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Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism. Presentation for Teachers, Administrators and School Board Members. December 2013. Goal. Acknowledge and discuss the value of multilingualism in the 21 st century. Introductions.
Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism Presentation for Teachers, Administrators and School Board Members December2013
Goal Acknowledge and discuss the value of multilingualism in the 21st century Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Introductions Introduce yourself to the person sitting next to you and share a personal experience related to learning a second or third language. Does your partner speak more than one language? Stand up and introduce your partner, and share a fact you learned about your partner during the conversation. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
The U.S. Secretary of Education Says… "The fact that our kids don't grow up [bilingual] puts them at a competitive disadvantage," noting that it's common practice in many other countries for students to learn at least one other language. U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan May 29, 2013 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
21st Century Student Outcomes and Support Systems Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
The Toolkit… Is an intentional effort by SCCOE to provide materials and resources about educating for global competence. Its materials are readily available for teachers, administrators and others’ use. The Toolkit promotes and supports all students’ opportunities to acquire biliteracy and multilingual skills. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
From… Banning the study and teaching of German in many states during World War I and of Japanese during WW II in the U.S., and the loss of 500 Native American tongues since the 1800s (Castellanos, 1983) To… Encouraging maintenance of home language and the study of additional languages Shifts in Language Policies Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Role of Language in Global Competence Globally competent students develop these competencies: • investigate the world • recognize perspectives • communicate ideas • take action Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
K-12 Foreign Language Learning • 21 countries require their students to study at least one additional language • China – Foreign language study is compulsory starting at ages 8-9 • Canada – Foreign language study is compulsory starting at age 10 • United States – Foreign language study is not compulsory Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Student Voices • Observe the video clip • Prepare to discuss your reactions and thoughts Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
What systems do you have in place to encourage all students’ maintenance of home languages and/or motivation to study additional languages? Reflection… Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Creating Opportunities Language Enrichment • Early Grades BiliteracyPrograms - simultaneous academic language and literacy that include bilingual options in Preschool through 3rd grade (i.e., Sobrato Early Academic Literacy Program) - family literacy programs that encourage or train parents to read to their children in their native language • Native language courses for language minority students - programs in middle school and high school such as Spanish for Spanish speaking students Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Creating Additional Opportunities Maintain and Expand Multilingual Options • Analyze district Language Census Data to identify the languages represented in your student population and explore offering foreign language courses accordingly (middle and high school) • Offer subject matter classes conducted in foreign languages with honor course status or higher GPA weight upon completion in good standing (high school) Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
More Opportunities Bilingual Education Programs • Developmental Bilingual Education (DBE). These primarily enroll students who are native speakers of a language other than English, and provide five or more years of development of primary language (L1) literacy. • Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) or early exit. These programs do not aim at development of primary language literacy, but provide for some L1 support as a quick transition to instruction delivered all in English. • Two-way (bilingual) Immersion (TWI) programs. These enroll a balance of native English speakers and native speakers of another language. • Foreign language immersion. These students are enrolled in language immersion or one-way immersion. Students are primarily native English speakers. 5. Heritage language programs. These mainly enroll students who are dominant in English but whose parents, grandparents, or other ancestors spoke a language other than English. These may aim at full biliteracy, or may have more limited goals. Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Biliteracy Award Programs Seal of Biliteracy Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism Pathway Awards
Seal of Biliteracy Recognition by the California State Superintendent of Public Instruction and districts and county offices of education of students who meet the criteria for demonstrating proficiency in one or more languages in addition to English by high school graduation Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Benefits of the Seal of Biliteracy • Encourage students to develop and maintain biliteracy and multilingual skills • Promote the development of language and cultural appreciation and cross-cultural understanding • Encourage the development of dual language immersion programs, and world, native, and heritage language programs in schools • Provide employers with a method of identifying candidates with language and biliteracy skills Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Pathway Awards Acknowledgements to encourage students to begin or continue the study of a second or third language • At the end of elementary school students may earn • Bilingual Service and Participation Award or • BiliteracyAttainment Award • At the end of middle school students may earn • Pursuit of Bilingualism Award or • Biliteracy Attainment Award Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Why Language? If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart. -Nelson Mandela Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
Access the Toolkit A complete list of resources is available at: http://mes.sccoe.org/bwlct/home/Pages/default.aspx Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
A Reflection… From a personal perspective… What are your reflections about the urgency to build biliteracy and multilingualism programs as part of global competence? Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
A Final Reflection… From a district/school perspective… How do biliteracy and multilingualism impact the current reality inyour school system for all students? Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
For More Information Yee Wan, Ed.D., Director, Multilingual Education Servicesyee_wan@sccoe.org408-453-6825 Melissa Christie, Director, Curriculum and Instruction melissa_christie@sccoe.org408-453-6632 Angelica Ramsey, Ed.D., Chief Academic OfficerEducational Services Branchangelica_ramsey@sccoe.org408-453-6508 Educating for Global Competence: The Value of Multilingualism
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