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EULANEST Contract 036271

European-Latin American Network for Science and Technology (6FP). EULANEST Contract 036271. EULANEST Joint Call Funding Agencies. MICINN: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain FCT: Fundation of Science and Tecnology, Portugal

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EULANEST Contract 036271

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  1. European-Latin American Network for Science and Technology (6FP) EULANEST Contract 036271

  2. EULANEST Joint Call Funding Agencies • MICINN: Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain • FCT: Fundation of Science and Tecnology, Portugal • MAEE: Ministry of Foreign and European Affair, France • MENESR: Ministry for National Education, Higher Education and Research, France • IRD: Institute for Research and Development, France • BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany • DLR International Bureau of BMBF, Germany • RCN: Research Council of Norway, Norway • MINCYT: Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Argentina • CNPq: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Brazil • MEC-CUBIST: Ministry of Education and Culture,Uruguay EULANEST Contract 036271

  3. EULANEST Project: JOINT CALL • The ERA-Net EULANEST (6FP) fosters research cooperation between European States and Latin American countries in relevant fields of science. • EULANEST started in June 2006 and is expected to end in June 2010 • The EULANEST consortia has working on Mapping and Benchmarking the cooperation activities in S&Tbetween European and LA countries identifying best practices and preparing for a JOINT CALL between partners. • Aim of the JOINT CALL is to: - Create knowledge through a mixed consortia - Provide opportunities for networking and developing experience • Funding will be provided for a duration of 2 years • Research projects are expected to start in the first semester of 2010 EULANEST Contract 036271

  4. EULANEST Project: JOINT CALL • The projects should be performed by teams that include a minimum of - 2 research groups from 2 different European partners - 1 research group from LA • There must be 1 Principal Investigator (PI) per national research group selected… COORDINATOR: - Represents the project externally - Responsible for its internal management • Themes for the Call: - Sustainable renewable energies (frame of climate change) - Nanosciences (emphasis in human health) EULANEST Contract 036271

  5. Common Standards for the Selection and Funding of the RTD Projects (1/1) The EULANEST Joint Call mechanism is based on a ¨Virtual Pot¨ 1. Each Funding Agency proposed 2 National + 2 International experts for their consideration as evaluators of the proposals 2. These evaluators would be selected based on the expertise and background 3. Each project would be evaluated by 3 different experts 4. The experts will evaluate each proposal as long as the proposal is not: a. Subject to ¨conflict of interest¨ b. Directly coming within the institution he/she belongs to. c. Presented by a coordinator that is a fellow citizen with an expert EULANEST Contract 036271

  6. Common Standards for the Selection and Funding of the RTD Projects (2/2) 5. Projects will be selected on a join discussion during a ¨Workshop¨ that will be held in Uruguay in march 2010, coinciding with the EULARINET annual meeting. 6. The funding decision will be made in a join pannel composed by representatives from the funding agencies. This pannel will, on the basis of the output from the workshop, - Prioritize the selected proposals and taking monetary restrictions into consideration,: - Determine the funds to be allocated to each selected proposal EULANEST Contract 036271

  7. Budgetary Aspects Contribution to Joint Call Virtual Common Pot: ~ 2.000.000 € • Eligible costs that can be charged on the project(*) • Personnel costs (according to national rules) • Travel costs • Consumables • Small equipment • Other costs (Administration costs, Workshops, • Seminar Series, Summer Schools, etc) *NOTE: In agreement with requirements and eligibility rules of National Financial agencies. EULANEST Contract 036271

  8. Easy Transparent Systems (1/2) 1. A ¨Secretariat for the Joint Call¨has been created at DLR-Germany by the EULANEST consortium. Through this Secretariat of the Call everything will be centralized. 2. All funding agencies provided a ¨Contact Point¨ that will be available in case something needs to be further clarify during the application process. 3. Several meetings were held with the funding agencies in order to prepare and validate all the necessary documents needed to launch the Call 4. The Call will be published at the EULANEST website, www.s2lat.eu/eulanest. 5. The website will facilitate the necessaty documents and guidelines to apply for the Call, as well as a link to the online application tool (pt-outline) and evaluation criteria EULANEST Contract 036271

  9. Easy Transparent Systems (2/2) • The following documents have been created for the launch of the Call: • Joint Call EULANEST document (Guidelines for applicants) 2. Joint Call EULANEST Glossary 3. EULANEST Proposal Submission Form (both on paper and electronically through the pt-outline) 4. EULANEST Letter of Commit of National Agencies 5. Evaluation Form and Guidelines for evaluation 6. Declaration by the Project Coordinator on behalf of the Consortium EULANEST Contract 036271

  10. Thank you for your attention... Gloria Villar Acevedo Gloria.villar@micinn.es Ministry of Science and Innovation Madrid, Spain Coordinator of the EULANEST project EULANEST Contract 036271

  11. EULANEST JOINT CALL: OPEN TOPICS (1/2) Contribution of Sustainable Renewable Energies to solve Climate Change Challenges • New materials, advanced technologies and procedures for sustainable renewable energies: - Solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable sources of energy. - Production of Biomass from agricultural/forest wastes - Related technologies, including energy carriers and standards and certification • Social dimension of renewable energies: - Social impact and social acceptance of renewable energies and their rational use. - Adapting of behavior regarding the resources available in the region to produce energy - Assessment of social, economical and environmental impact of renewable energies.

  12. EULANEST JOINT CALL: OPEN TOPICS (2/2) • 2) Nanosciences development and nanomaterials applications to key economic • sectors, with a special emphasis on human health. • Development of nanomaterials with special properties • Development of nanodevices based systems for health diagnosis, treatment, intervention and control assessment. • Strategies for using nanosciences and nanotechnologies for environmental remediation, including urban sanitation (water supplies, waste disposal, etc.) • Use of nanomaterials for improving the nutritional content on foods for special segments of the population • Ethical and regulatory issues

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