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Purpose u2013 The purpose of this paper is to study and review the work carried on industry 4.0 and its implementation in manufacturing sector and to find out the current status of level of research on Industry 4.0 through the articles published in the period of January 2017 to December 2019.<br>Methodology/approach u2013 A detailed literature review methodology with five steps approach for selection of articles have been used that includes 1) Database Selection 2) Selection of Keyword 3) Collection of Article 4) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria 5) Reviewing Selected articles.<br>Findings and concluding remarks u2013 Most of the work is found to be conceptual or case study based. However, there is a need of empirical research to be done in this field.<br>Research/managerial implications u2013 Future research direction provided in this paper can be helpful to researchers who are willing to do research in Industry 4.0 domain.<br>Utility of the paper u2013 A huge interest has been developed among the researchers related to industry 4.0 which led to huge amount of publication over the different topics related to the Industry 4.0. This paper will be helpful for getting future research directions.
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 Industry 4.0 in Manufacturing Sector: A Review Pratish Rawat1, Dr. Jayant K. Purohit2, Devesh Kumar3 1Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Poornima University, Jaipur 2 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Poornima University, Jaipur 3 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Poornima University, Jaipur 1 pratishrawat@gmail.com, 2 jayant.purohit@poornima.edu.in, 3devesh.kumar@poornima.edu.in Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study and review the work carried on industry 4.0 and its implementation in manufacturing sector and to find out the current status of level of research on Industry 4.0 through the articles published in the period of January 2017 to December 2019. Methodology/approach – A detailed literature review methodology with five steps approach for selection of articles have been used that includes 1) Database Selection 2) Selection of Keyword 3) Collection of Article 4) Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria 5) Reviewing Selected articles. Findings and concluding remarks – Most of the work is found to be conceptual or case study based. However, there is a need of empirical research to be done in this field. Research/managerial implications – Future research direction provided in this paper can be helpful to researchers who are willing to do research in Industry 4.0 domain. Utility of the paper – A huge interest has been developed among the researchers related to industry 4.0 which led to huge amount of publication over the different topics relatedto the Industry 4.0. This paper will be helpful for getting future research directions. Keywords: Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0, Barriers, Cyber Physical System, Smart Factory, Internet of Things INTRODUCTION Industry 4.0 i.e. fourth industrial revolution brings a new outlook to the manufacturing sector which can associate with emerging and innovative technologies to get effective output with optimumutilization of resource in manufacturingorganisation. German government’s initiative, Industry 4.0 has amalgamated manufacturing with IT [1].With the introduction of steam engine,the first industrial revolution was started, with focused on mass production, second industrial revolution began, third industrial revolution started with advancements in computing technologies. The digital revolution which initiates from advancement of computerization and networking in all the areas of production, leads to fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 may be stated as thecombination of cyber-physical systems (CPS) with information technology [2-3]. The emerging technologies like smart machines, cloud computing, and production facilities with data exchange, triggering actions and independently controlling each other creates cyber physical systems (CPS). Any organization with Industry 4.0 has huge potential to achieve social and economic benefits integrates the use ofinternet of things,big data and artificial intelligence as one. CPS facilitating the integration of system and processes across production units and manufacturing organizations and emerging technologies like the internet of things (IoT) has enhanced the way in which cyber-physical systems can interact, monitored, controlled and managed. This gives better cooperation and communication within production P a g e | 180 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 units resulting transformed production, enhanced services, improved logistics and an efficient and cost-efficient resource planning. The current development in information communication technology (ICT) tools has encouraged the Industry 4.0 development. The recent advancements in emerging technologies in Industry 4.0 will provide a set offeasible solutionsto the increasingdemands ofmanufacturing industries. The idea of Industry 4.0 may sounds the best at first, but at the same time it is necessary to remark that there are challenges, risks and barriers associated withimplementation of Industry 4.0 viz. defining necessary infrastructures, architectures and standards, ensuring proper data security and continuous educating employees and their skill development are among the major concerns that need to be addressed on the way to implementation of Industry 4.0 [4]. Industry 4.0 also provide opportunities to manufacturing industries to develop and use advanced materials in efficient and effective way[5-6]. So, it is necessary to identify the current status of the research as well the future scope in industry 4.0. This study tries to focus on the current work published during January 2017 to December 2019. Total 31 articles and research papers published in different journals are reviewed in this paper. Further the paper is structured in following way. A detailed literature review in tabular form is provided. The next sectiongives the research methodologyfor selection ofthearticles followed by the discussionisgiveninsection3.The conclusion is provided in the last section of thispaper REVIEW METHODOLOGY A literature survey or literature review is one of the most importantparts of any type of research work. In literature review, the relevant research papers or articles are assessed and analysed, for finding the possible research gaps which aid in strengthening the field of study. The extensive literature reviews were carried out from various available data related to knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and knowledge flow. For this, different papers were referred by the authors from the database viz. Google Scholar and Scopuswhich contains a large number of publications. The five-step process was adopted for structured review methodology as shown in Fig. 1. Reviewing the selected articles Inclusion/ Keyword Database Collection Exclusion Criteria forarticles Selection Selection OfArticles Fig. 1 Process adopted for Reviewing Articles Database Selection: Thestrategy to search the article was developed by first going through the database. To have access to a wide range of academic and conference publications, thedatabase likeScopus and Google Scholarwas selected. These are the most citation and extensive abstract databases thatincludes many peer-reviewed journals. P a g e | 181 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 Keyword Selection: The most relevant and appropriate articles are cited in this paper. So, the keywords used for the search process are very specific viz. Industry 4.0, Smart Factory, Smart Manufacturing etc. Collection of Articles: The primary search results in generating 258 articles published from 2015 onwards. The articles published in different book chapters, news articles, doctoral thesis and editorial notes were excluded. The articles then dropped down to 64. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: As the focus of the paper is review the most current articles, so the articles published between January 2017 to December 2019 are selected. The articles from journals Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Human Resource Management International Digest, Sustainability, Energies, International Journal of Production Research, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Advance Manufacturing, Computers in Industry, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics and Process Safety and Environment Protection are selected to have high reliability on the articles. The number is then dropped to 31 articles which are selected for the study. The distribution of articles with respect to the journals is shown in table 1. Reviewing the Selected articles: The brief review of the 31 articles is given in the tabular form and is shown in table in the next section Table 1: Journal Wise distribution of Article Journal/Proceedings Number of Papers Process Safety and Environment Protection IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering Computers in Industry Advance Manufacturing Computers and Industrial Engineering International Journal of Production Research Energies Sustainability Human Resource Management International Digest Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Procedia Manufacturing Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal Processes Emerald Insight Handle Conference Proceedings 1 2 1 1 4 1 7 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 P a g e | 182 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 Table 2: Literature Review Sr. No . Type of Research Investigators Focus of the study Contribution To relationship lean practices implementation Industry manufacturing sector. investigate the Lean production practices are associated with Industry 4.0 and its technologies. implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies that will leads to larger improvements performance. The authors carried out the interview of experts and after interviewing, theyidentified the challengesof implementation of Industry 4.0 and discussed theireffects in the field of logistics management. between production and Tortorella &Fettermann , (2017) [7] The Empirical/ Case Study 1 the of in 4.0 in To opportunities Industry 4.0 in the field of management identify the of Hofmann &Rüsch, (2017) [4] 2 Conceptual logistics To framework for mass customized personalized production based on the Industry concept. present a In this paper, the authors presented the framework for MCP based on the concept of Industry 4.0, to bridge the gap between mass customization and personalization. and Wang et al. (2017) [8] 3 Conceptual 4.0 This study represented that the implementation of Industry 4.0 in logistics is deeply dependent on the production environment. In implementing Industry 4.0 technologies in manufacturing logistics, companies with a low degree of repetitiveness potential whereas companies with repetitive production see a larger potential. A framework based on the theories of Industry 4.0, which includes fault analysis process and solution for predictive maintenance centers. Undertaken the short review of interdependencies between the To Industry technologies that can be implementation in manufacturing logistics, investigate application of these technologies influence production environment. identify the 4.0 Strandhagen et al. (2017) [9] and how 4 Case Study production see lower the highly will the a To systematic and obtain knowledge for maintenance in the era of Industry 4.0. To discuss the concept, technologies formulate a approach Li et al. (2017) [10] 5 Case Study predictive in machine Bodrow(2017 ) [11] 6 Conceptual and P a g e | 183 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 approaches of Industry 4.0. To design developthe solution to complex man-machine interactions. To developed a rapid integration of smart services into existing infrastructure factory Industry 4.0 and The authors developed the SOPHOS-MS, solution to help the man- machine interactions. practical support Longo et al. (2017) [12] a practical 7 Empirical The article represented an innovative and architecture, called LISAthe Line Information Architecture. Through the academic progresses in Industry 4.0, the article presented the current status of the Industry 4.0 In the article, a framework of management practices proposed for an organisation to develop and environment of learning and innovation. simple Theorin et al. (2017) [13] 8 Conceptual of System analysis of Systematically review the concepts technologies Industry 4.0 Liao et al. (2017) [14] Literature Review and the 9 of To challenges of service sector in adopting the Industry 4.0 explore the was Shamim et al. (2017) [15] 10 Conceptual promote the To competition coalition trend, and anatomize the cross- strait policy content on Industry 4.0 reveal the and The article revealed the various strategies for Taiwan Straitfor applying innovation policy for developing Industry 4.0. Lin et al. (2017) [16] 11 Case Study Using Simulation, architecture proposed in this paper is illustrated hypothetical environment of a smart factory Introduces the concept of EDTs as a new structuring element for Simulation-based Engineering processes and their interdisciplinary domain simulation. Through literature survey the author suggested that, it will be the cost driven initiative to execute Industry 4.0 projects in SMEs and therein still no evidence of effective and real business model transformation for SMEs at this time. a Discrete the event To supervisory approach for mobile robot navigation industry. propose a navigation Gonzalez et al. (2018) [17] control 12 Empirical in a in Proposes structuring element for simulation-based engineering processes called “Experimental Digital Twin” a new Schluse et al. (2018) [18] Systems 13 Conceptual and cross- To literature review of existingresearch going on to cover different SMEs in adoption of Industry 4.0. carried out a Moeuf et al. (2018) [19] Literature Review 14 the in issues of P a g e | 184 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 The demand dimensions of Industry 4.0, architecture change in the automobile industry and the impact of 3D printing are elaborated Relationships between product supply and customer demand in the context of Industry 2.0–4.0 the product Yin et al. (2018) [20] 15 Conceptual To investigate the various contributions of the implementation emerging technologies of Industry 4.0 for companies’ operation management (OM). To introduce current developments and opportunitiesof Industry 4.0 adoption to the communities within sectors. Explores the current literature manufacturing Industry 4.0 Examines theopportunities challenges of adoption of Industry 4.0 relating to Sustainability. identify and The author carried out the case study of 38 industries and the result indicated contributions Industry 4.0are more concentrated in areas such as Technology management and Just-in-time manufacturing Fettermann et al. (2018) [21] that the of 16 Case Study the Provides opportunities in the field of Industry 4.0 with respect to CPS, Blockchain and Logistics etc. several research future Xu et al. (2018) [22] Literature review 17 industrial Establishes the link between Lean manufacturing Industry 4.0 Buer et al. (2018) [23] Literature Review on lean and 18 and Operational,strategic,environme ntal as well opportunities are drivers for the implementation of Industry 4.0. and Müller et al. (2018) [24] as social 19 Empirical Propose sustainableframework Industry 4.0 based on the findings of the literature review with three critical components i.e. Industry 4.0 technologies, process integration sustainable outcomes For successful and effective implementation of SHR 4.0, organization structure leadership style changes would be required. This study identified and offers a holistic view of important steps for manufacturers to undertake in their transition toward the Industry 4.0. a of To research and to get the idea of the current status of research find different approaches Kamble et al. (2018) [1] Literature Review 20 and Sivathanu et al. (2018) [25] To challenges to HR due to Industry 4.0 determine the 21 Conceptual and To conduct a detailed literature review of the ongoing latest work on the Industry 4.0 Ghobakhlooe t al. (2018) [26] Literature Review 22 P a g e | 185 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 Investigation of a BPM solution is done to select and compose services in business environment BCT can be integrated to support prompt, reliable, and cost-effective evaluation and for this BPM framework is developed anddemonstrated. Establishes a human–cyber– physical symbiosis to support real time, trusting, and dynamic interaction among operators, machines and systems To achieve better efficiency competitiveness,the suggested that, the companies which are moving towards Industry 4.0 adoption need to be aware of every aspects that can be effect their environment and what the main implications are, but also opportunities for innovation are. The adoption of Industry 4.0 in small and medium industries can be ease, for instance, on a SaaS approach. This is one of the enabling technologies for digital services with justifiedfinancial requirement. SME integration on the supply chain of a product, allowing collaborative approach of development, joint working on launch of product and reduction in time to innovation, andreducing the related risks is one of the example. This study has a limitation that, leads to a self-selection process of the SMEs, and those are the sample size, size reduction, and this is due to a low response rate, which Secondly, the data on the population surveyed were obtained database of National Institute of Statistics. Viryasitavat et al. (2018) [27] 23 Conceptual open A critical issue of integration human and machines or robots Kong et al., (2018) [28] between 24 Conceptual production process and author The paper aims on the concepts of Industry 4.0. The paper also contributes understanding the importance and suggestionsfor complex technologies and cyber physical systems. for its Pereria A. et. al. (2019) [29] Literature Review about 25 this emerging what the scale To enabling technologies those are focusing on future trend manufacturing. paper represents the Smart Factory (SF) concept for adoption of Industry4.0 manufacturing systems. identify the in Alcácer V. et. al. (2019) [30] The Literature Review 26 project in market, split To enablers and barriers of implementing Industry 4.0 for development understanding approach of managers of SME sectors in Romania. The collected identify the business Türkes MC et. al. (2019) [31] by the 27 Empirical from the data P a g e | 186 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 were analyzed with the SPSS package with main analysis. component To identify the key parameters assessing the readiness of organization adopt Industry 4.0, the interrelationships that exist between these readiness factors. The results generated six broad themes of readiness factors and the interrelationship between these factors was identified. The author also suggested that how future research should proceed given the research findings The paper empirical results for enablers for Industry 4.0 that will lead to readiness of SMEs for Industry 4.0, which, in turn, leads to a higher degree of practicing Industry The author also found that challenges make companies less Industry 4.0 ready but this apparently does not have any significant impact onpracticing Industry 4.0. The author carried out a literature review survey and identified barriers in Industry 4.0 adoption by manufacturing Industries of barriers may have significant impact on Industry 4.0 practice. Identifies the key barriers to implementation Industry 4.0 project in Indian MSMEs using an extensive literature review. This literature categorizes the barriers that are influencing the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies prioritize them according to their impact Industry 4.0 concepts for this type of enterprise in emerging for Sony M. et. al. (2018) [32] Literature Review to 28 provided the To readiness of small and medium-sized manufacturersfor digitalization of their manufacturing processes challenges. measure the StentoftJan et. al. (2019) [33] 29 Empirical 4.0. and its Presented challenges in adoption of industry 4.0 inmanufacturing industries of India. Pratish Rawat et. al (2019) [34] Literature Review 30 India. These Presented a review of barriers in adoption of Industry 4.0 in Indian Micro, Small, Medium (MSMEs) survey Pratish Rawat et. al 2019) [35] Literature Review 31 successful and Enterprises in MSMEs for effective P a g e | 187 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
Dogo Rangsang Research Journal www.drsrjournal.com ISSN : 2347-7180 Vol-10 Issue-06 No. 3 June 2020 technological and economic development by taking Indian manufacturing perspective industry DISCUSSION ON LITERATURE REVIEW: TheIndustry 4.0 development is now growing with an incremental approach from the existing technologies. The growth in researches and publications shows the rapid progression of the topic of Industry 4.0 in academicians and Industrial experts. However, there are certain topics related to industry 4.0 which are still hide behind and can be the opportunities for further research. There are several opportunities identified for researchers in the field of Industry 4.0. Some of them are: Till the date, there is no definition of Industry 4.0 that is commonly accepted. So, the future research and publication can target to develop a concept which can be well accepted by all or most of the academicians and industrial experts. Majority of research are focusing on managing the technology and gives the general discussion on the concepts and technologies of Industry 4.0. However, there is need of empirical study to validate the models or framework of Industry 4.0 to be carried out. As the adoption of Industry 4.0 increases, the research with empirical approaches likeexperimentation simulations, prototypes, and case studies are required to be carried out with specific industry approach. . There is lack of research on human-machine interfacing; Human resource management in Industry 4.0, sustainability and machine-equipment interactions signifies an open research area that should be explored by future studies. CONCLUSION: Thisfocus of this study was to conduct an extensive review of the most recent 31 articles published during January 2017 to December 2019 on Industry 4.0 concept and highlighted the type of research, focus of study and the contribution of the various studies. This paper also provided the opportunities for future research. In the future work, the interpretive structural modeling (ISM) technique can be used to diagnose importantchallenges in the Industry 4.0implementation in manufacturing sectors. To map the inter-relationships among the variables, ISM will help [36]. It is hoped that, this study helps to accelerate the momentum in the Industry 4.0 researches. P a g e | 188 UGC Care Group I Journal Copyrightⓒ ⓒ2020 Authors
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