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Changes Occurring during the Middle Stage of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimeru2019s disease is associated with certain main stages. The initial, middle, and late stages are included in these. Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi observes that during the first stage, the signs begin to emerge. But when the middle stage occurs, these signs can become more intense. In addition to the existing signs, new ones can also take place.

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Changes Occurring during the Middle Stage of Alzheimer's Disease

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  1. Changes Occurring during the Middle Stage of Alzheimer's Disease

  2. Alzheimer’s disease is associated with certain main stages. The initial, middle, and late stages are included in these. Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi observes that during the first stage, the signs begin to emerge. But when the middle stage occurs, these signs can become more intense. In addition to the existing signs, new ones can also take place. When caregivers or family members of patients are not aware of the changes during the moderate stage, they can find it difficult to care for patients. On the other hand, when these signs are already known, it can be less challenging to manage the condition. • What is the Middle Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease? • Moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease is indicated by the middle stage of this disorder. This stage brings along certain challenges. At the same time, the disease continues to make progress. This progress can lead to the production of some new symptoms. Or, the old symptoms can worsen. • Which Types of Changes Occur in Alzheimer’s Middle Stage? • In the moderate stage of Alzheimer’s, a range of changes can occur in a person. Usually, these are mental changes. They can affect a patient’s memory, behavior as well as perceptions. As this stage progresses, the modifications to these areas can worsen. It is also possible that when the other stage arrives, the severity of these changes can aggravate.

  3. 1. Alterations in Social Behavior • Alzheimer’s middle stage can sometimes affect the social behavior of a person. As Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi says, it can get altered in three ways. Firstly, the person may become less social. Secondly, his or her behavior in a social setting can be inappropriate. Thirdly, understanding the interactions can become difficult. • 2. Memory Changes • There are various types of memory. Chiefly, these types include short-term and long-term memory. The dementia specialist, Mr. Sodhi has observed that during the initial stage of Alzheimer’s disease, a patient’s short-term memory tends to be affected. In the middle stage, however, the long-term memory undergoes changes. • Memory loss begins to occur more frequently in this phase. • Patients experience difficulty to make the right decisions. • Also, they may not be aware of the changes occurring in memory. • 3. Agitated Behavior • During this stage of Alzheimer’s, patients can remain agitated. Provided that their agitation is increasing, they can experience other symptoms too. Essentially, patients can become restless. In some of them, the development of other problems such as sundowning is observed. • These signs or symptoms can result in difficulties to communicate. At times, when a patient is unable to communicate, such signs can aggravate. • 4. Poor Perceptions • In this type of dementia, the perception of a patient can get affected. This can particularly happen during the moderate stage. Perceptions can become poor due to delusions. Otherwise, in some people, the development of paranoia can result in the same, adds the dementia specialist, Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi.

  4. With affected perceptions, patients can experience the following: • They may remain suspicious in relation to the surroundings around them. • A patient can show a lack of trust in others even when he/she knows them. • They may falsely believe that others can hurt patients. • Moreover, the ability to understand reality can become problematic. • Due to such perceptions, a patient’s behavior can further change during Alzheimer’s. • Are there Any Physical Changes in the Middle Stage of Alzheimer’s? • When the middle stage of this disorder begins, physical changes can take place. Mainly, they are observed when the abilities of a person get altered. Mr. Sodhi says that once their alteration occurs, maintaining balance while moving is a challenge. Furthermore, motor skills can become poor. • An Alzheimer’s patient can find it challenging to walk. • Movements in limbs can occur with difficulty. • Aside from these abilities, physically performing tasks becomes less possible. • Maintaining hygiene by himself or herself will be a complicated task for a patient. • Even personal grooming can be fraught with challenges. • Coming to a Conclusion • The middle stage associated with Alzheimer’s is linked to multiple changes. It is important to understand what these changes are, opines Prabhdyal Singh Sodhi. The dementia specialist directs that when these modifications are known beforehand, caregivers can prepare better to care for patients.

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