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Heavy- flavour production in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at ALICE

Heavy- flavour production in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at ALICE. André Mischke for the ALICE Collaboration. Rencontres de Moriond - QCD and High Energy Interactions La Thuile , Italy – 20-27 March 2011. Outline. Motivation ALICE detector setup Trigger and data sample

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Heavy- flavour production in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at ALICE

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  1. Heavy-flavour production in p-p and Pb-Pb collisions at ALICE André Mischke for the ALICE Collaboration Rencontres de Moriond - QCD and High Energy Interactions La Thuile, Italy – 20-27 March 2011

  2. Outline • Motivation • ALICE detector setup • Trigger and data sample • Production cross sections in 7 TeVp-p collisions • D mesons at mid-rapidity • single electrons at mid-rapidity • single muons at forward rapidity • First open charm signals in Pb-Pb at √sNN = 2.76 TeV • Summary Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  3. Probing hot and dense QCD matter Quark-Gluon Plasma p+p collision Pb-Pbcollision after the collision • “Simplest way” to establish the properties of a system • calibrated probe • calibrated interaction • suppression pattern tells about density profile • Heavy-ion collision • hard processes serve as calibrated probe (pQCD) • traversing through the medium and interact strongly • suppression provides density measurement • General picture: energy loss via medium induced gluon radiation and collisional energy loss Quantify medium effects with nuclear modification factor Andre Mischke (ERC-UU) Moriond-QCD 2011 3

  4. Energy loss of heavy quarks hot and dense medium parton • Higher penetrating power probe deeper into the medium • Dead-cone effectgluon radiation suppressed at small angles (q < mQ/EQ)Y. Dokshitzer, D. Kharzeev, PLB 519, 199 (2001), hep-ph/0106202 • Less energy loss: Eg > ELQ > EHQ Wicks et al., Nucl. Phys. A784, 426 (2007) Bottom Charm Gluon radiation probability: Andre Mischke (ERC-UU) • Moriond-QCD 2011 4

  5. ALarge Ion Collider Experiment Size: 16x26 meters Weight: 10.000 tons L3 magnetB = 0.5 T Complete • ITS, TPC, TOF,HMPID,FMD, T0, V0, ZDC, PMD,EMCAL (approved 2009),Muonarm, Acorde, DAQ,HLT (High Level Trigger) Partial installation 10/18 TRD(approved 2002) 3/5 PHOS(funding) Short status: All systems fully operational • PID from ~100 MeV/c to above 30 GeV/c • Large acceptance in azimuth • Mid-rapidity coverage (|| < 0.9) and -4 < < -2.5 in forward region 5 • Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  6. Trigger and data sample • Minimum bias (MB) trigger: coincidences between • - SPD or V0 A-side or V0 C-side • - at least one charged particle in 8 η units • - 95% efficient on sinel • single-muon trigger • - forward muon in coincidence with MB SPD V0-A V0-C L ~ 1025 cm-2s-1 rate ~ 100 Hz Lint ~ 9 μb-1 Pb-Pb 6 • Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  7. Heavy-flavourmeasurements Impact parameter resolution SSD SDD SPD 87.2 cm • Radius inner pixel layer: 3.9 cm • ≈1 cm from the vacuum Inner Tracking System (ITS) 6 layers of silicon detectors - aligned using cosmics and first p-p data - current resolution for pixels: 14 μm (nominal ≈11 μm) - X/X0 = 7.18% for radial tracks • Capabilities to measure open charm down to pT=0 in p-p and p-Pb (1 GeV/c in Pb-Pb) • High precision tracking, better than 75 mm for pT > 1 GeV/c 7 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  8. Reconstruction of D mesons • D0K-+ BR: 3.89% • D0K-2+-BR: 8.09% • D*+D0(K)+s BR: 67.7% • D+K-++ BR: 9.22% • Ds+K+K-+ BR: 5.5% • Lc+pK-+ BR: 5.% D0K-+ • Analysis based on decay topology and invariant mass technique • Essential selection cuts • impact parameter • distance of closest approach • pointing angle • High precision tracking (ITS+TPC) • K and p identification (TPC+TOF)  reducing background at low pT 8 • Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  9. Open charm signals in 7 TeVp-p 9 • Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  10. D meson cross sections at |η| < 0.5 7 TeVp-p, 1.4 nb-1 • Current pT range: 2-12 GeV/c with 20% of the 2010 statistics • B feed-down calculated from theory (10-15%)data driven method will be used with full 2010 statistics • Results agree with pQCD calculation (FONLL and GM-VFNS) • Ongoing: extension to low and high pT Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  11. Single electrons at mid-rapidity • High quality tracks in TPC and ITS • - hit in innermost pixel layer to reduce γ conversions • Electron identification using TPC and TOF • TOF to reject Kaons (<1.5 GeV/c) and protons (<3 GeV/c) • TPC: asymmetric cut around the electron Bethe-Bloch curve • measure contamination by fitting dE/dx with a double Gaussian distributions 11 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  12. Inclusive electron spectrum • Efficiency correction and corrections for electron Bremsstrahlung • Cocktail based on neutral pion cross section measured in PHOS and from double conversion reconstruction in TPC • Excess of inclusive/cocktail ratio at high-pT, arising from D and B decay electrons 12 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  13. Single electron cross section • Total systematic uncertainty is 16-20% pT dependent plus 7% on normalization • Single electrons in agreement with expectations from D mesons • Results agree with FONLL calculation within errors • Extend pT range with EMCal and TRD 13 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  14. Single muons at -4<<-2.5: analysis strategy charm, bottom , K primaries , K secondaries punch-through Muon sources from Pythia • Remove hadrons and low-pTmuons(secondary p, K) by requiring muon tracking-trigger • Remove decay muons(primary p, K) by subtracting MC dN/dpT normalized to data at low pT(< 2 GeV/c) • Remaining contribution are muons from charm and bottom • Corrections on acceptance x efficiency (~80% for pT > 2 GeV/c) Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  15. Single muon cross section 1.3 108 events • Good agreement with FONLL within (large) errors • 20-25% systematic uncertainties • Will be extended to 15 GeV/c with more statistics and improved spectrometer alignment • Reference for single muon RAA 15 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  16. Pb-Pbcollision at 0.57 PeV Jump in collision energy by a factor of ~15 compared to RHIC 16 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  17. D meson signals in 0.57 PeVPb-Pb • First open charm signals in heavy-ion collisions • Next • - RAA (energy rescaling for p-p reference,…) • - elliptic flow (event plane definition,…) 17 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  18. Open charm in Pb-Pb: Perspectives D0Kp MC simulations:1 year at nominal luminosity 107 central Pb-Pb and 109 p-p events Curves: Armesto et al, 2005 B  e+X mb = 4.8 GeV • Initial energy density (from meas. dNch/dy): at least 3x higher than at RHIC • Relatively long-lived QGP phase; thermal equilibrium reached much faster(?) • Most of the in-medium effects should be enhanced • Bottom energy loss expected to be lower due to dead-cone effect • Elliptic flow of charmed particles sensitive to thermalisation in the medium 18 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  19. Explore energy loss mechanisms in more detail MC simulations Colour charge dependence Mass dependence (dead cone effect) CR is 4/3 for quarksand 3 for gluons RcAA/RbAA ratio different for pQCD and AdS/CFT 19 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  20. Summary • Heavy quarks (charm and bottom) • particularly good probes to study the properties of hot quark matter (especially the transport properties) • abundantly produced at LHC energies • Open charm in heavy-ion collisions • detailed understanding of energy loss mechanisms • flow: thermalisation and hydrodynamic expansion in QGP • Charm production in 7 TeVp-p collisions • cross-section of single muons, electrons and D mesons measured up to pT = 6.5, 4 and 12 GeV/c, respectively • data described by pQCD predictions • Many more to come 20 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  21. Thank you Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  22. Backup Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  23. Charm production cross section in p-p pp@ 1.96 TeV 5.8 pb-1 ¯ CDF, PRL, 91, 241804 (2003) NLO pQCD, CTEQ6M parton densities R. Vogt, private communication, 2009 – FONLL LHC: 7-14 TeV • Test pQCD (theoretically not fully understood?) • Baseline for Quarkonia measurements in Pb-Pb • Parton spectra from pQCD input for energy loss models • prompt charm production cross section from D spectra in p-p(advantage: low pT capabilities of ALICE) 23 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  24. PID using ITS Vertex detector pT(min) < 100 MeV/c Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  25. Particle Identification Specific ionisation energy loss; PID based on comparison with Bethe-Bloch curves TPC dE/dx/dEdx≈ 5-6% p/p = 5% at 100 GeV/c PID based on comparison of time of flight with particle mass hypothesis TOF (150k channels) s ≈ 90 ps 25 Moriond-QCD 2011 Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  26. D0 signal in different pT bins Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  27. D+ signal in different pT bins Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  28. D*± signal in different pT bins Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  29. Data – Monte-Carlo comparison Detector response well described in Monte-Carlo Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  30. Efficiencies for D mesons • PID strategy developed to retain almost 100% of the signal for pT > 2 GeV/c • 1-10% efficiency from low to high pT • Factor 2 larger for D mesons from B decays Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  31. Feed-down from B decays • FONLL calculations used for B feed-down: contribution about 10-15% • Final results will be corrected based on data with full 2010 statistics; displaced-D meson analysis Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  32. Systematic uncertainties • Total systematic is 20-40% pT dependent + 10% on normalization (Van der Meer-scans) • Main systematic error: B feed-down from FONLL+MCto be reduced using data-driven method with full 2010 statistics Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

  33. Comparison with world data D0/D+ and D0/D* ratios in line with previous measurements at lower energies Andre Mischke (ERC-UU)

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