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Parenthetical Citations. uw-madison writing center writer's handbook Use the table below to learn how to format various types of MLA parenthetical citations . www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocMLA Citation _Format.html .
ParentheticalCitations uw-madison writing center writer's handbook Use the table below to learn how to format various types of MLA parentheticalcitations. www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocMLACitation_Format.html
Balkwill, Richard. Clothes and Crafts in Ancient Egypt. Milwaukee: Gareth Stevens Publishing, 1998.The Language of Ancient Egypt. 14 January 2007. The Ancient Egypt Site. 18 January 2007. <http://www.ancient-egypt.org/index.html>“Scribes.” The Ancient Near East: An Encyclopedia forStudents. 2000. Bibliography
Parenthetical CitationBook or Encyclopedia(AuthorPage Number) Guests at banquets sometimes placed a cake or ball of scented wax on their heads. During the heat of a long evening, the wax melted and gave off a sweet scent (Balkwill 25-26). Citation Punctuation
Parenthetical Citationif no encyclopedia author(Encyclopedia article title page #) Guests at banquets sometimes placed a cake or ball of scented wax on their heads. During the heat of a long evening, the wax melted and gave off a sweet scent (“Scribes” 20). Citation Punctuation
Parenthetical Citation(Webpage Author) Guests at banquets sometimes placed a cake or ball of scented wax on their heads. During the heat of a long evening, the wax melted and gave off a sweet scent (Kinnaer). Citation Punctuation
Parenthetical Citationif no webpage author(“webpage title”) Guests at banquets sometimes placed a cake or ball of scented wax on their heads. During the heat of a long evening, the wax melted and gave off a sweet scent (“The Language”). Punctuation Citation