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. VEGETARIANISM. Brahmarishi Patriji. Spiritual Health is the root and Physical health is the fruit. ‘ Holistic Health ’ .. means ‘ Wholesome Health ’ .. or ‘ Complete Health ’. ‘ Holistic Health ’ consists of five mega components : Physical health Mental / emotional health
Brahmarishi Patriji Spiritual Health is the root and Physical health is the fruit.
‘ Holistic Health ’ .. means ‘ Wholesome Health ’ .. or ‘ Complete Health ’. • ‘ Holistic Health ’ consists of five mega components : • Physical health • Mental / emotional health • Intellectual health • Spiritual health. • Social health. • -PATRIJI
Science of Vegetarianism BE A VEGETARIAN Studiies of human evolution have shown that our ancestors were vegetarian by nature. The structure of the human body is not suited for eating meat.
Humans, like other naturally vegetarian animals, have 28 feet long small and large intestine. They are much longer than those found in carnivores. The meat we eat stays in our intestines for a longer period of time. Consequently, the meat can putrefy and create toxins. These toxins have been implicated, as a cause of colon cancer, and they also increase the burden on the liver, which has the major function of getting rid of toxins.
Antibiotics as well as other drugs including steroids and growth hormones are either added to animal feed or injected directly into the animals. People eating these animals will absorb these drugs into their bodies. There is a possibility that antibiotics in meat are diminishing the effectiveness of antibiotics for human use
Food from plants is a more direct source of nutrition that meat. People eat animals, but the sources of nutrition for the animals we eat is plants. The lives of most animals are short, and animals have nearly all the disease that mankind has. It is very likely that the diseases of mankind come from eating the flesh of diseased animals. So, why don’t people get their nutrition directly from plants? The classic example of eating diseased cows suffering from MAD COWS DISEASE.
Recent scientific work by Fernstrom and Wortman at M.I.T. has demonstrated the subtle biochemical mechanism which causes a high protein diet to decrease levels of serotonin (low levels of serotonin are found in depressed humans) and conversely, high carbohydrate diet (vegetarian diet) increases serotonin. This work is the first to demonstrate a dietary link with mental health and adds to the evidence in favour of becoming vegetarian. Practically speaking, as one begins to eliminate meat from his diet he feels more energetic, less nervous and less pressured. Additionally one ceases to need a deodorant (a daily bath or shower should suffice) and finds the smell of the stool to be much less offensive.
Sir Benjamin Ward Richardson, MD, Fellow of Royal Society. It must be honestly admitted that weight by weight, vegetable substance, when carefully selected, possesses the most striking advantages over animal food in nutritious value. I should like to see a vegetarian and fruit-living plan put into general use, and I believe it will be. The well-known physician, Dr. William S. Playfair, CB, has said quite clearly; ‘Animal diet is not essential to man’; and we find Dr. F.J. Sykes. Bsc., the medical official for St. Pancras, writing: Chemistry is not antagonistic to vegetarianism, any more than biology is. Flesh-food is certainly not necessary to supply the nitrogenous products required for the repair of tissues; therefore a well-selected diet from the vegetable kingdom is perfectly right, from the chemical point of view, for the nutrition of men.
The Dean of the Faculty of Jefferson Medical College (of Philadelphia) said: It is a well-known fact that cereals as articles of daily food hold a high place in the human economy; they contain constituents amply sufficient to sustain life in its highest form. If the value of cereal food products were better known, it would be a good thing for the race. Nations live and thrive upon them alone, and it has been fully demonstrated that meat is not a necessity. There you have a number of plain statements, and all of them are taken from the writings of well-known men who have made a considerable study of the chemistry of foods. It is impossible to deny that man can exist without this horrible flesh-diet, and furthermore that there is more nutriment in an equal amount of vegetables than of dead flesh. I could give you many other quotations, but those above mentioned are sufficient, and they are fair samples of the rest.
Less Disease Many serious diseases come from this loathsome habit of devouring dead bodies. Here again I could easily give you a long list of quotations, but as before I will be satisfied with a few. Flesh is an unnatural food, and therefore tends to create functional disturbances. As it is taken in modern civilizations, it is infected with such terrible diseases (readily communicable to man) as cancer, TB, fever, intestinal worms, etc. to an enormous extent. There is little need to wonder that flesh-eating is one of the most serious causes of the diseases that carry off ninety-nine out of every hundred people that are born.
SALT Is salt bad for hypertension? What is bad for hypertension is iodized salt, which is a fake salt. It is made up of only 3 synthetic chemicals, sodium, chloride, iodine. It does not melt in water (glistens like diamonds), does NOT melt in the body, does not melt in the kidneys, gives kidney stones, and raises blood pressure. However, it is the salt favoured by the drug-based doctors who say it is very clean and sanitary, pointing to how white it is and how it glistens like diamonds. The fake salt is man-made in a factory. IODISED SALT
The true salt, which comes from the sea and dried under the sun and commonly called rock salt , has 72 natural minerals including natural sodium, chloride, iodine. It melts in water, melts in your body, melts in the kidneys, does not give kidney stones, and best of all, brings down blood pressure and stops/prevents muscle cramps, numbness,tingling. If you get muscle cramps in the lower legs at night, just take a half teaspoon of rock salt and a glass of water, and the cramps with its horrific pain will be gone in 5 minutes. ROCK SALT
Coconut oil, once shunned as being unhealthy because it is high in saturated fats, is now considered by many as a magical health food. The difference between coconut oil and other saturated fats is in the size of the fat molecules. Long chain fats are hard to digest, and pass directly into the lymphatic system. The fats in coconut oil are medium chain fatty acids (MCFA's).
These MCFA's are quickly digested, even without the aid of pancreatic enzymes, and are transported via the hepatic portal vein to the liver. MCFA's never enter the lymphatic system or bloodstream, so they don't clog arteries like their longer chained relatives. Instead, they are light, easy to digest, and quickly converted to energy. Coconut oil actually lowers cholesterol and improves fat metabolism.
Most commercial grade coconut oils are made from dried copra (meat of the coconut) and go through an extensive refining process to extract the oil. Virgin coconut oil is made from the fresh meat and the oil is extracted either through a quick drying method, using minimal heat and then mechanically pressed or it goes through a process called wet-milling where the meat is not dried.
Instead the "coconut milk" is expressed first, and then the oil is further expressed from the water either through the method of boiling, fermentation, refrigeration or a mechanical centrifuge. Some retailers and manufacturers will call their oil "Extra Virgin Coconut Oil" but there is no other processing method then what is listed, so there is no official classification or difference between "virgin" and "extra virgin" like there is in the olive oil industry.
There are false claims of coconut oil being raw and full of enzymes, all coconut oil has "seen heat". For one thing coconuts are native to the tropics where temperatures are very hot, so shipping alone will expose the oil to higher temperatures and some heat needs to be applied in the processing to ensure that no moisture is present in the oil that may cause deterioration. Virgin oil uses minimal heat in the processing methods.
The good thing about coconut oil is that it isn't damaged by heat. That's why it is so good for cooking. It's the saturation that makes it stable. If coconut oil contained enzymes it would become very perishable-just like all raw foods containing enzymes ~ Lita Lee Ph.D.
Cooking with coconut oil does not introduce hydrogen into the oil or hydrogenate it. Hydrogenation is an industrial process to make an oil turn solid at room temperatures which creates harmful Trans fatty acids. Coconut oil is naturally very stable oil. To purchase a healthy coconut oil, one must determine between "virgin" and "refined" oil. Virgin oil, healthier oil, is made from the fresh meat therefore it will have a distinct aroma and the taste of coconut will be present.
Tasteless coconut oil is more than likely refined and made from copra (dried meat). Buying organic virgin coconut oil may help to insure that there has been no pesticides or fertilization used on the crop. Buying "expeller-pressed" oil usually means that the oil was extracted by "physical refining" rather than a chemical extraction using a solvent.
The health benefits from using coconut oil claim to be many and come mainly from the MCFAs. Coconut is a food so therefore the oil is very safe for consumption in adults, pregnant women, children, and pets. An adult should consume about 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil throughout a day to receive the best benefit and taken with foods high in fiber and protein.
List of Iodine Rich Vegetarian Foods • Sea salt • Navy beans, cooked • Strawberries • Iodized salt • Potato with peel, baked • Soybeans • Spinach • Garlic
UNHEALTHY FATS AND OILS Our body needs certain fats and oils. The ‘Essential Oils’, known as Omegas 3 and 6 are absolutely essential for every aspect of our health, from energy and stamina, to weight loss, brain function, heart health, the immune system, the skin, detoxification, digestion, and fertility. Fats are an essential part of each and every cell and without them we would not be able to survive. The body needs fat – the RIGHT KIND OF FAT!
Essential Fatty Acids that you absorb for example from fresh nuts and seeds –– are very good for you. But you must make sure that you keep your unhealthy fat intake to a minimum.
Refined oils in any shape or form, including any oil that you find on the supermarket shelves (with the exception of cold pressed unrefined olive oil) and any oil that is cooked with, and almost certainly any oil that comes in fast or pre-packaged food are produced and refined in such a way that they contain many toxins and can only poison your immune system.
People with fatty, unhealthy diets are often tired and sick. You see, when there’s too much unhealthy fat (and toxins) in your system, your red blood cells stick together, they move more slowly, and as a result you get far less oxygen reaching your cells. Your cells then become weaker – some cells may even die or mutate. That’s why so many studies show high fat intake related to cancer.
ANIMAL FLESH If you want to be healthy, stop ingesting animal flesh. Every single time you ingest animal flesh your body suffers dreadful consequences. Meat is highly toxic and truly breaks your body down! Amazing shifts occur in people’s quality of life when they stop consuming animal products – but don’t take my word for it; just try it on for 10 days, and see how you feel.
Spend just 10 days without eating meat. Do you know what goes into these mass-produced ‘food animals’? Cement dust, radioactive material, dead carcasses, animal faeces, etc. Anybody who has any intelligence at all KNOWS that eating such mass-produced animal flesh is stupid.
In addition animal flesh doesn’t give you much energy after you take into account the amount of energy needed to break it down. Not to mention what the animal fat does to your body… You have been taught culturally that eating meat is ‘ok’. Don’t buy into the cultural hypnosis! Don’t do something just because everybody else is doing it! ‘Everybody else’ is unhealthy! 1 in 2 die of heart disease, 1 in 3 of cancer – those are the statistics!
ALKALI vs ACID The pH of the blood should be maintained in a Positive Alkali Balance for Perfect Health.
Acid and Alkali Balance in Blood: The ratio of acids to alkalis in blood is generally 20:80.Maintenance of this ratio is essential for health.The body naturally exerts its utmost to maintain this ratio. Some of our foods leave alkaline residues in the body after undergoing the full cycle of digestive and metabolic processes;some others leave acidic residues.We may call such foods alkali-genic and acdi-genic respectively.
Generally,the acid produced by the metabolic activites,(such as uric acid,latic acid, etc.) react with the alkalis in the blood, lymph, bile, etc,. Thus being neutralised and rendered innocuous.But if our diet is replete with acid-genic foods, the body cannot cope with all the resulting acids.whn the acids accumulate in the blood, symptoms associated with acidic blood like fatigue, headache, anorexia,insomina, nervous tension,hyperacidity, coryza, etc., begin to appear.
Acidic blood is an abnormal condition that hinders the physical devlopment of children and adolescents, causes degeneration in order people, and diminishes vitality. It causes difficulties in preganancy and lactation. It is the origin of diseases like measles, appendicitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis and cancer. Dr.Geroge Cryle, the renowned surgeon of Cleveland,USA, is of the firm opinion that there is no such thing as natural death.All so-called natural deaths are the culminating stages of chronic acidic condition of the blood.
The above discussion makes it quite clear that all the toxic substances in the body are in the form of acids, and that in order to prevent or counteract the accumulation of acids in the body we must take food that is mainly alkalic-genic.It is important, therefore,know what food will result in the generation of how much alkalinity or acidity in the body.The well-known Biochemist Dr.Regnar Burg has carried out extensive investigations regarding the overall acidic or alkaline effects of various food.
From the table it is obvious that meat, fish, eggs and pulses are highly acid-genic. Wholemeal wheat flour,manually dehusked unpolished rice,and such other cereals in their more or less natural forms are only midly acid-genic, but refining them makes them much more acidic in affect.All vegetables,tubers,roots and fruits are alkalic-genic.Green leafy vegetables are of special importance in this respect.