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Year 7 Homework 4 -

Year 7 Homework 4 -. By the end of the homework you will understand the properties and qualities of three smart materials …. Key Words You are required to use the following words during your descriptions and design ideas .

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Year 7 Homework 4 -

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  1. Year 7 Homework 4 - By the end of the homework you will understand the properties and qualities of three smart materials… Key Words You are required to use the following words during your descriptions and design ideas. You have 30 seconds to jot down as many things you could use this smart material for! Remember ALL ideas are GOOD ideas!

  2. Design a product that could use Thermo-chromatic paper , Polymorph and Super Absorbent Polymers to solve a design problem! What could this SMART material be used for? Create a design idea complete with annotations Design ideas Polymorph SAP TCP Literacy Ergonomic is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Temperature is: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Expand means: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  3. Your design idea solves a real problem by… Your design idea solves a real problem by… Your design idea solves a real problem by… Your design could be improved if…. Your design could be improved if…. Your design could be improved if…. The design could be altered to solve what other problem? The design could be altered to solve what other problem? The design could be altered to solve what other problem?

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