does not exceed the predevelopment peak discharge rate and quantity for 1.5/24 hour design storms • - Greater than 50% predevelopment impervious and stormwater runoff volume was reduced by 25% from the 1.5 year/24 hour design storm. SITE SELECTION-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT-RATE AND QUANITY-SSc1B SUBMITTAL: • - Confirmation that requirements have been met depending on the existing site’s amount of imperviousness • - Information regarding project surfaces, including the surface type and the are in square feet KEY TERMS • - Constructed Wetlands • - Detention Ponds • - Filtration basins • - Impervious Surfaces • - Infiltration basins and trenches • - Porous pavement and permeable surfaces • - Stormwater runoff • - Total phosphorous TP • - Total suspended solids TSS • - Vegetated filter strips and grassed swales
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: To reduce disruption of natural water flows by increasing on site infiltration REQUIRERMENTS: • - Occupy a building that has stormwater treatment systems in place designed to remove 80% of the average annual site area TSS and 40% of the annual site area TP • - Comply with BMPs in chapter 4 Part 2 of the U.S EPAs Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters, January 1993, or the local standard, whichever is more stringent. SITE SELECTION-STORMWATER MANAGEMENT-TREATMENT-SSc1C SUBMITTAL: • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - Confirmation of which is more stringent in regard to stormwater management: the local standard or the EPA standard • - Description of stormwater management design as it relates to treatment, including calculations to support TP and TSS removal
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: To minimize impact on microclimate and habitat REQUIRERMENTS: • - Option 1 – reflective paving, shading and/or open grid pavement • Occupying a building that, for 30% of the site’s non-roof impervious surfaces, provides any combination of.. • - shade (within 5 years) • - paving materials with an SRI of at least 30 • - open grid pavement system • - Option 2 – covered parking 50 % of the parking spaces most be under cover • - Option 3 – Open grid pavement systems only: • 50 % of the parking area uses an open grid pavement system (less than 50 % impervious) SITE SELECTION-HEAT ISLAND EFFECT-NON-ROOF-SSc1D SUBMITTAL: • OPTION 1 • - Drawing of project site providing information regarding paving materials and/or landscape materials • - square footage of all non-roof hardscape surfaces in square feet • - square footage of all hardscape surfaces with open grid pavement that are at least 50 % pervious • - Square footage of all hardscape features with an SRI of at least 30 • - Square footage of hardscape shaded by trees or other landscape features • - Information regarding the SRI of paving materials used including • - manufacturer - product name • - product ID - reflectance • - emittance - SRI value
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES • OPTION 2 • - Drawing of project site providing information regarding covered parking • - Total number of parking spaces provided • - Total number of parking spaces that are under cover • OPTION 3 • - Drawing of project site providing information regarding the open-grid paving materials • - Square footage of all non-roof hardscape surfaces in square feet • - Square footage of all hardscape surfaces with open grid pavement that are at least 50% pervious SUBMITTAL: SITE SELECTION-HEAT ISLAND EFFECT-NON-ROOF-SSc1D CONTINUED…
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: To minimize impact on microclimate and habitat REQUIRERMENTS: OPTION 1: Reflective roofing materials - Meet SRI requirements, depending on slope: - Low slope: 75% of roof surface area with slope less that 2:12 must be covered with materials with an SRI greater that 78 - Steep slope: 75% of roof surface area with slope greater than or equal to 2:12 must be covered with materials with an SRI greater than 29 OPTION 2: Green Roof - Occupy a space with a vegetated roof installed for at least 50% of the roof area OPTION 3: Combined reflective roof and green roof - Occupy a space with an installed roof where the following calculation is true for the total roof area a total roof, high albedo surface area, ASRI roof and vegetated roof area, Avegetated roof SITE SELECTION-HEAT ISLAND EFFECT-NON-ROOF-SSc1E SUBMITTAL: total square footage project roof • OPTION 1: • - Drawing of project site providing information regarding installed roofing materials • - Square footage of all low-sloped roofing materials with a minimum SRI of 78 • - Square footage of all steep-sloped roofing materials with a minimum SRI of 29 • - Information regarding the SRI of roofing materials used, including: • - Manufacturer - Emittance • - Product name - Roofing Type • - Product ID - SRI value • - Reflectance
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES • OPTION 2: • - Drawing of project site providing information regarding installed roofing materials and vegetated roofing systems, as applicable • - Square footage of installed vegetated roofing system • OPTION 3: • - Drawing of project site providing information regarding installed roofing materials and vegetated roofing systems, as applicable • - Square footage of all low-sloped roofing materials with a minimum SRI of 78 • - Square footage of all steep-sloped roofing materials with a minimum SRI of 29 • - Square footage of installed vegetated roofing system • - Information regarding the SRI of roofing materials used, including • - Manufacture • - Product name • - Product ID • - Reflectance • - Emittance • - Roofing Type • - SRI value SUBMITTAL: total square footage project roof SITE SELECTION-HEAT ISLAND EFFECT-NON-ROOF-SSc1E CONTINUED…
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: To eliminate light leaving the site, improve night sky access, and reduce impact on nocturnal habitats • - Occupy a building where: • - Light levels and uniformity ratios are equal to or less than those recommended by IESNA RP-33-99, Recommended Practice Manual: Lighting for Exterior Environments • - Any exterior luminaries having more than 1000 initial lamp lumens are shielded • - All luminaries with more than 3500 initial lamp lumens meet the full cutoff IESNA classification • - The maximum candela value of all interior lighting falls within the property • - Any luminarie within a distance of 2.5 times its mounting height from the property boundary has shielding such that no light from that luminarie crosses the property boundary REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: LIGHT POLLUTION REDUCTION-SSc1F • - Confirm compliance with all credit requirements • - Provide a photometric site plan, which indicates that the overall site luminance meets the average luminance levels and uniformity ratios recommended by IESNA SUBMITTAL:
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES Intent: to reduce portable water for landscape irrigation • - Occupying a building that reduces portable water consumption for irrigation by more than 50% above conventional means using any combination of • - High-efficiency irrigation technology • - Captured rainwater • - Recycled site water REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: WATER EFFICENT IRRIGATION-REDUCED POTABLE WATER CONSUMPTION-SSc1G • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - Supplementary documentation either declaring the • - Equipment used • - Species of plants to be used and their irrigation needs • - Captured rain or recycled site water system and system capacity • - Design case TWA in gallons SUBMITTAL:
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to eliminate water use for landscape irrigation • - Comply with Option G requirements • - Occupy a building that either • - Eliminates all potable water use for site irrigation (except for initial watering to establish plants) • - Does not have permanent landscaping irrigation systems REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: WATER EFFICENT IRRIGATION-PORTABLE WATER USE OR NO IRRIGATION-SSc1H SUBMITTAL: • No Potable Use • - Description of the captures rain system or recycled water system and system capacity • - Description of all species of plants to be used and their irrigation needs • - Design case TWA in gallons • - Reused water in gallons • - Design case TPWA in gallons • Baseline TWA in gallons • No Irrigation • -Description of why the landscape does not require permanent irrigation
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to reduce wastewater and portable water demand and increase aquifer recharge • - Occupy a building that either • - Reduces the use of municipally provided potable water for the building sewage conveyance by at least 50% • - Treats 100% of waste water on site to tertiary standards REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: INNOVATIVE WASTEWATER TECHNOLOGIES-SSc1I SUBMITTAL: • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - Description of the measures taken to meet credit requirements • - Completion of calculation design case and baseline case tables in the submittal template. For both baseline and design cases, the table requires the: • - Fixture type • - Number of daily male use • - Number of daily females uses • - Number of male occupant users for each fixture type • - Number of female occupant users for each fixture type • - Number of annul workdays • - Graywater or sstormwater reuse volume in gallons
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to reduce burden on municipal water supplies and wastewater systems • - Occupy a building that reduces water us by 20% and has an ongoing plan to require future occupants to comply REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: AWTER USE REDUCTION-20% REDUCTION-SSc1J SUBMITTAL: • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - Description of the measures taken to meet credit requirements • - Completion of calculation design case and baseline case tables in the submittal template. For both baseline and design cases, the table requires the: • - Fixture type • - Number of daily male use • - Number of daily females uses • - Number of male occupant users for each fixture type • - Number of female occupant users for each fixture type • - Number of annul workdays • - Graywater or sstormwater reuse volume in gallons
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to reduce fossil fuel energy use • - Occupy a building for which at least 5% of the total energy is supplied through the use of an-site renewable energy system (0.5pts) • - Occupy a building for which at least 10% of the total energy is supplied through the use of on-site renewable energy systems (0.5 additional pts) REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: ON-SITE RENEWABLE ENERGY-SSc1K • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - Description of the on-site renewable energy systems installed • - Information regarding regulated systems energy use, and renewable energy use, including: • - Energy types • - Annual energy use of each energy type • - Annual energy cost of each energy type • - Description of the on-site renewable energy systems installed SUBMITTAL:
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 0.5 points Intent: to reduce environmental impact by restricting site selection and building location on site • - Occupy a building that has in place other quantifiable environmental performance characteristics for which the requirements may be found in other LEED rating systems REQUIRERMENTS: SITE SELECTION: OTHER QUANTIABLE ENVIRONMENTAL PREFORMANCE-SSc1L • - Description, calculations or other documentation of quantifiable environmental performance • - Information regarding quantifiable environments performance characteristics from other LEED rating systems, including the • - LEED rating system and version • - LEED credit category (SS, WE, EA. MR or EQ) • - LEED credit Number • - LEED Credit Title SUBMITTAL:
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 1 points Intent: to channel development to urban areas with existing infrastructure, protect greenfields, and preserve habitat natural resources REQUIRERMENTS: • OPTION 1: Development density • - Occupying a building which has been constructed or renovated on previously developed land in a community with a development density D, of at least 60,000 sq ft. To confirm this density, find the area of each building within the density radius and add the areas together. This total. A, is divided by the area of the density radius, R, resulting in the total development density with in the radius, which must be at least 60,000 sq ft/acre. • OPTION 2: Community Connectivity • - Occupying a building which has been constructed or renovated on previously developed land which • - Is within a half mile of a residential area or neighborhood with an average density of 10 units per acre • - Has pedestrian access to at least 10 basic services that are within a half mile SITE SELECTION: DEVELOPMENT DENSITY AND COMMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY-SSc2
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES SUBMITTAL: • OPTION 1: Development density • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - The property area in acres • - The building gross square footage • - Tabular listing of the buildings that fall within the half mile density radius, including property areas and gross square footage • - An area plan that • - Highlights the building location and surrounding buildings within a half mile of the project • - Labels the surrounding buildings within a half mile for coordination with the information provided in the table • - Includes a graphic scale SITE SELECTION: DEVELOPMENT DENSITY AND COMMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY-SSc2 CONTINUED… • OPTION 2: Community connectivity • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - The density calculation fot the surrounding residential zone or neighborhood in units per acre • - Confirmation that pedestrian access is provided to basic services selected from a list on the submittal template • - An area plan that • - Highlights the building location, residential zone and 10 or more of the basic services located with in a half mile of the project • - Labels the surrounding buildings within a half mile for coordination with the information provided in the table • - Includes a graphic scale
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 1 points Intent: to reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use • - Occupy a building within either a • - Half mile of existing, planned or funded commuter rail, light rail or subway stations • - Quarter mile at least one stop for at least two public or campus bus lines usable by building occupants REQUIRERMENTS: ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION: PUBLIC TRANSPORTAION ACCESS-SSc3.1 SUBMITTAL: • - Confirmation of compliance with credit requirements • - Drawing of site vicinity indicating • - Rail stations within a half mile of the site • - Bus stops within a quarter mile of the site • - A scale for distance measurements • - List of nearby bus stops and rail stations and their respective distances from the site
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 1 points Intent: to reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use REQUIRERMENTS: provide bicycle racks and/or storage within 200 yards of a building entrance for at least 5% of tenant occupants ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION: BICYCLE STORAGE AND CHANGING ROOMS-SSc3.2 • - FTE occupancy • - FTE Occupancy = occupant hours/8 • - Number of secure bicycle storage slots provided within 200 yards of the building • - Number of shower and changing facilities within 200 yards of the building SUBMITTAL:
SUSTAINABLE SITES LEED SUSTAINABLE SITES 1 points Intent: to reduce pollution and land development impacts from automobile use REQUIRERMENTS: • OPTION 1: for project occupying less than 75% of gross building square footage • - Reserve 5% of the provided spaces for vanpools or carpools and provided to the tenant only the minimum number of parking spaces required by local zoning regulations • - No parking will be provided or subsidized for tenant occupants ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION: PARKING AVAILABILITY-SSc3.3 • OPTION 2: for project occupying 75% or over gross building square footage • - Providing parking for vanpools and carpools serving 5% of the building occupants and provide for the building only the minimum number of parking spaces required by local zoning regulations • - No parking will be provided for rehabilitation projects, and parking for vanpools and carpools will serve 5% of the building occupants SUBMITTAL: • Gross building square footage • Gross tenant square footage • OPTION 1: for project occupying less than 75% of gross building square footage • - Copying of zoning requirements regarding parking for tenants occupancy group and zone • - Copy of tenants lease with information pertinent to this credit • - Description of parking amenities available to occupants • - Number of parking spaces