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RA2/MWR CCVT Meeting Frascati, 3-4 December 2002

RA2/MWR CCVT Meeting Frascati, 3-4 December 2002. Alvin Brattli Norwegian Meteorological Institute. The WAM area. The collocation process. Find nearest WAM/HIRLAM points and interpolate in space and time to find model SWH/WSPD at the location Discard data outside WAM area and over land/ice.

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RA2/MWR CCVT Meeting Frascati, 3-4 December 2002

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  1. RA2/MWR CCVT MeetingFrascati, 3-4 December 2002 Alvin Brattli Norwegian Meteorological Institute

  2. The WAM area

  3. The collocation process • Find nearest WAM/HIRLAM points and interpolate in space and time to find model SWH/WSPD at the location • Discard data outside WAM area and over land/ice

  4. Data filtering • Keep only data points larger than a threshold value (SWH: 0.1m, WSPD: 0.5m) and smaller than a max value (SWH: 11m, WSPD: 20m) • Discard data points with a large deviation from the model value (SWH: 6m) • Discard data flagged as low quality, i.e. a large standard deviation. Max STDEV for SWH: 3.5m

  5. Data filtering, example

  6. Additional filtering for operational use (data assimilation) Calculate the average of observations within the reach of one WAM point (WAM resolution: 50km)

  7. SWH KU-band, by month September August November October

  8. SWH KU-band, accumulated

  9. SHW KU-band, accumulated+averaged

  10. SWH S-band, by month September August November October

  11. SWH S-band, accumulated

  12. SHW S-band, accumulated+averaged

  13. Wind Speed, by month September August 24 Oct - 27 Nov 1-22 October

  14. Wind Speed, 19 Aug-22 Oct

  15. Wind Speed, 19 Aug-22 Oct, averaged

  16. Rounding errors in ground processing?

  17. Rain contamination? 2002-10-01

  18. 2002-10-01: Envisat passes over an area with heavy precipitation HIRLAM WSPD RA2 WSPD

  19. 2002-10-01: Envisat passes over an area with heavy precipitation WAM SWH RA2 SWH (KU)

  20. Conclusions • The data (SWH KU-band and WSPD) seem promising for operational use • Need to learn more about the measurements in situations with rain contamination

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