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Effects of Drug Abuse on Health by Hari Nugroho, MD

Drug addiction is a growing issue in Indonesia with severe health consequences. It impacts public health, the economy, and social well-being, leading to various illnesses and societal costs. Understanding addiction as a brain disease is crucial for prevention and treatment. Drugs affect neurotransmitters in the brain, altering mood, behavior, and overall health. Treatment involves addressing both physical and mental health aspects to promote abstinence and functionality in society.

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Effects of Drug Abuse on Health by Hari Nugroho, MD

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  2. PermasalahanPenyalahgunaanNarkoba • Indonesia pasar potensial peredaran gelap narkoba • Jumlah penyalahguna semakin meningkat • Adiksi merupakan masalah Public Health • Adiksi adalah “Brain Disease”

  3. Addiction Medical DRUGS Economic Social Neurotoxicity AIDS, Cancer Mental illness, Hepatitis Health care Productivity Accidents Homelessness Crime Violence

  4. Estimated Economic Cost to Society Due to Substance Abuse and Addiction: Illegal drugs: $181 billion/year Alcohol: $185 billion/year Tobacco: $158 billion/year Total: $524 billion/year Surgeon General’s Report, 2004; ONDCP, 2004; Harwood, 2000.

  5. Why Do People Take Drugs in The First Place? To Feel Better To lessen: anxiety worries fears depression hopelessness To Feel Good To have novel: feelings sensations experiences AND to share them

  6. Your Brain on Drugs in the 1980’s

  7. Your Brain on Drugs Today YELLOW shows places in brain where cocaine binds (e.g., striatum) Fowler et al., Synapse, 1989.

  8. Decreased Brain Metabolism inDrug Abuser High Low Healthy Heart Diseased Brain/ Cocaine Abuser Research supported by NIDA addresses all of these components of addiction. • Addiction is Like Other Diseases… • It is preventable • It is treatable • It changes biology • If untreated, it can last a lifetime Decreased Heart Metabolism in Heart Disease Patient Healthy Brain Diseased Heart

  9. Drugs can be “Imposters” of Brain Messages

  10. Dopamine Movement Motivation Reward& well-being Addiction

  11. dopamine transporters

  12. But Dopamine is only Part of the Story Scientific research has shown that other neurotransmitter systems are also affected: Serotonin Regulates mood, sleep, etc. Glutamate Regulates learning and memory, etc.

  13. Functionally… Dopamine D2 Receptors are Decreased by Addiction Cocaine Meth DA D2 Receptor Availability Alcohol Heroin Control Addicted

  14. Konsekuensidariperubahandiotak • Gangguan mental danperilaku

  15. [C-11]d-threo-methylphenidate DAT Recovery with prolonged abstinence from methamphetamine Normal Control high Methamphetamine Abuser (1 month abstinent) low Methamphetamine Abuser (14 months abstinent) Volkow et al., J. Neuroscience, 2001.

  16. Pengaruh Terhadap Hati • Hepatitis B • Hepatitis C • Sirrosis hati

  17. Kanker hati

  18. HIV / AIDS • Terutama IDU • Infeksi Oportunistik • Butuh dukungan keluarga • Rutin terapi ARV

  19. 4 dari 10 kematian AIDS berhubungan dengan Drug Abuse

  20. Wajah drugs abuser

  21. In Treating Addiction… We Need to Keep Our Eye on the Real Targets! Abstinence Functionality in Family, Work and Community


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