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This presentation is going to to be about what to eat and what to avoid during IVF process. It can help you in making your diet chart.<br><br>Who Are We?<br>Hello, we are at http://infertilitydost.com always looking for people like you who wants to know about Infertility, what can be done with it or those who want to share some of their knowledge on the topic. <br><br>we welcome Everyone, please come and share your reviews with us :)
What to eat and what not to eat during IVF – That’s the question
7 Food Items You Must Avoid During IVF : • Avoid non-vegetarian food. You can take fish but cooked in light gravy. I am a Bengali so it was impossible for me to stay without fish for three months. Thus, the cheat sheet. However, ensure that that fish is fresh. • Avoid hotel food or any outside food where you have no control over kitchen. Stick to home cooked food. • Avoid processed or packaged foodat all costs.
Absolutely no packaged juice. No matter how ‘real’ they claim to be. Make fresh juice at home. It is best to have fruits. • No cold drinks. They can cause harm that you might not even realize and it causes acidity. Avoid any item that can disturb your bowel movements. • Keep cooking simple. Avoid heavy gravies butter masala types or experimental food, MasterChef types.
Avoid raw and undercooked vegetables. I insisted on cleaning the vegetables in lukewarm water.
A friend of mine S.L (undergoing infertility treatments) has done immense research on this subject and explains it in very simple, logical and easy to understand way. She says, • “Here is my understanding on why we are asked to avoid non-veg. More often than not infertility issues crop up due to hormonal imbalances. It’s no secret that poultry, cattle, lambs etc are pumped with hormones to boost growth, weight gain and overall yield. These hormones are known to interfere with human hormones too. I remember reading how rBGH, prolactin and progesterone are part of the cattle feed. Similarly chickens are fed oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone hormones for better yield again. After all fatter the chicken, more the eggs, more the profits, right?
Fish are known to be contaminated with Mercury; even otherwise they produce a lot of heat in the body which isn’t favorable for pregnancy (especially if you are already taking progesterone supplements). Also eggs are known to contain bacteria called salmonella which is known to cause salmonellosis (food poisoning), Typhoid in some cases etc. Even if we keep the infections aside, the hormonal interference is a matter of concern here. After all one shouldn’t be pumping their body with estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, prolactin or rBGH if they are already fighting PCOD, Thyroid and the like to make it worse, right?
We have to avoid them, more so because during your pregnancy the less spicy food the better they say! You don’t want to be bloated because of garammasala! And there are hardly any dishes I can think of in a non-veg platter where you don’t use spices, garlic, ginger, chilies etc., right?Also during your 2WW, Pregnancy or IVF your digestive system isn’t optimally functioning, hence non-veg food items may not be easily digested, thus may cause bloating and discomfort causing unnecessary pressure in your abdomen.
The final tip • The rule is simple here – Stick to static food, more popularly known as organic food. You should be extremely careful about your diet during the first trimester and then relax a bit. Go out for dinner once in a while but choose a good restaurant. IVF pregnancy is precious so one has to be extra careful but then don’t get paranoid. There is a fine line between the two. Enjoy your pregnancy. Pamper yourself. You worked really hard to reach there. I totally enjoyed my pregnancy. Somehow, I was calm, composed and simply blissful, and grateful every second for bestowing upon me His blessings finally J
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