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Decision Making in Groups

Decision Making in Groups. Outline. Groupthink Decision making in groups. Groupthink.

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Decision Making in Groups

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Decision Making in Groups

  2. Outline • Groupthink • Decision making in groups

  3. Groupthink …mode of thinking in a cohesive, insulated, high success, prestige group with strong minded, powerful leader (with Praetorian Guard). Desire for unanimity overrides motivation to evaluate alternatives properly. • Illusion of invulnerability • Assumptions of morality • Realisations • Stereotyping • Self-censorship • Illusions of unanimity • Mind-guarding • Direct pressure Consequences • discussion curtailed, limited alternatives • limits on information seeking and re-evaluation of facts • outsiders less credible so fail to import expert advice • weak contingency planning

  4. Video: Groupthink

  5. Decision Making in Groups • Your group must solve each of the problems given in the envelopes • Your group’s “dealer” will pass out the slips of paper in the envelopes to all members until everyone has about the same amount • You are NOT to show these slips of paper to others in the group- but are instead supposed to exchange this information orally

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