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SLC Capstone Meeting: Irvington High School. June 2, 2008. Changes in Student Outcomes?. Benchmark & Advisory Surveys completed by students indicated that students have a strong sense of support.
SLC Capstone Meeting: Irvington High School June 2, 2008
Changes in Student Outcomes? • Benchmark & Advisory Surveys completed by students indicated that students have a strong sense of support • Sophomores reported a high degree of connection with the adults on campus. 70% felt confident that an adult other than their teacher would help them with their benchmark. • 68% of seniors reported feeling the same level of help with their benchmark • 81% of students surveyed said that they give/get help during tutorial
Changes in Student Outcomes? • Benchmark Surveys completed by students indicated that students have a strong sense of support. • Baseline data collected (scoreboards, surveys, test data)
Changes in Student Outcomes? • Benchmark Surveys completed by students indicated that students have a strong sense of support. • Baseline data collected (scoreboards, surveys, test data) • A list of “Hot 20” generated to fuel direct interventions of specific students
Changes in Instruction? • Families meeting regularly/Best practices regularly/Best Practices:
Changes in Instruction? • Families meeting regularly/Best Practices • Data to assess areas of improvement Pyramid of Interventions # of Students who are in “Below basic’ or “Far Below Basic” in ELA 184 132 142
Changes in Instruction? • Families meeting regularly/Best Practices • Using data to analyze areas of need, creating a pyramid of interventions and expanding • 40 Assets work ignited analysis of data that led into continued discussion on supporting students “Has any of the asset building for Cody helped? He continues to be part of the PAD tech crew and participated in the Ohlone competition and Footloose. Thank you Linda and your students for being so welcoming to this freshman. He has turned the corner in my class and is passing (c-) this quarter. It took him awhile to change from noninvolvement to involvement, but now he works everyday. Please share his quarter grade,Change project results, and behavior.” - Email to IHS Staff from a fellow staff member
Goal #1 - Personalizing the Learning Environment • 40 Assets training and Top 20 Staff Development “I know everyone is busy but it seems like something has all ready been set up and would need little coordination and not that much effort by the team of teachers because one kid for 3-4 teachers is very practical.” – Email from a staff member after the staff development
Goal #1 - Personalizing the Learning Environment • 40 Assets training and Top 20 Staff Development • Establishment of S.H.A.P.E. and granted the SB70 funds
Goal #1 - Personalizing the Learning Environment • 40 Assets training and Top 20 Staff Development • Establishment of SHAPE and granted the SB70 funds • All freshmen and sophomores in families
Goal #1 - Personalizing the Learning Environment Challenge and/or Focus Area for next year: • Establishing a new career pathway (TCP) and align work between TCP, SHAPE, and CCA • Create a 4-year plan for every student • Data Teams in Families
Goal #2 - Closing the Achievement Gap • The establishment of an Algebra support class Intervention students improved more than the overall population on the Algebra 1 assessment.
Goal #2 - Closing the Achievement Gap • The establishment of an Algebra support class • CFA: Math identification of Power Standards for Algebra 1. The use of Common formative assessments for Algebra 1. Math, ELA, Biology meeting to discuss curriculum around standards
Goal #2 - Closing the Achievement Gap • The establishment of an Algebra support class • CFA: Math identification of Power Standards for Algebra 1. The use of Common formative assessments for Algebra 1. Math, ELA, Biology meeting to discuss curriculum around standards • The meeting of intervention and other interested staff – Pyramid of Interventions in place, List of possible interventions for next year
Goal #2 - Closing the Achievement Gap Challenge and/or Focus Area for next year: • Implementing and sustaining effective interventions for student in "Below Basic" and "Far Below Basic." • Connecting conversation between the Journey Team and Curriculum Council to deepen the use of data led discussion and action. • Data teams in departments. • Update Benchmarks
Goal #3 - Improving Culture and Climate • Informative suspension data
Goal #3 - Improving Culture and Climate • Informative suspension data • Increase in health promoting and alcohol/drug awareness events led by IHS students.
Goal #3 - Improving Culture and Climate • Informative suspension data • Increase in health promoting and alcohol/drug awareness events led by IHS students. • Student data – results show a safe, supportive environment During a Focus Group held of a cross-section of students on 4/17/2008,(1 being bad and 5 being great) 7 students rated the school a "4" and 3 rated the school a "5"
Goal #3 - Improving Culture and Climate Challenge and/or Focus Area for next year: • Revisiting the current discipline structure • Create interventions to keep students in school • Utilize other SLC structures and beyond to address school climate – Family competitions, Pathways, Service Learning, Advisories, Peer Advocates
Leadership capacity and focus: • To expand leadership capacity and instructional leadership, the IHS Staff will continue to analyze data in staff development, collaborative teaching teams, and departments. • The Irvington Journey Team will continue to help implement the action produced from data discussions. Specifically, the JT will also continue to work to increase the number and quality of instruction of families and design interventions to address the data needs. • The Journey team will continue to use staff development to look at data with respect to Families, departments, and 40 assets work.
Deepening work and including all staff: • Data Teams and Using technology to make data accessible will include all staff in inquiry cycle • Common outcome assessments will come in the form of continued work in departments and the use of District tools to evaluate student progress • Common assessment data, CST data, and surveys results will allow us to assess progress.
Interventions • IHS designed a list of possible interventions from JT, Curriculum Council, and other interested staff • Common assessment data, CST data, and surveys results will allow us to assess progress of targeted students