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The NCP system in FP6

The NCP system in FP6. Human Resources and Mobility NCP Training Session 30 October 2002, Brussels. The NCP system in FP6. Background : “Guiding Principles”

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The NCP system in FP6

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  1. The NCP system in FP6 Human Resources and Mobility NCP Training Session 30 October 2002, Brussels

  2. The NCP system in FP6 • Background:“Guiding Principles” as agreed by the Group of personal representatives of Ministersand the Commission http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/fp6/index_en.html (CORDIS Library: Documents on FP6 and ERA) • Aim : to inform and assist potential participants and contractors in ongoing projects

  3. The NCP system in FP6 • Nomination : by MSs/ASs & recognition by EC • Architecture : MSs/ASs responsible for organisational structure of its NCP System • MSs • Candidate countries likely to become associated to FP6 : BG, CY, CZ, EE, HU, LT, LV, MT, PL, RO, SI, SK, TRK • Other countries likely to become associated to FP6 : IL, IS, LI, NO, CH

  4. Guiding principles for setting up systems of National Contact Points (NCP systems) for the Sixth EU Framework Programme on Research and Technological Development (FP6) • Introduction • Basic principles • Recommended tasks for the organisation(s) operating the NCP system • Characteristics of the organisation(s) operating the NCP system • Nomination and recognition process • Co-operation between the NCPs and the Commission • Exchange of information at European level on performance of NCP systems

  5. Basic principles • NCPs should inform and assist potential participants and contractors in ongoing projects • The national governments have the responsibility to establish, finance, nominate, supervise and monitor the NCPs • The Commission provides the necessary information and training and acts as a moderator for the transnational networking

  6. Recommended NCP tasks • Informing, awareness raising • Advising, assisting and training • Signposting

  7. Informing, awareness raising • Circulate general and specific documentation on the Community RTD programmes • Organise promotional activities in liaison with the Commission services (e.g. info-days, seminars, conferences, newsletters, Web sites, fairs, etc.) • Raise awareness for the Community objectives of increasing the participation of women in the Framework Programme (science and ethics, science and civil society) • Raise awareness for other European programmes in the field of research and innovation: Eureka and COST

  8. Advising, assisting and training • Explain the scope and the modalities of the whole spectrum of instruments to be used in FP6 • Advise on administrative procedures and contractual issues (role and responsibilities of participants in a consortium, costs, rights and obligations of contractors, respect of ethics rules etc.) • Assist in partner search activities notably by disseminating calls for proposals (using Community tools such as CORDIS, co-operation networks, etc.)

  9. Advising, assisting and training • Assist organisations, in particular new actors and SMEs, with a view to increasing their participation in FP6 • Organise training sessions on RTD programmes for intermediaries and information multipliers to ensure high quality of advice • Organise training seminars for specific target groups or on specific topics • Assist the Commission in assuring transparency and equal access to call for new partners in on-going projects

  10. Signposting • Give feedback to the Commission on any problems and difficulties in implementing and participating in the Framework Programme • Signpost, to other Community network services, for example to IRCs and EICs, those potential participants who require assistance for e.g. general EU matters or matters relating to innovation and technology transfer, typically dealt with by these networks • Inform the Commission about planned NCP activities and events requiring participation of Commission staff

  11. Characteristics of the NCP organisation(s) • Have a good knowledge of the Community RTD activities and technological domains concerned • Be competent to provide assistance services to different kinds of actors (industry, academia, SMEs, etc.) • Have skills in RTD management and financing • Show the experience and acceptance necessary to reach the research community concerned and have good knowledge of the national research landscape

  12. Characteristics of the NCP organisation(s) • Have adequate human resources and equipment (e.g. informatics) • Be able to act as independent organisation(s), being committed to impartiality in delivering their services • Be suitable to become part of an international system for stimulating participation in FP6 and for partner search • Be able to co-ordinate the different actors of the system

  13. Characteristics of the NCP organisation(s) As a minimum service level it should be assured that each NCP is reachable by phone, fax and e-mail during usual working hours and that it has a website with basic information on its services

  14. The role of the Commission • Publish widely the nominated NCPs on the CORDIS server, in the guides for proposers and in other information material • Provide appropriate training for NCPs on all thematic and managerial aspects, including relevant EU policies and ethical aspects, especially before and at the beginning of FP6 • Invite NCPs to participate in information and awareness actions related to RTD that will be organised by the Commission

  15. The role of the Commission • Nominate contact persons for NCPs in the Commission services for all thematic and horizontal priorities of FP6 • Provide timely information on work programmes and roadmaps, upcoming calls, changes in thematic priorities or administrative procedures, statistics of calls and evaluations, etc., • Provide leaflets, brochures and other relevant information for further distribution by NCPs

  16. The role of the Commission • Establish and operate an NCP extranet Website for supplying information and as a discussion forum • Actively support and moderate the European wide networking of NCPs, as a means to stimulate the participation in Community RTD activities and a contribution to the realisation of the ERA • Support, where appropriate, additional costs relating to special measures, activities and events

  17. From FP5 to FP6 • Commitment • Higher visibility of the NCP system • New and more detailed guiding principles

  18. New addresses • Human Resources and Mobility helpdesk rtd-mariecurie-actions@cec.eu.int • Web address http://europa.eu.int/mariecurie-actions Operational from mid November 2002

  19. CIRCA:http://forum.europa.eu.int/ New site: NCP Coordination



  22. To become member of the NCP COORDINATION SITE or in case of questions/problems with this site send an e-mail to: Irene.BONETTI@cec.eu.int

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