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Bob Harshbarger, PSE Craig L. Williams, WECC

Bob Harshbarger, PSE Craig L. Williams, WECC. Review of NAESB Items MIS/SIS/ISAS Meeting August 15th -16 th , 2012. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB. Gas – Electric Harmonization

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Bob Harshbarger, PSE Craig L. Williams, WECC

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  1. Bob Harshbarger, PSECraig L. Williams, WECC Review of NAESB Items MIS/SIS/ISAS Meeting August 15th -16th, 2012

  2. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Gas – Electric Harmonization • A recommendation from the survey and prior committee work is expected to be presented to the NAESB Board in September. There are several work documents associated with this effort listed with this month’s Monthly Update agenda worth reviewing. • Board Gas-Electric Harmonization Committee link: http://www.naesb.org/board_gas_electric_harmonization.asp • Please contact Veronica Thomason for information (vthomason@naesb.org, 713-356-0060)

  3. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Electric Industry Registry (EIR) - Parallel operations continue for the new EIR (OATi’swebRegistry) and the TSIN. - Testing is estimated to be 96% complete. 833 entities have registered with the new EIR representing 1109 roles. - A firm cutover date to the single EIR has not been set, but NAESB and OATi are assuring all they will not do so until all tests are completed and all parties are satisfied.

  4. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Electric Industry Registry (EIR) - NERC/NAESB Joint Electric Scheduling Subcommittee (JESS) continues support of the EIR implementation. - A vendor show for ACAs (Authorized Certification Authorities) has been postponed until testing has been completed. - The NAESB EIR page with FAQ links and training schedules is posted here. - Missing PORs/PODs, Sources/Sinks, and roles reports are posted in this meeting’s documents.

  5. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) • PKI Mission To develop and maintain NAESB WEQ standards that support the electronic protection of information assets related to the WEQ body of business practices. • Recent work has been a revision of the accreditation document used to accredit an Authorized Certification Authority. A draft has been issued for comments. All entities participating in wholesale scheduling are encouraged to review and offer their comments. The draft is expected to become finalized for a vote at the August meeting in DC.

  6. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Revenue Committee • Committee discussed non-member participation in NAESB. Some large companies have decided to rescind their formal dues-paying membership to cut costs, because they can still participate as non-members and have the same benefits. The Revenue Committee wants to address the concern that formal members are subsidizing non-members. Some options being considered: • Non-members may pay to participate in meetings or pay to participate on committees,

  7. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Revenue Committee • A website redesign to segregate member and non-member access. Non-member could only be offered one month of information and not historical documents. • Course and product fees could increase. • Enforcement could be done through the website and by the NAESB office. • Numerous listeners commented on this topic. Rae suggested NAESB is behind in delineating member versus non-member fees and privileges. This will be a sensitive topic to be continued.

  8. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • E-Tag and Dodd-Frank • Applies to anyone with an end-user derivative, farmers, co-ops, etc., • It is strongly felt that the number of reports and their complexity is vastly underestimated by most groups. • On August 13, 2012, the Federal Register published a joint final rule by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”) and Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) that further defines the terms “swap,” “security-based swap,” and “security-based swap agreement” (“Final Products Rule”). Final Definition Review

  9. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • E-Tag and Dodd-Frank • Washington, D.C., July 12, 2012 – The American Public Power Association, the Large Public Power Council, the American Public Gas Association, the Transmission Access Policy Study Group, and the Bonneville Power Administration today filed a petition with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission asking for a narrow exclusion from swap dealer rules that were set to take effect on July 23, 2012. • Link to article.

  10. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Critical Infrastructure Committee (CIC) • Cade Burks and Jess Hurley. While this is a named committee, all interested parties are encouraged to attend and participate. If you plan to attend please RSVP to the NAESB office at your earliest convenience.

  11. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Standards Development, WEQ • Wholesale Electric Service Across Multiple Transmission Systems (SAMTS) • The SAMTS process allows the transmission customer to perform a true-up once all transmission providers complete their request evaluations. • SAMTS recommendation approved by WEQ on 7/8/2011. Ratified by NAESB WEQ membership on 8/11/2011. Filed with FERC on October 7th. • Link to SAMTS Filing with FERC

  12. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Standards Development • Network Integration Transmission Services (NITS) Standards • Moving beyond OASIS system support for point-to-point transmission service, the WEQ OASIS subcommittee continues to establish standards permitting OASIS to accommodate network integration transmission service as mandated by FERC Order No. 890. The most recent NITS recommendation was presented on Oct 27thto WEQ EC.

  13. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Standards Development • (NITS) Standards • Significant changes - New Templates – Network reservations will need to move to the new system. - New Network Customers will need to fill out an on-line application on OASIS. - Existing Network Customers will not have to make a new application on OASIS.

  14. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Standards Development • (NITS) Standards • During the May 1, 2012 WEQ EC meeting, the EC voted to approve the recommendation with modifications recommended by the subcommittee, as well as those made during the meeting. The EC formally recognized and thanked the OASIS subcommittee members for the incredible amount of effort that went into this recommendation. • The NITS on OASIS standards was published as a part of WEQ Version 003 on July 31, 2012.

  15. North American Energy Standards Board, NAESB • Parallel Flow Visualization (EI) • Approved Recommendation • The WEQ Executive Committee approved the recommended interim solution on 10/26/2010. • The Business Practices Subcommittee (BPS) is working on a permanent solution. White Paper from November 9thMtg • The subcommittee hopes to resolve all of the conceptual issues in a subcommittee white paper and have draft standards completed by 4Q 2012. A presentation of the subcommittee white paper will be presented at the August 21, 2012 WEQ EC meeting.

  16. NAESB Members - FYI • Bulk Electric System (BES) Definition • Recommendation: 2012 Wholesale Electric Annual Plan Item No. 1.d – Revised Bulk Electric System Definition • Link: http://naesb.org/pdf4/weq_2012_api_1d_rec.doc • On June 22, 2012, in Docket Nos. RM12-6 and RM12-7, FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) proposing to approve NERC’s revised definition of “Bulk Electric System” (BES) and exceptions process, submitted for FERC approval on January 25, 2012.

  17. NAESB Members - FYI • NAESB Bulletin • NAESB Monthly Update Calls • NAESB Executive Committee meetings next week in Colorado Springs, CO

  18. Craig L. Williams WECC Market Interface Manager cwilliams@wecc.biz w. 801.883.6846 c. 801.455.9812 Questions?

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