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Create a Poll on This World Television Day and Know Whether Television has Made a Positive Impact on Intellectual Though

Television has become a part of our life. We all have nice things to say about television, but have we ever asked these question: Has television made a positive impact on our intellectual thought process?. Read this document by Polldeep to know the advantages and disadvantages of television on this world television day.

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Create a Poll on This World Television Day and Know Whether Television has Made a Positive Impact on Intellectual Though

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  2. https://www.polldeep.com Televisionisubiquitous; thereisvirtuallyno inhabitedbuildingintheworldwhereyouwill notfindatleastatelevisionset. Formanypeople, itistheironlysourceofentertainmentand relaxation, forsome, itisthemostimportantofall homegadgets, andforsome, aroomcanonlybe saidtobecompleteorcalledaroomwhenithas atelevisionsetinit. TelevisionhasbecomepartofourlifeandIthink itissafetosaythatwecannotdowithoutit. 

  3. Advantage: 1. Itiseducational Thetelevisiongives ustheopportunityto seetheworldinthe comfortofourhome.   Itexpandsourmind. Wecanlearnabouta lotofthingslike science, cultureof peoplearoundthe world, technology, sport, politics, etc. 

  4. Disadvantages: 1. Itexposespeople, especially kidstovices AstheTVisgoodfor learningcooland greatthingssoit’s alsoverygoodfor learningbadand uncoolthings.  Alotofcrimesthat peoplecommitin theworldtoday startedfromwhat theyseeontheTV.

  5. Disadvantages: 2. TVreducebrainactivityand leadstoalackofcriticalanalysis Thebrainhealthis determinedbyhow muchyouuseit. When youwatchTVforalong time, youarenotdoing anyactivethinkingor engagingthebrain, this canhaveadetrimental effectonthebrainand consequentlyyour thoughtprocess.

  6. Thedisadvantagesoftelevisionseemsto beincreasingmorethantheadvantages, butthisisnotenoughtojudgethekind ofimpactithasontheintellectual thoughtprocessofpeople. Conductinganonlinepollsandsurveys canbeusedtogatheropinionsandlead toasomewhataccurateanswer.

  7. https://www.polldeep.com Polldeepisanonlinetoolwhichcreatespolls withease. WithPolldeepyouwillgetinstant feedbackandlearnmorefromyouraudience. Youcancustomizethelookofyourpollsthat suitsyourbrand. Polldeepallowstheaudience tosharepollviasocialmedia. WiththehelpofMapfeature, youcanseewhere yourvotersarelocated, athomeandaroundthe world. PolldeepalsoallowsOptionalgender, age, andcustom snapanalysis

  8. https://www.polldeep.com ADDRESS: Suite1185 48Par-La-VilleRoad HamiltonHM11 Bermuda EMAIL:  Support: support@polldeep.com Sales: sales@polldeep.com

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