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Non-Formal Education Policy of the LAO PDR. “Sharing for Learning-Experiences and Lessons from NFE for Lao PDR and Cambodia”, dvv international, Regional Office Southeast Asia, Vientiane, 11 and 12 May, 2010 Presented by: Mr. Ounpheng Khammang
Non-Formal Education Policy of the LAO PDR “Sharing for Learning-Experiences and Lessons from NFE for Lao PDR and Cambodia”, dvv international, Regional Office Southeast Asia, Vientiane, 11 and 12 May, 2010 Presented by: Mr. Ounpheng Khammang Deputy Director-General of the DNFE, MoE, Lao PDR
Country Profiles • The Lao People’s Democratic Republic (LAO PDR) is centrally located in Southeast Asia • land area: 236,800 square kilometers • It is a landlocked country bordering China in the North, Viet Nam in the East, Thailand and Myanmar in the West and Cambodia in the South • The Lao PDR consists of 1 municipality and 16 provinces, 141 districts and 10,552 villages • Population: 5,621,982: Female 2,821,731 (50.1%); Male 2,800,551 (49.9%) • Population density: 24 pers/km2 Population growth rate: 2.8% • 82 languages spoken; 49 ethnic groups • Literacy rate of 15 above: 68.7% (2001); 73% (2005): Female 48%, Male 74%; 78.51% (2009): Female 65%, Male 86.7% Sources: National Statistic Center (Census 2005)
Administrative Structure of NFE Ministry of Education Non Formal Education Department Literacy Divisions Admin Division Upgrading Educ. Division NFE Development Center NFE Section District Education Bureau NFE Unit NFE Centres CLCs Legend: Administration Coordination Provincial Education Service Ed.Com. Division NFE Centre South Regional NFE Center North Regional NFE Center
Policies of NFE to 2015 • Policy 1: Help to reach the unreached children in remote areas who never attend school through applying a Non Formal Approach in primary and pre-primary education (community based school readiness program). • Policy 2: Expanding in provide the basic education service and practical knowledge, skills and information to all citizens (adult, women and youth). • Policy 3: Emphasizes the need to develop Non Formal Education literacy and continuing education programmes especially to meet the educational needs of the poor and underserved communities.
Policy 4: Create the opportunity NFE equivalent to FE for out-of school children and youth and drop outs at all levels to receive education. • Policy 5: Create favourable conditions for all citizen, civil servants, employees and armed forces who have secondary equivalency certificates to process to higher education level. • Policy 6: Develop a credit transfer system between formal and non formal education regarding of credits have been accumulated from the same or from different education institution, including informal learning, vocational and from work experience. • Policy 7: Create the opportunity for individuals and groups for persons with learning and skills needs to develop self-reliant productive and empowered citizens through engaging in income generating and life skills related activities.
Policy 8: Expanding and Developing Community Learning Centres as the centre of educational activities and information service to ensure equitable access to Non formal education for all. • Policy 9: Development and Distribution of NFE Curriculum and Teaching and Learning materials should be appropriate social and economic contents and equivalent to the curriculum of Formal Education. • Policy 10: Strengthen the capacity of NFE personnel in term of Planning, Management, data collection, monitoring and evaluation as well as in its capacity for developing curriculum. • Policy 11: Promote the dissemination of information through radio, television, newspapers , internet and other media networks to advocate continuing education to all people through the country.
Policy 12: Develop the Management and personnel systems of NFE must be organised properly to ensure a good, sustainable and effective implementation process. • Policy 13: Increase the strengths of administrators and technical staff at the provincial and district level in the administration of NFE management. • Policy 14: Expand the Networking and coordination and partnership with agencies involved in NFE for resource generation and mobilization • Policy 15: To strengthen mechanism for co-ordination among NFE organizations levels (grassroots level to National level) • Policy 16: Common database, Non-Formal Education Management System (NFEMIS) will be developed and shared among the agencies involved in NFE programs.
The non-formal education programs targets 3 groups (EFA): • Children and young adults aged 6-14 who did not have a chance to be admitted into primary school and are willing to follow literacy and continuing education courses; • Adults aged 15-40 who are literate and are willing to participate in literacy and continuing education courses; • Yong adults and adults aged 15-24 who do not have definite vocations and are willing to participate in basic vocational training.
Key indicators of NFE to 2015(5 years Plan from 2011-2015) • Literacy rate of the ages 15-40 to be increased from 78,57% in 2005 to 88% in 2010; and 93% in 2015; • The ages of 15 years above to be increased from 73,57% in 2005 to 83% in 2010; and 87% in 2015. • Completed NFE Primary Equivalency Programmes from 80% in 2010, and 90% in 2015. • 60 Districts have to be completed NFE Primary in 2010, and 100% in 2015. • Completed NFE Lower Secondary (EP) 3000-5000 each year to 2015, and Upper Secondary (EP) 5000-6000 each year to 2015.
Key indicators of NFE to 2015 (cont’) (5 years Plan from 2011-2015) • Training of NFE personnel from all levels with the skills on administration, planning, monitoring, evaluation, adult teaching and learning approaches, research/study, etc,. • Disseminate of CLCs to be covered the cluster villages and NFE Centres to be covered all provinces and districts in 2015; • NFE Regional Centres to be strengthened. • NFE curriculum and materials of all levels to be developed and provided to the facilitators and learners.
Development of the Education Sector Development Framework/ESDF Increased enrolment in non-formal education programs with an increased investment in village-based community lifelong learning centres. Target: Improvements in the design of NFE vocational and rural skills training programs. Annually enrol 2% of illiterate adults and 20% of primary school dropouts in non-formal primary courses. Annually enrol 2% of illiterate adults in adult literacy programs.
Fast Track Initiative Catalytic Fund EFA/FTIProgram Structure Component 1a: Access and Quality for Pre-Primary and Primary Education Levels Component 1b: Non-formal approach to primary and pre-primary education Component 1c: School Feeding for Pre-Primary and Primary Education Levels Component 2: Improved Education Sector Efficiency, Governance and Performance Management
Component 1b: Non-formal approach to primary and pre-primary education In order to reach the “unreached” - the 10% of children who currently never attend school – the program will progressively phase in a ‘non-formal’ approach to primary and pre-primary education: mobile teachers (who will travel to remote villages without a school); and ‘play groups’ (pre-primary groups in villages without a a pre-primary classroom and complete primary school).