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Signature files

Learn about signature files as an alternative to inverted indexes, how to generate signatures, perform Boolean logic, and improve search efficiency using bitslices. Discover query logic and factors influencing signature width. Understand how to determine the best signature width for a given dataset. Example calculations show how to optimize W, b, and z parameters for search efficiency.

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Signature files

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  1. Signature files

  2. Signature Files • Important alternative to inverted indexes. • Given a document, the signature is calculated as follows. • First, each word (term) is hashed into a bit-vector. • Then, these bit-vectors, are OR-ed to form that document’s signature. • Three main issues related to using signature files: 1. Generating signatures 2. Boolean logic on signatures 3. Accessing signatures

  3. Signatures

  4. Computing Signatures • W: width of signatures (in the range of 1,000 to 10,000). • Each term (word) sets b bits out of these W bits. • To generate the hash string of a term: for i = 1 to b sig[ hi(term) % W ] = 1 • Each hi() is a hash function. • The signature of the document is generated by OR-ing the hash strings of all its terms.

  5. Example • Sometimes some hash strings end up with less then b bits being set. Why? • Because a term may get hashed to the same location by two hash functions.

  6. Query logic on signature files • Fact 1. A document contains term Tonly if all the bits that are set by T’s hash string are also set in the document’s signature. • Fact 2. However, a document’s signature that has all these bits set doesn’t necessarily mean that T appears in that document. Why? • Because the particular “1”-bits can be set by some other terms.

  7. Query logic on signature files Query All bits set Some bits missing T Maybe No Not T Maybe Yes

  8. Three Valued Logic

  9. Search efficiency How to search for a set of given terms? • Naïve way: Access the signatures of all the documents. • For each document, the signature is compared with the OR-ed hash string of the query • to see whether for each “1”-bit of that hash string, the descriptor has its corresponding bits set. • This implies reading the entire signature set! • Not affordable in practice. • Better: Use bitslices.

  10. Bitslices • Signature files have to be stored on disk in transposed form. • Example: Search for “cold.” • Retrieve the bitslices for “cold” and then AND them.

  11. What should be the signature width? W = width of the signature (we are trying to determine best) b = bit slices per query (equals number of accesses, we specify what we tolerate) z = expected number of false match documents (we specify what we tolerate) f = number of (term, document) pairs N = number of documents B = average of "on"-bits per document. B = b * (f/N) p = probability that a random bit in a document signature is "on" p = 1- [(W-1)/W]B Probability for a bit to remain "off" is: [(W-1)/W]B since it must avoid selection B times, and the probability of not being selected once is (W-1)/W. z= expected number of false matches z=pb*N A false match document (FMD) requires that the bit slices of the query agree on the "on"-bit for the FMD. So, the probability for a random document to be a false match is pb (see note). The expected number of FMDs is z=pb*N.

  12. Random document – note • “Probability” of a good document to be a match is of course “1” (that’s a certain event). • Probability for a false match is the probability for a random document to end up being a match in the index (pb).

  13. What should be the signature width? W = width of the signature (we are trying to determine best) b = bit slices per query (equals number of accesses, we specify what we tolerate) z = expected number of false match documents (we specify what we tolerate) f = number of (term, document) pairs N = number of documents B = average of "on"-bits per document. p = probability that a random bit in a document signature is "on" B = b * (f/N) (1) p = 1-[(W-1)/W]B (2) z=pb*N (3) We can derive W from (2): W = 1/[1-(1-p)1/B] and substitute B using (1) and p using (3).

  14. TREC Collection example W = width of the signature (we are trying to determine best) b = bit slices per query (equals number of accesses, we specify what we tolerate) z = expected number of false match documents (we specify what we tolerate) f = number of (term, document) pairs N = number of documents B = average of "on"-bits per document. p = probability that a random bit in a document signature is "on" b = 8, z=1, N=741,856, f=135,017,792 We derive: p=0.185 f/N = 182 unique terms for the average document. B = 1,456 So, W = 7,134 This collection of 741,856 documents would need: 7,134 * 741,856 bits, that is 7,134 * 741,856 / 8 = 661,550,088 bytes 631Mb.

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