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Economic Impacts of the Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture Associations

Southeast Alaska Salmon Enhancement. 1974--Alaska State Legislature Authorizes Establishment of PNP hatcheries for ocean ranching Formation of Regional AssociationsIf approved by commercial fishermen3% tax levied to fund enhanced production . Southeast Alaska Salmon Enhancement. Two Regi

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Economic Impacts of the Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture Associations

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    1. Economic Impacts of the Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture Associations Presented to: DIPAC, NSRAA and SSRAA Presented by: McDowell Group, Inc. July 2001

    2. Southeast Alaska Salmon Enhancement 1974--Alaska State Legislature Authorizes Establishment of PNP hatcheries for ocean ranching Formation of Regional Associations If approved by commercial fishermen 3% tax levied to fund enhanced production

    3. Southeast Alaska Salmon Enhancement Two Regional Aquaculture Associations Formed: Northern Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture Association--NSRAA--Sitka Southern Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture Association--SSRAA--Ketchikan Other PNP Hatcheries established Southeast Alaska: the largest is Douglas Island Pink and Chum, Incorporated--DIPAC--Juneau

    4. I. Commercial Harvest of PNP Salmon

    5. PNP Salmon Harvested in Common Property Commercial Fisheries

    6. Total Ex-vessel Value Commercial Harvest of PNP Salmon

    7. PNP Commercial Ex-Vessel Harvest Value 1990-2000 Totals

    8. PNP Commercial Ex-Vessel Harvest Value 1990-2000 Totals

    9. Percentage of PNP Salmon to Total Commercial Harvest

    10. Economic Impacts from PNP Commercial Salmon Harvest 2000 Fishing Season 85 million pound harvest Record $32 million ex-vessel value Economic Impacts: $42 million in total output $11 million in labor income 400 jobs

    11. II. Seafood Processing

    12. Value of PNP Salmon Processed in Southeast AK

    13. Economic Impacts from First Wholesale Value of PNP Salmon 2000 Fishing Season $136 million in value $95 million in gross income Economic Impacts: $111 million in total output $25 million in labor income 900 jobs

    14. III. Recreational Fishing Industry

    15. Sport Fish Harvest of PNP Chinook Salmon

    16. Sport Fish Harvest of PNP Coho Salmon

    17. Economic Impacts From Sport Harvest of PNP Salmon 2000 Fishing Season $8 million in total output $3 million in payroll 120 jobs

    18. Salmon Enhancement and Fisheries Business Taxes

    19. Economic Impacts From PNP Organizations Contribute up to 132 jobs, $4 million in payroll, and $3 million in local expenditures annually. Economic Impacts in 2000: $10 million in total output $4.5 million in payroll 150 jobs

    20. Grand Total Economic Impacts From PNP Salmon Production and Harvest in 2000 $170 million in total output $44 million in payroll 1,600 jobs

    21. Economic Impacts of the Southeast Alaska Regional Aquaculture Associations Presented to: DIPAC, NSRAA and SSRAA Presented by: McDowell Group, Inc. July 2001 .

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