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HUSR 224: Self-Esteem Strategies

HUSR 224: Self-Esteem Strategies. Course Overview. Graded Elements. Highlights… Two Exams Three Papers 3 types of Extra Credit available. Graded Elements. Two Exams 150 points each 100 points for multiple-choice and true/false questions 50 points for short-answer essays

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HUSR 224: Self-Esteem Strategies

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  1. HUSR 224:Self-Esteem Strategies Course Overview

  2. Graded Elements Highlights… Two Exams Three Papers 3 types of Extra Credit available

  3. Graded Elements Two Exams • 150 points each • 100 points for multiple-choice and true/false questions • 50 points for short-answer essays • Midterm – March 16th • Final [not cumulative]– May 18th

  4. Graded Elements Three Papers • Self-Esteem Sentence Completion Exercise • due by 3/23 • Journal Article Report • 5+ pages, due by 4/13 • Self-Esteem Goals paper • 5+ pages, due by 5/4

  5. Extra Credit Total available – 50 points • Book Report • up to 50 points • Human Services Club report • up to 10 points • Professor’s blog • 1 to 4 points each • http://humanservicesnews.blogspot.com

  6. Course Topics

  7. Why is Self-Esteem (SE) important to Human Services work? Defining SE and Self-Evaluation Theory Barriers and Challenges to SE SE Inventories & Research SE Throughout the Lifespan How SE is Informed by Culture, Institutions & the Media Self-Regard skills 1st Half of Course

  8. 2nd Half of Course • Self-Efficacy skills • Gender and SE • SE in Addictions & Recovery • Clinical Models & Program Development • The Esteemed Agency: Managing Human Services Teams

  9. Using Technology to Support Learning

  10. Tech-based resources • Student Resource Website • http://www.humanresourcefulness.net/CypressCollege • http://www.tinyurl.com/husr224 • Human Services in the News blog • http://humanservicesnews.blogspot.com • Twitter • http://www.twitter.com/husr224

  11. Professor Harris’Teaching Philosophy

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