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Join Marlene Laros from ICLEI as she discusses the significance of the Green Urban Economy for sustainable development, poverty reduction, and institutional frameworks. Learn about recommendations for engaging actors in sustainable initiatives at the Africa Regional Preparatory Conference on Sustainable Development. Discover how local governments can contribute to global sustainability and re-imagine cities in the context of poverty eradication.

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  1. Ministerial Segment of the Africa Regional Preparatory Confcerence on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication and institutional and strategic frameworks Presenter: Marlene Laros

  2. The structure of the presentation • 1. Introduction to ICLEI as organizing partner for Major Group Local Authorities • 2. The significance of the Green Urban Economy for sustainable development and poverty reduction • 3. Recommendations on institutional & strategic frameworks • 4. Engaging relevant actors UNCSD+20 and beyond

  3. 1. Who is ICLEI? • ICLEI is a leading association of local governments • Over 1200 members from all over the world, representing over 500 million people • The ICLEI Africa Secretariat works with 56 African local government members from over 27 African States • The ICLEI Africa Secretariat works in partnership with United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (UCLGA) to engage local governments in supporting local sustainability initiatives in Africa. • Key participant already in the original Rio conference in 1992, helping to design and implement Local Agenda 21

  4. Overviewof ICLEI Rio+20 activities • ICLEI asLocal Authority Major Group Organizing Partner • Ongoingadvocacywork • Coordinationandinformationexchange • ICLEI asconvener • ICLEI World Congress • Global Town Hall at Rio+20 • Urban Thematic Day (?) • Case studies • ICLEI asopinionleader • Local Sustainability 2012 study • Institutional Framework forSustainable Development: needfor a bettergovernanceincluding all stakeholders • Green economy: Green urban economy

  5. Local Sustainability 2012 Global Study:Overview • To lay the ground for a Local Government contribution to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development • documenting the variety of local processes for sustainability that have emerged all over the world, across most diverse political and economic cultures • analyzing the impacts of such local processes and their success or failure to initiate the necessary transition processes towards more sustainable cities • proposing new ways forward for local governments in their need to make their cities more resource-efficient, resilient and human and to green their urban economies • outlining the governance framework necessary to be implemented on national and international levels in order for local governments to successfully contribute to global sustainability

  6. Green Urban Economy: 6 Modules form the local way to Rio+20 and beyond 5 2 Survey: Economic and environmental performance of green cities Case studies Presentations, media work etc prior to and in Rio+20 Model cities 3 Draft • Global GUE report, including • Localpolicies, mechanisms, strategies … • Localcases … • Arguments, facts, figures • New ppp Models • Potential analysisofmunicipalactionfor GUE Rio+20 decisions, projects, implemen-tation Final 4 Think Tank 6 Towards program implementation: design and preparation 1 Supportingthe Rio+20 preparatoryprocess 1 August 2011 Rio+20 1 Jan 2012 ICLEI World Congress

  7. 2. The significance of the Green Urban Economy for sustainable development and poverty reduction

  8. Cities on the globe 0.12% of the Earth’s surface 50% of the population 75% of energy consumption and CO2 emissions • Hubs of the global economy: • 100 largest cities produce 30% of the global GDP • Close to 80% of GDP produced in cities

  9. Local Action Moves the World 1 UN 200 countries 1 million localgovernments

  10. Urbanization An unbroken global trend „By 2050, within 40 years, we will have to build once morethe same urban capacity as we have built over the last 4000 years.“ The 1:100 challenge

  11. Rapid Urbanization in Africa • Africa is the fastest urbanising continent globally • Urbanization growth rate of 3.4 percent • Already, almost 40 percent of Africa’s people are living in urban areas • It is projected that by 2050, 60 percent of all Africans will be living in urban areas • Planning and financing urban development is therefore not only a priority but presents a major opportunity to structure growth with high employment elasticity, secure ecosystem services, deliver affordable public services and thus catalyse the green economy.

  12. Re-imagining the African City • Africa’s urban population will increase from the current 373 million to 1.2 billion by 2050 • In recent history, urban economic growth in Africa has been mirrored by increasing urban poverty • The international community and African Governments need to consider what actions will be required to ensure effective services for a potential additional 800 million inhabitants • Africa and the world community also need to reconceptualise what is understood when the word ‘city’ as the ‘Western City’ is now no longer the only legitimate template for defining our cities • Africa needs to “re-imagine cities” – creating a new paradigm for the modern African urbanism.

  13. The role of local governments in the green economy(1) • Local governments as actors • Steering municipal investments and purchasing power to influence the market. • Setting framework conditions for investments • Incentives and finance • Informing private behaviour • Driving local innovation • Scaling Up

  14. The role of local governments in the green economy(2) • Local governments are important agents of implementation on the ground at the interface between people and the demand for, and management of, environmental resources. • A dimension of global economic growth that has been overlooked for too long is that further economic growth in both developed and developing nations is and will be concentrated in their cities. • It is essential that agreements emerging out of Rio+20 acknowledge the role of local government and create the necessary local sustainable development financing mechanisms to support urban green growth.

  15. 3. Recommendations on Institutional and Strategic Frameworks (1) • We support the strengthening of international institutions through the establishment of: • An Intergovernmental Panel on Sustainable Development to ensure an appropriate policy-science interface; • UN Specialised Agency for Environment to strengthen the environmental pillar of SD; • A Council for Sustainable Development (similar to the Human Rights Council) which reports directly to the UN General Assembly and enables the highest possible level of institutional integration in the UN system. • A new comprehensive global indicator for sustainable growth that incorporates economic, social and environmental dimensions. • Transformation of the UN system to formally recognize local and sub national governments as key actors in the future transformed UN institutions for sustainable development.

  16. 3. Recommendations on Institutional and Strategic Frameworks (2) • Strengthening of African Regional institutions, including: • UNECA and its integrating role for sustainable development • The African Union’s sustainable development programmes through the AUC and NEPAD • Further development of the African Peer Review Mechanism to include all of the dimensions of sustainable development. • Strengthening of national institutions, specifically: • The revitalisation of national Commissions on Sustainable Development and their appropriate positioning within national planning frameworks to accord the appropriate level of integration required for all dimensions of sustainable development.

  17. 4. Engaging relevant actors (1)

  18. 4. Engaging relevant actors (2) • We believe that: • to “achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character” (Article 1.3 of the UN Charter), the UN needs to move -in its functionality- beyond the definition of “United Nations” and to becoming the “United Actors”. • The transformation of the Major Groups system and the formal recognition of Local Government Organisations (LGOs) with full participation rights in the UNCSD dialogues and recognised as “actors”. • Collectively, local governments can result in the necessary global impact for sustainable development.

  19. Let us be bold and make a difference on the ground where people experience directly our collective success or failure of delivering on the mandates of sustainable development in honour of Professor Wangari Maathai: “It is the little things citizens do. That's what will make the difference”. Thank you

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