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High-Quality Organic Fertilizers for Healthy Plants | Biokomplekt Ltd.

Biokomplekt Ltd. produces and sells organic fertilizer BIOHUMUS and its derivatives, promoting plant growth and soil health. Our products range from dried and liquid biohumus to soil mixtures. Learn about the benefits of biohumus and how to use it effectively.

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High-Quality Organic Fertilizers for Healthy Plants | Biokomplekt Ltd.

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  1. Biokomplekt Ltd, ИНН:5020083759, КПП:502001001, ОГРН:1185007001178, ОКПО:24881809Bank account: 40702810601290000914, Bank: BRANCH OF "CENTRAL" BANK OF VTB (PJSC), БИК: 044525411, Correspondent account: 30101810145250000411Legal address: 141607, Moscow region, Klin district, Klin, Volokolamskoe highway, house number 44, building 28, office 7, tel: 89037236854 • Our company is engaged in the production and sale of organic fertilizer BIOGUMUS and its derivatives. Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity 3101000000, (NPK from 2-2-2 to 4-4-4 in %%). • - Biohumus dried and sifted in bags. Also mound from 100 t. • - Soil mixtures with the content of biohumus: with peat, soil, sawdust and other components. We can make packages of any size with your sticker. • - Biohumus liquid concentrated. - Biogel is a mixture of liquid form of biohumus and hydrogel. It is used for planting seedlings, bushes and trees, transplanting and fertilizing plants. Well retains moisture and nutrients on the roots.

  2. BIOHUMUS is a natural, organic, environmentally friendly and best known fertilizer. BIOHUMUS is a nutrient-rich organic concentrate of the fertile layer of the earth. Biohumus is an organic additive to any soil, soil and even sand. It contains absolutely no chemical, mineral and synthetic additives. It is a product of the vital activity of microorganisms and worms, which process organic waste from plant growing and animal husbandry. Improves the resistance of plants to diseases and pests. Twice accelerates the germination of seeds, does not contain pathogenic microflora, seeds of weeds. Biohumus significantly affects the acidity of the soil and can bring its pH to a normal level. Biohumus is absolutely safe for children, animals and bees. • Biohumus positively influences the processes of seed germination and promotes more intensive plant growth. Biohumus improves soil structure and moisture regime without destroying the humus layer, in contrast to when mineral fertilizers are used. All this contributes to higher yields and improved quality of crops. BIOHUMUS is a unique natural fertilizer combining high microbiological properties, great buffering, nutrients and soil antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes, growth hormones and plant growth, optimal trace element composition.

  3. The main properties of biohumus (vermicompost) • 1. restores the natural fertility of any soil, optimizes soil acidity, binds heavy metals, radionuclides and nitrates in the soil • 2. Provides a stable immunity of plants, increases their resistance to weather and disease • 3. More effective than any kinds of manure and compost, by its nature is a medicine for the earth in contrast to mineral fertilizers • 4. Stimulates the growth and flowering of plants, accelerates the ripening of fruits for 2-3 weeks, ensures a consistently high organic crop • 5. It is easy to use, does not carry the threat of overdose during application, retains its effectiveness in soil for 5 years • 6. lower price than other natural and mineral fertilizers

  4. The way of using vermicompost 1. The main application is carried out for all field, vegetable, fruit and grapes from the calculation of 1-2 l / m2. 2. Application at sowing (planting) from the calculation of 50-100 ml together with the seeds to the depth of the hole. 3. Root fertilizing - 50-100 ml per plant. 4. Foliar top dressing - 3-4 liters of biohumus infuse in 10 liters of water for 3 days, stirring daily, strain and spray the plant. 5. Indoor flowers to add 1-2 cm layer on the entire surface of the pot.

  5. Humification is the process of decomposition of plant substances under the influence of microorganisms, with the formation of dark-colored products. • As a result of waste composting, the organic mass is saturated with nutrients available to plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, etc.), the pathogenic microflora and helminth eggs are neutralized, the amount of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin substances is reduced. In addition, as a result of composting, the fertilizer becomes loose, which facilitates its application to the soil. At the same time, the properties of humified compost exceed the properties of fresh manure several times. it is rich in humic acid. • Humus acid is composed of fulvic acids (water-soluble and most accessible to plants), hyamomelanic acids (soluble in ethanol) and humic acids (soluble in alkalis). With humification, there are amino acids, polysaccharides, macro and trace elements, carbohydrates, vitamins, hormone-like substances. Humic acids possess sorption and biological activity that allows accumulating useful substances and stimulating the development of biological activity. The microbiological preparation includes lactic acid bacteria and micromycetes. Lactic acid bacteria eliminate the pathogenic microflora (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, salmonella, Escherichia coli, etc.), which prevents normal composting and is very harmful to humans.

  6. Micromycetes are excellent destructors of organic matter. They transfer nitrogen from the active form to a stable form, bound by humic acids (up to 90%). Eliminate the unpleasant odor. They transfer plant and animal residues to humus. All bacteria and micromycetes of the drug are isolated from soil microflora, they are the main humic substances. Composting of organic waste with the help of microbiological preparations allows to preserve the food elements in the composted mass, to transfer and fix the food elements in a form accessible to plants. Suppress all pathogenic microflora (up to 45 days), destroy all seeds of weed plants in the material, abandon mineral fertilizers, grow a good and environmentally friendly crop. With an organic destructor you will receive: saving on fertilizers and growth regulators, organic products and simple use. An organic destructor is a microbiological preparation intended for the accelerated decomposition of organic residues of plant and animal origin. The use of a biodestructor guarantees: Environmentally friendly disposal of organic waste. Receiving organic fertilizer of high quality (compost, peeled from weed seeds, pathogenic microflora).

  7. Accelerated composting of waste products of plant and animal origin. Increase of humus in the soil. Significant reduction in the amount of nitrogen fertilizer application. Restoration of soil microbiocenosis. Cessation and prevention of fungal diseases of plants. An organic destructor is an absolutely safe organic fertilizer. With the help of a unique consortium of microorganisms, compost ripening occurs in 6-8 weeks, instead of the usual composting periods, which take up to 12 months. In addition, the use of the drug removes the unpleasant odor accompanying organic waste of various origins. Compost, prepared with the use of this drug, has an increased level of useful microbiological mass, which has a beneficial effect on plants and soil. Composition of the organic destructor: Lactic acid bacteria - improve the formation of humus in the soil. Lactic acid bacteria release antibiotic substances and inhibit phytopathogenic, pathogenic, and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, bind free nitrogen, convert phosphorus into plant-accessible forms, produce growth-stimulating and biologically active substances (amino acids, vitamins, auxins, gibberellins). Thus, they ensure prevention and increase of resistance of agricultural crops to fungal and bacterial diseases; increase in yield and product quality, rapid maturation; the formation of ovaries of fruits; reduction of costs for mechanized harvesting; are anti-stress; increase the safety of products.

  8. Phototrophic bacteria - responsible for the processes of oxygen-free photosynthesis, fix free nitrogen, participate in the circulation of sulfur and carbon, synthesize amino acids, polyphosphates, polysaccharides and growth factors that promote the improvement of root nutrition, and other biologically active substances, through the release of betaines provide anti-stress effect. Yeast - contribute to the allocation of cofactors, growth factors (hormones), alkaloids, antibiotics, pigments and many other compounds. Significantly increase the growth of the root system of plants and the development of soil microflora. Micromycetes are microscopic fungi that predominate in the microbial composition of the soil and represent the most numerous group of microorganisms. They take part in the mineralization of organic remains of plant and animal origin, in the formation of soil humus. The decomposition of soil organic substances depends on the chemical composition of the substrate, the effectiveness of nitrogen delivery to microorganisms, the composition of microflora and environmental conditions. Mushrooms, in the presence of oxygen, are able to decompose even complex polymer compounds, for example, lignin. Individual types of soil fungi can decompose humus, using it as the sole source of nitrogen and / or carbon. At the same time, micromycetes work not only in the process of decomposition of humic substances, but also in their formation. Micromycetes are participants in the cycle of many chemical elements, are able to change the structure of the soil, producing glomalin. This substance glues the loose ground into lumps, protecting the top layer of the soil from washing off with each shower. Micromycetes provide plants with nutrients dissolved in water (phosphorus, nitrogen), filter and delay cadmium, zinc, mercury and lead. Also micromycetes are able to suppress some phytopathogenic fungi.

  9. The culture liquid with residues of the nutrient medium and metabolites of microorganisms: Amino acid valine stabilizes proteins. It is used for the synthesis of enzymes, antimicrobial substances, complex organic compounds, which are released by the plant. Squalene has antimicrobial and fungicidal properties (suppresses fungi), promotes the formation of a substance that repels insects and animals from plants. Fumaric acid takes part in many biochemical processes necessary for the formation of biologically active substances. Dimethyl fumarate has fungicidal properties - it prevents the development of mold fungi. Capric acid protects against viruses, fungi and pathogens. Caprylic acid is able to influence the growth of yeast fungi and maintain an optimal balance of microorganisms, without interfering with the propagation of beneficial bacteria. Lactic acid suppresses phytopathogenic microorganisms. Acetic acid is indispensable in the metabolism of living organisms and in the biosynthesis of complex organic compounds.

  10. Glutamic acid increases the resistance of plants to unfavorable conditions, plays an important role in the assimilation of ammonia by plants, which accumulates under stress, and is also the source of the formation of chlorophyll, which provides photosynthesis. Macro and microelements - provide plants with the necessary nutrition: Nitrogen - regulates the growth and fructification of plants. At its expense raises the productivity of agricultural crops. Nitrogen helps to strengthen the synthesis of organic nitrogenous substances, the formation of powerful leaves and stems with intense green color, good growth and tillering, improving the formation and development of fruiting organs. Phosphorus - accelerates the development and growth of the root system of plants, increases the resistance of plants to stressful situations (low temperatures, drought). Participates in metabolism, fission and multiplication, in carbohydrate metabolism, as well as in photosynthesis, respiration and fermentation. Potassium - provides the resistance of plants to unfavorable factors (shortage or excess moisture, high or low temperature, excessive or low concentration of salts), improves the quality of the crop, increases the storage period. Aluminum - is responsible for colloidal properties in the cell and triggers some dehydrogenases and oxidases.

  11. Calcium - protects the integrity of cell membranes and affects the water retention capacity of protoplasm, indispensable in the construction of the cell wall of plants, increases the strength of plant tissues and increases the endurance of plants. Calcium is the main participant in photosynthesis and movement of carbohydrates, as well as the processes of nitrogen assimilation by plants. Iron - is an integral part of the active centers of oxidation-reduction enzymes catalase and peroxidase, takes part in the synthesis of chlorophyll, respiration, nitrogen fixation, metabolic reactions. Magnesium - is part of the photosynthetic pigment of chlorophyll, stimulates the accumulation of solar energy during the process of photosynthesis, takes part in the movement of phosphorus and in carbohydrate metabolism, affects the activity of oxidation-reduction processes. Manganese - activates more than 35 enzymes, participates in photosynthesis (photoproducts of oxygen in chloroplasts) and synthesizes vitamins C, B, E, promotes an increase in the content of sugars and their outflow from leaves, accelerates the growth of plants and the maturation of seeds. Copper - regulates the effect on the content of growth inhibitors phenolic nature. Copper increases the resistance of plants to lodging, as well as drought, frost and heat resistance.

  12. Sodium - increases the resistance of plants to wintering. Nickel - provides an increase in the yield of agricultural crops, triggering mechanisms to stimulate the microbiological processes of nitrification and mineralization of nitrogen compounds in the soil. Lead - increases the chlorophyll content in the leaves and the intensity of photosynthesis. Strontium - takes part in the construction of the cell wall of plants, increases the strength of plant tissues and increases the endurance of plants. Provides increased starch content in potato tubers. Chromium - increases the amount of chlorophyll and the quality of photosynthesis in the leaves, enhances the growth and the formation of root nodules in leguminous plants.

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