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Innovations in Topside Paint for Navy Surface Ships

Explore the evolution of Navy surface-ship topside coatings, advancements in color stability, and methods to reduce ownership costs. Learn about low solar absorbance coatings and challenges faced by first-generation LSA paints. Discover solutions to fading issues and alternative pigment options.

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Innovations in Topside Paint for Navy Surface Ships

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  1. What’s New in Topside Paint? Surface Navy Association, Arlington, VA Jan. 2013 Mr. Mark Ingle, P.E. Technical Warrant Holder, Coatings and Corrosion Control (202) 781-3665 mark.w.ingle@navy.mil 1 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  2. Introduction • Brief background and history of Navy surface-ship topside coatings. • NAVSEA success with improving color stability, durability, and service life of topside paints. • Surface Fleet opportunities for reducing total ownership cost of surface-ship topside coatings. Problem Solution 2 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  3. Deputy Commander / CHENG (SEA 05) Executive Director / Deputy CHENG (SEA 05B) Naval Systems Engineering Directorate (SEA 05) Chief of Staff (SEA 05B1) RDML (SEA 05A) R&SE ChiefWorkforceOfficer (SEA 05B2) ChiefFinancialOfficer (SEA 05B3) ChiefTechnologyOfficer (SEA 05B4) Tech Policy & StandardsOfficer (SEA 05B5) HR & Administrative Officer (SEA 05B6) Director,Warfare Systems Engineering &Human Systems Integration (SEA 05H) Director,Surface Ship Design &Systems Engineering (SEA 05D) Director,Submarine/Submersible Design& System Engineering (SEA 05U) Director,Aircraft Carrier Design& Systems Engineering (SEA 05V) Director,Littoral and Mine Warfare Design& Systems Engineering (SEA 05L Director,Cost Engineering & Industrial Analysis (SEA 05C) Director,Ship Integrity & Performance (SEA 05P) Director,Marine Engineering (SEA 05Z) SEA 05PB - Deputy SEA 05P2 - Materials Coatings & Corrosion Control Cathodic Protection Composites Materials Welding & Metals Non-destructive testing Fuels and Lubricants Pre-decisional 3 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  4. Topside Coating History • Navy topside coatings developed over decades: •• Sept. 1941 – Bureau of Ships includes “haze gray” color in palette for surface ship camouflage. 1952 – modern haze gray color adopted. •• June 1963 – NAVSHIPS report concludes semi-gloss USS CONCORD (CL-10) - 1943 “haze gray” color is best: “from pole to pole, all seasons, around the clock.” - Color intended to conceal ship against background sea & sky. - Mast and stacks black to hide soot. - Numbers white & black. •• Sept. 1989 – NAVSEA report based on visual tests, interviews, and photographs showed benefits of reduced contrast by entire topside being haze gray, light gray and ocean gray. •• Sept. 1992 – NAVSEA “Camouflage Manual for Surface Ship Concealment” published USS JASON DUNHAM (DDG-109) - 2010 and requires haze gray and counter-shading. • • • • LSA topcoat applied to entire freeboard and superstructure. NRL mea • sured 6F reduction in surface temperature on DDG-963 structure. DD-963s operated in Persian Gulf without expensive air-conditioning plant upgrade. • LSA coatings on lower portion of LCS-1 superstructure compared with uncoated aluminum – 12F lower temperature. USS EDSON (DD-946) - 1974 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  5. Introduction of Low Solar Absorbance Topside Coatings • Low solar absorbance (LSA) topcoats developed by Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in late 1990s to reduce heat load on DD-963s operating in Persian Gulf. June, 2000 first LSA paint installed on ex-USS FLETCHER (DD-992). LSA pigments are a large commercial, business. • LSA topcoat applied to entire freeboard and superstructure. NRL measured 6°F reduction in surface temperature on DD-963 structure. DD-963s operated in Persian Gulf without expensive air-conditioning plant upgrade. • LSA coatings on lower portion of LCS-1 superstructure compared with uncoated aluminum – 12°F lower temperature. 132F ΔT = 15oF 120F LSA paint required since 2002, reducing ship energy consumption when air conditioning operational Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  6. So Why Do LSA Paints Fade? PROBLEM: First Generation LSA paints are color shifting in Fleet. • LSA topcoats developed in late 1990s entered a world in which over-coating paint was common. - Crew over-coating common. - Ships docked 3-5 years and were repainted. - 41 coats of paint on some areas of 49 year old ship. • Topside coating military specification, MIL-PRF-24635B (1994) required color & gloss testing: - One year, Florida, 45°-south. - 60° Gloss not less than 50% of original. - CIE color values as per ASTM-D-2244 delta E shall be not greater than 1.0 CIELAB unit delta E >4 easy to perceive - <1 hard to perceive LSA Pigment Ex-ANCHORAGE (LSD 36) Silicone alkyd has color shifted to pink tint. Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. First Generation LSA paint never qualified for long-term service Non-LSA Pigment

  7. Solutions to Fading Paint in Place MIL-PRF-24635, Type II LSA, Silicone Alkyds COLOR SHIFT / FADE MIL-PRF-24635, Type V Polysiloxane BEST MIL-PRF-24635, Type III Silicone Alkyds BETTER Nov. 2011 Four Products on QPD May 2010 Three Products on QPD Dec. 2010 NAVSEA Naval Message 131732Z Dec 10 provides paint procurement guidance to Fleet: Type II - NO LONGER AUTHORIZED – USE UP STOCK Type III - RECOMMENDED Type V – RECOMMENDED with EXTREMELY HIGH FADE RESISTANCE Universal paint requirements document, FY-12, Change 1, Standard Item 009-32 includes process for installing polysiloxane coating – only allows use of BETTER or BEST. ∙ NSWC-SSES Naval Message 131500Z SEP 12 describes processes for repairing polysiloxane and over-coating existing paint – all ships in fleet can use BEST paint. Must be careful because polysiloxane is two-part paint that requires mixing. . Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. NAVSEA has solution in place to resolve topside fading issue

  8. Long-term Ship Tests Prove Concept Silicone Alkyd Control Approximate color shift of Type II alkyd (red) Delta E >6 Approximate color shift of Type V polysiloxane (blue) Delta E >2.05 Polysiloxane Haze Gray Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Polysiloxane on USS KEARSAGE (LHD-3) exhibited Color Shift – difficult to percieve by eye.

  9. Reducing Probability of Topside Coating Failure • NAVSEA defined “failure” of a topside paint as when color obviously faded. Delta E = 4.6 is “failure” based on color measurement instrument vector math. • Panel & ship data measured quarterly (as available). • Silicone alkyds show a high probability of failing between 2 and 3 years • Polysiloxanes show negligible probability of unacceptable color shift to date. Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  10. Polysiloxane Use Expanding In Fleet Polysiloxanes Qualified USS PONCE (LPD-15) Ships want the polysiloxane coatings and NAVSEA Corrosion Control Assistance Teams support Fleet Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  11. Polysiloxane is Reducing Install & Total Ownership Costs ∙ Polysiloxane is a premium-priced paint, but durable and color stable. Coating provides both corrosion-control and topside functionality. ∙ FY-12, Change 1, Standard Item 009-32 requires polysiloxane coating application with one fewer coat than alkyd. Silicone AlkydPolysiloxane Epoxy Primer Epoxy Primer Epoxy Stripe Coat Epoxy or Polysiloxane Stripe Coat Epoxy PrimerPolysiloxane Topcoat Silicone Alkyd Topcoat ∙ Business case developed based on coating 310,000 square foot LHD topside. materials, & labor: Silicone AlkydPolysiloxane Paint Material Cost $160,580 $212,350 (less epoxy, thicker film) Labor & QA $569,625$325,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED $730,205 $537,850 JOB COSTS Estimated 26% application cost reduction on LHD topside coating. Based on area coated to date, cost avoidance has been $1.7M Steps Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  12. What can Fleet Do to Reduce Maintenance Costs? • NAVSEA needs fleet help to change the model for topside maintenance. - Clean the ship (like your car). - Don’t repaint the ship (like your house). Cleaning success on: CVN-71 DDG-79 LHD-1 LSD-41 • SEA 21 is developing Lead Ship Initiative to get all new coatings & corrosion-control technology, including polysiloxane, on one ship to demonstrate savings •We need to avoid repainting. Nov. 2012 inquiry from supply officer on ship recently coated with polysiloxane requested source for archaic alkyd paint to overcoat hull. Polysiloxane coating applied to Multiple areas under ship in 2010 catwalk over-coated with alkyd by 2012. Fleet, NAVSEA, and SEA 21 can work together to reduce total ownership costs Sailor and Bosun’s Mate provided positive feedback on ease of cleaning 8” After Cleaning Before 3’ Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  13. Backup slides 13 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

  14. Paint Application Process Control is Key • Installations of polysiloxane show 93% success rate with two partial failures. - One on each coast. - Local portion of overall job >90% of coating adherent, small areas delaminating. • Failure analysis: - Surface cleanliness is key. Polysiloxane is not surface tolerant. - Application must following requirements in Standard Item 009-32. - Overcoat window is key. SEA 05P2 directed all suppliers to ensure ASTM-F-718s included details to preclude failure. Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Coatings must be applied in accordance with requirements

  15. Future Reductions in Total Ownership Costs • Candidates for future success in NAVSEA coatings and processes to reduce total ownership costs: • SEA 05 New Construction Working Group shifting good ideas from maintenance to new construction. - “Top Nine” ideas approved by NAVSEA already. - Leverage good ideas from NAVSEA, Standard Item 009-32, and industry into contractual changes. Plan is to produce actual contract changes. • Developing high-solids, MIL-DTL-24441 to go from five coats to one or two. - One vendor’s candidate product passed cathodic disbondment. - Resolving cracking and overcoat issues. Plan is to significantly reduce steps in tank coating. • Coordinating with Cumbersome Work Practices, Paint Center of Excellence, National Shipbuilding Research Program, and others to generate successes. - Extend retention of preconstruction primer to single-coat paint. - Streamline coating quality assurance process. Plan is to focus all efforts on value-added processes. 15 Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

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