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Pre-Internship Portfolio. Kelly McKim Loyola/HCPSS Cohort 2009-2010. Contact Me. Table of Contents. Section I: Technology Integration and Effects on Student Learning Section II: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues Section III: Assessment Planning. Section I. Section II. Section III.
Pre-Internship Portfolio Kelly McKim Loyola/HCPSS Cohort 2009-2010 Contact Me
Table of Contents Section I: Technology Integration and Effects on Student Learning Section II: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues Section III: Assessment Planning Section I Section II Section III
Section I: Technology Planning and Student Learning • Artifact 1: Thinkport.org Website Review (TF-II.B.)(TF-II. C.)(TF-IV.C.) • Artifact 2:Aphrodite’s Astrology Unit Plan (TF-II.A.)(TF.VI.C.) (TF-III.C)(TF-III.E.) • Artifact 3:BIOMES Webquest (TF.IV.C)(TF-II.F. )(TF-III.A) Table of Contents Section I Section II Section III
Artifact 1: Thinkport.org Website Review Artifact 1 is an evaluation of the Thinkport.org website. Thinkport.org is an educational website created for teachers, parents, and students in the state of Maryland. It provides lesson plans, videos, student activities, and resources to support the Maryland Voluntary Curriculum (MVS). This artifact shows that I am able to critically evaluate the instructional usefulness of a particular website and determine how it can be integrated to help students learn. The artifact shows that I can examine a variety of instructional websites and find resources that would help support instruction and the Maryland State Curriculum. The great advantage to the Thinkport.org site is its extensive collection of online field trips. The field trip activities are engaging and incorporate a variety of media that address a variety of learning styles. Research shows that students learn best when instructional material is on their own level. This evaluation shows that I am able to search for resources to help teachers differentiate instruction in the classroom, using technology resources. (TF-II.B.)(TF-II.C.) Thinkport Review Doc Section I Home
Artifact 2: Aphrodite’s Astrology Unit Plan (TF-III.E.)This is a cross-curricular unit of instruction designed to integrate technology, science, and language arts objectives from ISTE and the Maryland State Curriculum into a unit that encourages student engagement and diversity in learning styles. It demonstrates that I am aware that students learn best when information is presented in a variety of ways that engage multiple learning styles and student levels. (TF-II.A.) I created and used this unit over several years. This year, I worked with my grade level team to incorporate and integrate the use of technology into the classroom in Science and Social Studies. The unit provides teachers with resources to address various learning styles while effectively integrating technology into the existing curriculum. I provided teachers with the materials I created. I also worked with a first year teacher on my team to modify the lessons and create additional PowerPoints, instructional material, and trouble shooting. (TF.VI.C)I assisted the teachers in using Universal Settings on the MacBook and Worldbook Online, which has software that translates text to multiple languages or reads text to students. This allowed several ESOL students and Emerging readers to access the information. (TF-III.C)This unit requires students to research a constellation myth and present the information using a variety of technologies, including PowerPoint, Kidspiration, Garageband, Itunes, and Microsoft Word. Lessons integrated standards and objectives for Technology, Science, and Language Arts. Aphrodite’s Astrology Unit Sample BrochureLong Range Plans Section I Home
Artifact 3: Biomes Webquest (TF-III.A)This artifact is a webquest created in ET605. In fourth grade, students research and learn about the seven biomes around the world. Traditionally, this project has been completed using encyclopedias and traditional research methods. The students were then asked to present the information on a poster or through a presentation to the class. Our group felt that a webquest would be a better use of this instructional time and allow the students to better synthesize the information about each biome. The format of the webquest, as well as the note-taking sheets, and resources included are appropriate for fourth grade students.Students must use a variety of technology skills to complete the webquest. Students must be able to site information appropriately and use PowerPoint to effectively display and present the information attained. (TF-II.F.) We designed a webpage explaining the project. We used HTML code to create pages for each of the areas of the project. The webpages included teacher and student resources, detailed instructions and rubrics, websites to assist in research, graphic organizers, discussion questions, note taking sheets, and PowerPoint template. All of these features (excluding the web-research pages) were designed and created by the team. This artifact shows that our group was able to design and create an instructional resource that uses technology to enhance the student learning experience. (TF-IV.C) Included in the webquest are various rubrics for the students and teachers to use to help assess the information attained and manner in which it is presented. The rubrics provided to teachers allow them to judge the effectiveness of the webquest and the students’ abilities to attain information, demonstrate understanding, and present it according to the ISTE and curriculum standards. In addition, I used this webquest in collaboration with my technology teacher at my school. The technology teacher focused on the presentation of the information using PowerPoint and multimedia. We created a rubric for the students to use to evaluate each others’ presentation. Biomes WebquestStudent Rubric Section I Home
Section II: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues • Artifact 4: Area and Perimeter Quiz (TF-VI. B. )(TF-III.B)(TF-II.D)(TF-II.E) • Artifact 5:Software Policy Paper (TF-VI. E.) • Artifact 6: RBES Acceptable Use Policy/Lesson 1 (TF-VI.A)(TF-VI. D.) Table of Contents Section I Section II Section III
Artifact 4: Area and Perimeter Quiz (TF.III.B)This artifact is an interactive PowerPoint Quiz I created using VBA code. This presentation is designed to be navigated by the students independently. The format of the presentation, allows students to always return to tutorial page if they have difficulty. It also provides immediate feedback for students that are unsure of the correct answer. The quiz section includes audio recordings of all of the problems, helping students of different reading levels access the problems independently. I used this as learning center for my below grade level math students, many of whom are also below grade level readers. The audio recordings also helped several students with IEPs who have difficulty reading large amounts of text at once. (TF-VI. B.)This tutorial and quiz shows that I can create material that addresses a variety of learning styles and levels. Students that are confident in their skills can immediate access the quiz. Students that need extra support, may first access the tutorials and then take the quiz. (TF-II.E) I provided this presentation to my 4th grade team. They used as a learning center for all of the fourth grade students. This presentation allowed students to work independently on the classroom computers during independent work rotations during two-group model instruction. Because it provides immediate feedback to students,they can work more independently and free teachers to focus on two-group instruction. (TF-II.D)Because this is was designed with PowerPoint, this presentation can be used as an independent learning center or can be presented as part of whole-group or small-group instruction. Teachers could use this presentation to demonstrate how to find the area and perimeter and have students work together in groups to solve the problems in the quiz. Area and Perimeter Quiz Section II Home
Artifact 5: Software Policy Paper (TF-VI. E.) This is a memo written to my principal concerning the software policy in our building. The memo proposes that we create a school-wide database, detailing all the software in the building and the limitations associated with the software due to piracy laws. This artifact shows that I am able to reflect and improve on school polices that help to benefit the school and student achievement. The memo describes how a central database will help provide equitable access for teachers and students to the various software available in the building. The memo addresses specific adaptive and assistive software designed for students with special needs, IEPs, and Title I rankings. Software Policy Paper Section II Home
Artifact 6: RBES AUP/Lesson 1 (TF-VI.A)This artifact is a kid-friendly acceptable use policy I developed for my school. The policy includes a memo to the principal explaining the rationale for the policy and why it is important to encourage students to display responsibility and citizenship when using technology. In addition to the AUP, I designed several sample lesson plans to demonstrate how to support the AUP in the classroom. Lesson 1 is designed for 3-5 graders. Students and teachers discuss the difference between citing sources and plagiarism. (TF-VI.D)The AUP policy is written in a way that is easy for students and teachers to remember. The policy uses the school’s initials (RBES) to show students how to use technology appropriately and responsibly in the classroom and school. Teachers were given sample lessons to use with the AUP and with guidance lessons including cyber safety and bullying. Lesson 1 provides teachers with resources, including student resources guides from www.readwritethink.org, to encourage students to pick appropriate resources and use technology in a responsible manner. RBES AUPLesson 1 Section II Home
Section III: Assessment Planning • Artifact 7: Action Research Proposal (TF.V. B. ) • Artifact 8: Survey Monkey Staff and Student Use (TF-IV.B. ) • Artifact 9: Autobiographical Time Line (TF-IV.A. ) Table of Contents Section I Section II Section III
Artifact 7: Paraeducator Action Research Proposal This artifact is a proposal for an action research project that I intend to implement in my school this year. Throughout my years as a classroom teacher, I have seen the role of the paraeducator change almost yearly. In our school, we would like paraeducators to be more active in the classrooms and working to help directly support students in small group settings. From my research, I found that support staff actually makes up forty percent of the people directly working with students. Yet many of these staff members are left out of professional development sessions particularly in technology. Currently in Howard County, paraeducators do not receive laptop computers; while all classroom teachers, specialists, and special educators do have individual laptops. In my action research proposal, I suggest that technology training sessions will help paraeducators to become more efficient in their daily administrative responsibilities, thus freeing them up to become more involved in working directly with students. This artifact shows that I am able to evaluate educational research, reflect on problems in our school, and use that information to develop a plan to hopefully solve that problem. (TF.V.B.) Action Research Proposal Section III Home
Artifact 8: Survey Monkey Staff Survey/Student Math Lesson This artifact is a series of surveys created using Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey is a great site because you are able to construct a variety of surveys, using multiple choice or short answer. You can send the link to various people without a membership. After people have completed the survey, results are posted to your account. You can view these results in graphs or text form. The first survey is a survey that I intend to give to teachers at the beginning of the school year. Based on this survey, myself and the technology committee will be better able to plan technology professional development for the staff. The second survey was given to my math class during the Statistics unit. As a class, we viewed the results of the survey in graph form and text form. We discussed as a class, how graphs can help display data and can help people to make informed decisions.These artifacts show how I am able to use technology to collect and analyze data to make an impact in student learning. (TF-IV.B.) Student Survey Screen Shot Staff Survey Screen Shot Section III Home
Artifact 9: Autobiographic Timeline This artifact consists of two sample projects. During this unit, students were reading and writing biographies and autobiographies. As a culminating activity, students were able to chose to display autobiographical information in either a timeline format or a brochure. Students were able to pick how they wanted to display their own information. Students were assessed on the quality of information included, the writing conventions, and organization of the information. From the timeline and brochures, I was able to assess if students were able to pick out and display autobiographical information to inform the audience. This artifact shows how I am able to incorporate a variety of technologies and creative activities to assess what students have learned.(TF-IV.A. ) Section III Home Contact Me Brochure Sample Time Line Sample
Contact Me! Kelly L. McKim 4th Grade Teacher Running Brook Elementary School Kelly_mckim@hcpss.org