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YEAR 7 HOMEWORK CHECKLIST klikmedia.co.uk/y7hw.html

Investigate various internet dangers, their effects, and protective measures. Understand the history of the web, virtual reality, cloud computing, networking, and input/output devices.

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YEAR 7 HOMEWORK CHECKLIST klikmedia.co.uk/y7hw.html

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  1. YEAR 7 HOMEWORK CHECKLISTwww.klikmedia.co.uk/y7hw.html

  2. YEAR 7 HOMEWORK CHECKLISTwww.klikmedia.co.uk/y7hw.html

  3. Year 7A WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7A INTERNET DANGERS • Research on the Internet 4 different dangers of the Internet. NAME them on a piece of paper. • For each danger EXPLAIN what it does and why it is a danger. • For each danger EXPLAIN at least one way to protect yourself. 7A

  4. Year 7B WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7B THE HISTORY OF THE WEB • Who invented the world wide web and WHY? • When was it invented? • Who invented the Internet and WHY? • When was it invented? 7B

  5. Year 7C WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7C DESIGNING FOR AUDIENCE • Name 2 things you can put in a presentation to make it suitable for a child audience. • Name 2 things you can put in a presentation to make it suitable for a adult audience. 7C

  6. Year 7D WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7D VIRTUAL REALITY • DIAMOND: What is Virtual reality • DIAMOND: EXPLAIN how it is a MODEL of a real or imaginary situation. • PLATINUM: Research some new virtual reality hardware coming out his year. NAME 3 of them and write down some INFO about them. 7D

  7. Year 7E WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7E COMPUTER MODELLING • DIAMOND: What is a computer model? • DIAMOND: EXPLAIN how the weather is modelled. • DIAMOND: What variables would the weather model need to consider? • PLATINUM: Research some other computer models. NAME 3 of them and write down some INFO about them. 7E

  8. Year 7F WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7F BINARY • DIAMOND: What two numbers are used in BINARY? • DIAMOND: EXPLAIN why computers use BINARY. • DIAMOND: Convert 98 into binary. Convert 1100101 into decimal • PLATINUM: Research some other computer models. NAME 3 of them and write down some INFO about them. 7F


  10. Year 7H WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7H NETWORKS • DIAMOND: What is a computer network? • DIAMOND: Name 3 types of network. • DIAMOND: What are the advantages of a star network over a ring network? • PLATINUM: What network do we use in the school. Is it a LAN, WAN, PAN or WLAN 7H

  11. Year 7I WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7I INPUT & OUTPUT DEVICES • DIAMOND: What is an input and output device? • DIAMOND: Name 3 types of input device. • DIAMOND: Name 3 types of output device • PLATINUM: What input/output devices are there for people who have impaired vision or another disability? 7I

  12. Year 7J WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7J Logical reasoning • DIAMOND: What is the fault in this algorithm? OUTPUT 'How old are you?' INPUT user inputs their age STORE the user's input in the age variable IF age > 17 THEN OUTPUT 'You are old enough to drive a car!' ELSE IF age < 17 THEN OUTPUT 'You are too young to drive a car.‘ • PLATINUM: What line/s could you add to the algorithm to fix the fault? 7J

  13. Year 7k WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7k STORING IMAGES AS DATA • Above is an image that has a 1 bit colour palette • DIAMOND: How many colours in a 2 bit palette • DIAMOND: How many bits would it take to have 16 colours? • PLATINUM: How many colours are needed to display a photograph? What bit palette is needed? 7k

  14. Year 7L WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7L STORING SOUND AS DATA • Sound is inputted into the computer by sampling a real-world-sound • DIAMOND: How can you increase the quality of a recording? • DIAMOND: What is the difference between analogue and digital signals? • PLATINUM: Explain how MP3 compresses sound. 7L

  15. Year 7M WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7M Compressing files • DIAMOND: Why do we compress files? • DIAMOND: What is the difference between Lossy and Lossless compression? • PLATINUM: Name one Lossy and one Losseless compression system for images 7m

  16. Year 7N WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7N Client server • DIAMOND: What is the client server model? • DIAMOND: Where is the client server model used? • PLATINUM: Name some protocols used by computers. What do they do? 7N

  17. Year 7O WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7O Early computers • DIAMOND: Research the Colossus computer. What was it used for? • DIAMOND: How did they get data into the computer? • DIAMOND: How did they get data out of the computer? • PLATINUM: What was the first computer (hint: Maybe before electricity!!) 7O

  18. Year 7P WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7P Network hardware • DIAMOND: Research what a SWITCH is in computer networks. What was it used for? • DIAMOND: Research what a HUB is in computer networks. What was it used for? • DIAMOND: Research what a NIC is in computer networks. What was it used for? • PLATINUM: Why is a switch better then a hub? 7P

  19. Year 7Q WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7Q The CPU • DIAMOND: What does the CPU do? • DIAMOND: Explain in your own words the fetch-execute cycle? • PLATINUM: Why do computers need ROM? 7Q

  20. Year 7R WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER • TITLE: 7R Computer and the law • DIAMOND: Name 3 responsibilities of a company under the DATA PROTECTION ACT ? • DIAMOND: Name two rules of the computer misuse act? 7R

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