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Elements of Poetry

Elements of Poetry. What is poetry?. Poetry is not prose. Prose is the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing. Elements of Poetry. Poetry is a form of literary expression that captures intense experiences or creative perceptions of the world in a musical language.

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Elements of Poetry

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  1. Elements of Poetry

  2. What is poetry? • Poetry is not prose. Prose is the ordinary language people use in speaking or writing. Elements of Poetry • Poetry is a form of literary expression that captures intense experiences or creative perceptions of the world in a musical language. • Basically, if prose is like talking, poetry is like singing. • By looking at the set up of a poem, you can see the difference between prose and poetry.

  3. Distinguishing Characteristics of Poetry • Unlike prose which has a narrator, poetry has a speaker. • A speaker, or voice, talks to the reader. The speaker is not necessarily the poet. It can also be a fictional person, an animal or even a thing Example But believe me, son. I want to be what I used to be when I was like you. from “Once Upon a Time” by Gabriel Okara

  4. Distinguishing Characteristics of Poetry • Poetry is also formatted differently from prose. • A line is a word or row of words that may or may not form a complete sentence. • A stanza is a group of lines forming a unit. The stanzas in a poem are separated by a space. Example Open it. Go ahead, it won’t bite. Well…maybe a little. from “The First Book” by Rita Dove

  5. Figures of Speech • A figure of speech is a word or expression that is not meant to be read literally. • A simile is a figure of speech using a word such as like or as to compare seemingly unlike things. Example Does it stink like rotten meat? from “Harlem” by Langston Hughes

  6. Figures of Speech • A metaphoralso compares seemingly unlike things, but does not use like or as. Example the moon is a white sliver from “I Am Singing Now” by Luci Tapahonso • Personificationattributes human like characteristics to an animal, object, or idea. Example A Spider sewed at Night from “A Spider sewed at Night” by Emily Dickinson

  7. Figures of Speech • Hyperbole – a figure of speech in which great exaggeration is used for emphasis or humorous effect. Example “You’ve asked me a million times!” • Imagery is descriptive language that applies to the senses – sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell. Some images appeal to more than one sense.

  8. Sound Devices • Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. • Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within a line of poetry. • Onomatopoeia is the use of a word or phrase, such as “hiss” or “buzz” that imitates or suggests the sound of what it describes.

  9. Example of Sound Devices “In the steamer is the trout seasoned with slivers of ginger” from “Eating Together” by Li-Young Lee And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyes from “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

  10. Rhyme • Rhyme is the repetition of the same stressed vowel sound and any succeeding sounds in two or more words. • Internal rhyme occurs within a line of poetry. • End rhyme occurs at the end of lines. • Rhyme scheme is the pattern of end rhymes that may be designated by assigning a different letter of the alphabet to each new rhyme

  11. Example “All mine!" Yertle cried. "Oh, the things I now rule! I'm king of a cow! And I'm king of a mule! I'm king of a house! And what's more, beyond that, I'm king of a blueberry bush and cat! I'm Yertle the Turtle! Oh, marvelous me! For I am the ruler of all that I see!” from “Yertle the Turtle” by Dr. Seuss A A B B C C

  12. “Penelope” by Dorothy Parker A B A B C D D E E C In the pathway of the sun, In the footsteps of the breeze, Where the world and sky are one, He shall ride the silver seas, He shall cut the glittering wave. I shall sit at home, and rock; Rise, to heed a neighbor’s knock; Brew my tea, and snip my thread; Bleach the linen for my bed. They will call him brave.

  13. Connotation and Denotation Connotation - the emotional and imaginative association surrounding a word. Denotation - the strict dictionary meaning of a word. Example: You may live in a house, but we live in a home.

  14. Which of the following has a more favorable connotation? thrifty penny-pinching pushy aggressive politician statesman chef cook slender skinny

  15. Elements of Poetry When we explore the connotation and denotation of a poem, we are looking at the poet’s diction. Diction – the choice of words by an author or poet. Many times, a poet’s diction can help unlock the tone or mood of the poem.

  16. Dramatic Poetry • Dramatic poetry is poetry in which one or more characters speak. • Each speaker always addresses a specific listener. • This listener may be silent (but identifiable), or the listener may be another character who speaks in reply. • Usually the conflict that the speaker is involved with is either an intense or emotional.

  17. Lyric Poetry • Lyric poetry is poetry that expresses a speaker’s personal thoughts and feelings. • Lyric poems are usually short and musical. • This broad category covers many poetic types and styles, including haikus, sonnets, free verse and many others.

  18. Haikus • The traditional Japanese haiku is an unrhymed poem that contains exactly 17 syllables, arranged in 3 lines of 5, 7, 5 syllables each. • However, when poems written in Japanese are translated into another language, this pattern is often lost. • The purpose of a haiku is to capture a flash of insight that occurs during a solitary observation of nature.

  19. Examples of Haikus Since morning glories hold my well-bucket hostage I beg for water - Chiyo-ni First autumn morning: the mirror I stare into shows my father’s face. - Kijo Murakami

  20. Sonnets • Background of Sonnets • Form invented in Italy. • Most if not all of Shakespeare’s sonnets are about love or a theme related to love. • Sonnets are usually written in a series with each sonnet a continuous subject to the next. (Sequels in movies)

  21. Sequence of Sonnets • Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets and can be broken up by the characters they address. • The Fair Youth: Sonnets 1 – 126 are devoted to a young man of extreme physical beauty. The first 17 sonnets urge the young man to pass on his beauty to the next generation through children. From sonnet 18 on, Shakespeare shifts his viewpoint and writes how the poetry itself will immortalize the young man and allow his beauty to carry on. • The Dark Lady: Sonnets 127 – 154 talk about an irresistible woman of questionable morals who captivates the young poet. These sonnets speak of an affair between the speaker and her, but her unfaithfulness has hurt the speaker. • The Rival Poet: This character shows up during the fair youth series. The poet sees the rival poet as someone trying to take his own fame and the poems refer to his own anxiety and insecurity.

  22. Structure of Sonnets The traditional Elizabethan or Shakespearean sonnet consists of fourteen lines, made up of three quatrains (stanzas of 4 lines each) and a final couplet (two line stanza). Sonnets are usually written in iambic pentameter. The quatrains traditionally follow an abab rhyme scheme, followed by a rhyming couplet.

  23. Example Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer's lease hath all too short a date. Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or nature's changing course, untrimmed: But thy eternal summer shall not fade Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, Nor shall Death brag thou wand'rest in his shade When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

  24. Free Verse • Free verse is poetry that has no fixed pattern of meter, rhyme, line length, or stanza arrangement. • When writing free verse, a poet is free to vary the poetic elements to emphasize an idea or create a tone. • In writing free verse, a poet may choose to use repetition or similar grammatical structures to emphasize and unify the ideas in the poem.

  25. Free Verse • While the majority of popular poetry today is written as free verse, the style itself is not new. Walt Whitman, writing in the 1800’s, created free verse poetry based on forms found in the King James Bible. • Modern free verse is concerned with the creation of a brief, ideal image, not the refined ordered (and artificial, according to some critics) patterns that other forms of poetry encompass.

  26. Example of Free Verse The lunatic is carried at last to the asylum a confirmed case, He will never sleep any more as he did it in the cot in his mother’s bedroom; The dour printer with gray head and gaunt jaws works at his case, He turns is quid of tobacco, his eyes blurred with the manuscript; The malformed limbs are tied to the anatomist’s table, What is removed drops horribly in the pail; The quadroon girl is sold at the stand….the drunkard nods by the barroom stove… Excerpt from “Song of Myself” (section 15) Walt Whitman

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