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Spring CAEP Workshop Clinical Partnerships and Practices Standard 2. Hope College March 26, 2015. Teacher Preparation Task Force Recommendations for Clinical Experiences. Align and sequence clinical experiences for vertical coherence.
Spring CAEP WorkshopClinical Partnerships and PracticesStandard 2 Hope CollegeMarch 26, 2015
Teacher Preparation Task Force Recommendations for Clinical Experiences • Align and sequence clinical experiences for vertical coherence. • Create immersive clinical experiences for horizontal coherence. • Develop a strategic plan for faculty to guide clinical experiences. • Maintain duration of clinical experience during student teaching. • Increase the duration of clinical experiences in the BS in Education, especially within Secondary program. • Offer clinical experiences in a variety of sites and learning environments using culturally responsive and place-based pedagogy.
Standard 2: Clinical Partnership and Practice The provider ensures that effective partnerships and high-quality clinical practice are central to preparation so that candidates develop the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions necessary to demonstrate positive impact on all P-12 students’ learning and development.
Partnerships for Clinical Preparation Development of partnerships between P-12 schools and CMU clinical experiences at both the pre-student teaching and student teaching levels. Major partnerships should be well-planned with collaboration between the P-12 schools, CMU and other interested entities. • Develop Advisory Teams • Education/Resources/Research • Goals for Both/All Partners • Formulize Partnership • Develop Action Plan • Identify Liaison between University and P-12 School • Examples of St. Johns Public Schools and Immokalee, FL
Clinical Educators Professional development for university coordinators and mentor teachers to include: • Co-teaching model • Student teacher assessment/inter-rater reliability • P-12 student achievement • Program expectations • Public relations. Develop plan to infuse more tenure-track faculty into supervision of students in clinical experiences to create a stronger relationship between pedagogy and field work.
Clinical Experiences Curriculum mapping be done in various parts of the clinical experiences to include collaboration: • Between secondary methods courses and EDU 325 – Secondary Methods • Between the TEPD methods courses • Between the university coordinators teaching EDU 432 – Seminar in Student Teaching • All departments within the PEU develop a plan to infuse a minimum of 60-80 hours of planned clinical experiences within their professional education methods coursework. • Secondary departments make EDU 325 a pre- or co-requisite for the departmental subject matters methods course.
References http://oacte.org/pdf/ClinicalPrepPaper_03-11-2010.pdf The Clinical Preparation of Teachers: A Policy Brief from AACTE http://www.ncate.org/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=zzeiB1OoqPk%3D&tabid=7 Transforming Teacher Education Through Clinical Practice: A National Strategy to Prepare Effective Teachers – Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Clinical Preparation and Partnerships for Improved Student Learning https://caepnet.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/breakout_iv_designing_and_implementing_a_clinical_model_henning.pdf
References http://www.stcloudstate.edu/soe/coteaching/ Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration – St. Cloud State University http://www.aascu.org/uploadedFiles/AASCU/Content/Root/Programs/TeacherEducation/07_st_cloud.pdfN Bacharach, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN http://caepnet.org/standards/standards/standard2/standard-2-rationale/ Standard 2: Rationale, Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, Washington, D.C.