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Building Updates. Albert Lea High School Year of Transition May-June 2011. May. June. Safe, Healthy, Welcoming Schools Building Goal:. Increasing Opportunity & Achievement Building Goal:. Effective and Efficient Operations Building Goal:. Technology Building Goal:. Principal Comments.
Building Updates Albert Lea High School Year of Transition May-June 2011
Principal Comments The transition process to an 8-12 high school continues to move smoothly toward implementation in the Fall of 2011. • One of our first goals will be to build relations among our faculty and staff. On May 24th, from 1-4 p.m. a Youth Frontiers Honor Retreat will be held to engage staff in activities that build community and transform our staff into a cohesive team, focused on a common direction. This retreat will help our staff clarify their purpose within the school community and gain a greater appreciation for the value of their work and the work of their colleagues. • Link Crew activities that welcome students to our school, and help build better relationships with students, will take place for grades 8 and 9 the dates of August 30th and 31st. Orientation for students in grades 8 and 9 will take place the evening of August 31st from 6 to 8 p.m. 3. The implementation and integration of technology is moving forward at ALHS. Upcoming training and utilization of I Pads as an educational tool is being planned for use during the 2011-12 school year. 4. The process of assigning teacher classrooms for an 8-12 facility is taking place in May. Plans are being proposed to provide each teacher a smooth board or smart board to assist instruction in the classroom.
Hawthorne Bridging to New Leadership & New Building Team/Culture
Safe, Healthy, Welcoming SchoolsBuilding Goal: The percentage of parents responding to “strongly agree” on the parent satisfaction survey will increase from 35% to 45% in their view of Hawthorne’s public image.
Increasing Opportunity & AchievementBuilding Goal: The percentage of students in grades 3-6 who are proficient on the MCA-II Reading Test will increase 4.86% from 65% to 69.86% for the 2011 school year will all student groups meeting or exceeding the state proficiency average on the MCA-II Reading test by the 2012.
Technology Building Goal: 100% of HW licensed staff will have a working Website aligned with the new district Website by April 5, 2011 with 50% or more of staff exploring new technologies to enhance teaching and/or communication
Principal Comments • MCA Math testing continues until May 13th. • NWEA Map testing for grade 2-4 will go until May 19th • AimsWEB benchmarking being completed by K-6 • End of the year Text leveling for reading to document growth. • Work with Cheryl Nash • May 23rd Cheryl Nash meets with grade levels and departments to evaluate end of the year data (AimsWEB, reading Text Levels and NWEA) • May 24th Cheryl Nash meets with AYP Leadership team to address the final stage of RtI model: Problem Solving (Tier III) • Karen Zwolenski: • Karen has joined many of the newly formed grade level meetings via conference call or skype • May 12th Staff meeting with New Hawthorne Staff. Karen is trying to join us. • May 19th meet with Corrine and attending Kindergarten Sampler • May 24th all day: Leadership team in a.m. staff development in the p.m. • Floats and Fun: Hawthorne Spring Family Activity May 19th
Director Comments • 198 children screened prior to May screen this year • 2011-2012 K census 235. Total K screened to date 224 • May screen 24+ Kindergarteners scheduled • May 12thMoai Kickoff – begins at Boathouse • June 11th Open House at Boathouse – free canoeing/kayaking for community • Adult Basic Education Coordinator – Penny Jahnke • School Readiness Coordinator – Kayla Habana • Early Childhood Family Education Coordinator – Jennifer Hanson • Learning Resource Network National Conference (June 6th-9th) • Cindy Enderson: Program Management Institute: needs assessment, program development, program analysis, pricing, customer service, financing, brochures, marketing, promotion • Mary Boorsma: Marketing Institute: market analysis, database marketing, finances of marketing, customers, unique selling proposition and brand, cost effective promotional campaigns, websites, emarketing & social networking, generational marketing, marketing plan, management of marketing
Building Updates Halverson Change is underway
Principal Comments New staff meetings are going extremely well! *positive attitudes *reflective & purposeful questioning *results driven One word summary...Opportunity!
Building Updates Area Learning Center
Safe, Healthy, Welcoming SchoolsBuilding Goal: Building Goal:100% of the staff at the Albert Lea Area Learning Center will engage in the PBIS school wide support system working with the building motto of “Be Here, Be Respectful, Be Responsible”. Staff will engage in bi-weekly student advisory meetings to help decrease the number of office referrals during the 2010-11 school year.
Increasing Opportunity & AchievementBuilding Goal: The percentage of students in the 10th grade at the Albert Lea Area Learning Center who are proficient on the MCA-II Reading assessment will increase from 31.25% to 41% during the 2010-11 school year. Students will have at least 85% attendance during the school year.
Effective and Efficient OperationsBuilding Goal:Through the implementation of a 5 day regular classroom schedule and the expectation that students will not leave the school building during the day the number of students successfully completing necessary credits to graduate or advance to the next grade level will increase during the 2010-11 school year.
Technology Building Goal: 100% of the staff at the Albert Lea Area Learning Center will use the Gradequick electronic student information system to maintain accurate and up-to-date student records pertaining to attendance, grades, mid-terms, and final scores. The staff will submit attendance daily, update grades bi-weekly and print mid-terms/finals based on the quarter calendar during the 2010-11 school year.
Principal Comments Right now we are preparing for summer school at the HS, MS and Elem level. We are visiting some other sites to help revamp our 10-12 program and establish the 6/7 and 8/9 programs. Staff development time will be spent on layered curriculum writing to provide individuals more options to achieve credit. Would like to have a flexible schedule for next year.
Building Updates LAKEVIEW
Safe, Healthy, Welcoming SchoolsBuilding Goal: Increase student to student relationships, with an emphasis on playground behavior.
Increasing Opportunity & AchievementBuilding Goal: The percentage of all students in grades 3-6 who are proficient on MCA11 reading will increase from 77.2% to 79.2% on the 2011 MCA
Technology Building Goal: 100% of licensed staff will use one new technology tool this school year in working with students.
Principal Comments The Lakeview Parent Organization and the staff are planning a school wide walk-a-thon to be held on May 31st. We are doing the walk as the major fund raiser for the LESO and to promote our community Vitality Project aimed at improving citizen health and longevity. It is our hope that this can become an annual event at Lakeview. Our location allows us the opportunity to take advantage of our lake and the sidewalks that allow for safe walking. The kindergarten will walk to Lakeview Park. Grades 1-6 will walk the four miles around the lake. We have over 95% of our students participating and over 70 parents or grandparents assisting.
Safe, Healthy, Welcoming SchoolsBuilding Goal: Decrease the number of referrals to the office in non-structured areas by 20% by year’s end. (Target goal of 54 or less by end of year. As of 5-11 at 37)
Increasing Opportunity & AchievementBuilding Goal: % of students in grades 3-6 who are proficient on the MCA reading and math tests will increase to 74.71 and 70.46 respectively in 2011.
Technology Building Goal: 100% of licensed staff will use and learn one new technology to integrate with students.
Principal Comments MCA Testing is coming to a close and has gone well. Concerned comments about gold standards needing a review and grade level assessments as reported to parents. MAP Testing in grades 2 and 4 are being given. May 25th – Cheryl Nash. We will review the results of recent AIMSweb benchmarks, reading levels, and student data and develop grade level and building focus for the following year. VDAP review as tied to individual and grade level achievement goals have begun. Great progress stories as well as some frustration on certain targets not quite being met. Good reflection time on things learned and what will continue to be emphasized. Working through classroom assignments to have out prior to end of year, but have not nailed this down yet. Planning an overhaul and updating of leveled library this summer with some teachers and Reading Corps tutors. PTO approved a stipend to create a parent liaison for the 2011-12 school year. Vision is to provide support and education to parents specific to the academic achievement of Sibley students.
Southwest Middle School Southwest Transition 6-7