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Lead-in. Which painting do you like best ?. Paintings of nature. Which one would you like to have on the wall of your home?. Unit 1 Art. Learning Goals. Knowledge Goals. Topic. . the brief history of Western painting and Chinese art . famous artists and works of art.
Lead-in Which painting do you like best ?
Learning Goals Knowledge Goals Topic . the brief history of Western painting and Chinese art . famous artists and works of art
Words and Expressions Words abstract, sculpture, gallery, faith, aim, conventional, typical, evident, adopt, possess, superb, technique, coincidence, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, attempt, predict, specific, figure, clay, marble, carve, delicate, cafe, allergic, exhibition, aggressive, scholar, flesh, geometry, bunch, avenue, preference, appeal, fragile, reputation, civilization, Egypt, visual, fragrant, contemporary, permanent, district, committee, signature.
Functional Items Expressions by coincidence a great deal on the other hand in the flesh appeal to Preference I’d prefer… I’d rather… I’d like… I want to… Would you rather…? Would you like…or…? Which would you prefer…? I don’t like… I’m not fond of… What’s your preference?
Grammar Subjunctive mood (1) Have you ever wished you could paint as well as professional artist? If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint? If you could have three of these painting on the walls of your classroom, which would you choose?
Ability Goals Emotion Goals 1. Learn the words about painting 2. Learn the expressions about preference 3. Learn the grammar of subjunctive mood Enable he students to know the history of painting, different style of each period.
Important and Difficult Points Important Points Difficult Points 1. The style of the western painting and Chinese art 2. The famous artist and their masterpieces The understanding and usage of subjunctive mood
Warming up It is time for you to chose pictures for your new house. The designer asks you to pick out one picture for your bedroom, which one would you prefer choose first? 1. A typical Chinese painting 2. A western painting 3. A modern painting Tell us the reason of your choice?
Brainstorming How many famous painters do you know? What about their masterpieces?
Monet, Claude (b. Nov. 14, 1840, Paris, Fr.—d. Dec. 5, 1926, Giverny) French painter, initiator, leader, and unswerving advocate of the Impressionist style. He is regarded as the archetypal Impressionist in that his devotion to the ideals of the movement was unwavering throughout his long career, and it is fitting that one of his pictures— Impression: Sunrise (Musée Marmottan, Paris; 1872)— gave the group his name.
Vincent Van Gogh (Vincent van Gogh, 1853.3.30-1890.7.29) a village in the Netherlands born in the family pastor. Post-impressionist, he is one of the three great masters. Van Gogh painted a young man in the shop when the shop assistant, this is the first by his "artistic education." Later, go to Paris, and the intersection of impressionist painter, inspired by the colors and the influence of context. This, people call him a "post-Impressionism." Impressionist painter but a more thorough study of Oriental art of expression lines, he very much appreciate Japan Katsushika Hokusai's "Ukiyo-e." Painter in the West, from the spirit of give him a greater impact is the Lang Rembrandt, Daumier and Mile (Millet).
Pre-reading Can you give some Chinese symbols in Chinese paintings? Tell out their meaning? Bamboo is one of the most popular subjects found in Chinese painting. The noble bamboo is a symbol of old age and modesty. Unknown to many, bamboo is a grass and not a tree. Together bamboo and plum trees represent man and wife. Bamboo, pine trees, and plum trees together are known as the "Friends in Winter" because all three grow tall and straight even in the coldest weather. The three together are a symbol of lasting friendship.
An auspicious flower, the peony is known as the flower of riches and honor and is a emblem of wealth and distinction. It symbolizes prosperity, happiness, and peace. Chinese peony paintings are hung in the home for good luck and in the office place for prosperous business. It is also regarded as an omen of good fortune. The Chinese tree peony represents the season of Spring (Lotus of Summer, Chrysanthemum of Autumn, Wild Plum of Winter). The Chinese tree peony is a flower of the yang principle.
The plum blossom is one of the most famous flowers in China and one of the most popular subjects in Chinese paintings. The plum has five petals symbolizing five auspicious nesses. The plum flower, pine tree, bamboo, and chrysanthemum form the "four plants of virtue". Together bamboo and plum trees represent man and wife. Plum, pine trees, and bamboo together are known as the "Friends in Winter" because all three grow tall and straight even in the coldest weather. The three together are a symbol of lasting friendship.
Reading Explanation 1. They were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day. 他们急切的想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影呈现出来。 eager to渴望 The police are eager to get to the bottom of this mystery. 警方急切地想弄清这一神秘事件的真相。
Whatever Marianne was desirous of, her mother would be eager to promote. 无论玛丽安要干什么,她母亲总是热情促成。 2. There are scores of modern art style, … 如今,现代艺术风格有好多种,…… scores of很多 Mr. Balustrade, like other men, believes scores of things that are not true. 布尔斯特罗德先生跟别人一样,把许多无中生有的事信以为真。 Two score of people want to come to Beijing for the Olympic Games.
有四十个人想要来北京观看奥运会。 3 … the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes… ……画家并不打算把我们的眼睛看到的东西如实的画出来…… attempt 尝试;企图 Familiarize yourself with the new equipment before you attempt to use it. 在想使用新设备之前,你要先熟悉它。 I hesitated whether to attempt to secure the photograph at once. 我曾犹豫是否应该试着把那张照片马上弄到手。
4. the Middle Ages 中世纪 (约476年-1453年)是欧洲历史上的一个时代(主要是西欧),由西罗马帝国灭亡开始计算,直到东罗马帝国灭亡,民族国家抬头的时期为止。 “中世纪”一词是从15世纪后期的人文主义者开始使用的。这个时期的欧洲没有一个强而有力的政权来统治。封建割据带来频繁的战争,造成科技和生产力发展停滞,人民生活在毫无希望的痛苦中,所以中世纪或者中世纪早期在欧美普遍称作“黑暗时代”,传统上认为这是欧洲文明史上发展比较缓慢的时期。
5. the Renaissance 文艺复兴 普遍认为文艺复兴发源于14世纪的意大利(文艺复兴一词就源于意大利语Rinascimento,意为再生或复兴),以后扩展到西欧各国,16世纪达到鼎盛。1550年,乔尔乔·瓦萨里在其《艺苑名人传》中,正式使用它作为新文化的名称。此词经法语转写为Renaissance,17世纪后为欧洲各国通用。19世纪,西方史学界进一步把它作为14至16世纪西欧文化的总称。西方史学界曾认为它是古希腊、罗马帝国文化艺术的复兴。
Language Points 1. I’d prefer 我更喜欢 I’d prefer swimming this afternoon. 2. Would you rather…? 你宁愿……吗? Would you rather give the chance up? 3. If it was up to me, I’d choose… 如果是我的话,我就会…… If it was up to me, I’d choose art for my career. 4. I’m not fond of…我不喜欢…… I’m not fond of abstract paintings, because I can’t understand it.
5. Which would you prefer,…?你喜欢那一个……? Which would you prefer, tea or coofe? 6. I don’t like…我不喜欢…… I don’t like this kind of wine for its special taste. 7. I want to…我想要…… I want to spent my free time on painting study. 8. I’d like…我喜欢…… I’d like to have some bread and a bottle of jam. 9. I’d rather…我宁愿…… I’d rather stay at home than go to the movies.
Learning about Language Words 1. abstract adj.抽象的 Abstract nouns are usually uncountable nouns in English. 英语中的抽象名词通常是不可数名词。 抽象派的 He is an abstract painter. 他是一个抽象派画家。
n.抽象, 抽象概念, 抽象性 It’s the abstract that is called system analysis. 这就是所谓系统分析这个抽象概念。 抽象派艺术作品 There’re two abstracts on the wall. 墙上挂着两幅抽象派画。 摘要, 梗概 He made an abstract of a long article. 他对一篇长文章做了摘要。 vt.做…的摘要 He has abstracted the speech. 他对讲话作了摘要。
2. adopt vt.收养 Many childless couples adopt children. 许多无子女的夫妇收养孩子。 采用, 采纳, 采取 The factories have adopted the newest modern technology. 那几家工厂采用了现代的最新技术。 正式接受, 通过 After going to France he soon adopted the French way of life. 他去法国后, 很快就接受了法国的生活方式。
3. shadow n.阴影, 阴暗 So dark are the shadows that a man standing there could not be seen. 阴影很暗, 人站在里面不会被看见。 影子 The tree casts a shadow on the ground. 树的影子映在地上。 阴暗部分 He walked along in the shadows hoping no one would recognize him. 他走在暗处, 希望没有人认出他来。
虚幻的事物, 失去实质的事物 He spent his life chasing after shadows. 他用毕生精力追求不存在的东西。 形影不离的人 My girlfriend is my shadow. 我的女朋友与我形影不离。 少许,微量 I have not the slightest shadow of doubt about that. 我对那件事没有丝毫的怀疑。 vt.遮蔽 The grass is shadowed by huge oaks. 草被巨大的橡树所遮蔽。
4. specific adj.明确的, 确切的, 详尽的 What’s the specific time of his arrival? 他确切的到达时间是几点钟? 具体的, 特有的, 特定的 We haven’t fixed a specific date for our meeting. 我们会议的具体日期还没有定下来。 仅限于…的; 只发现于…的 This disease is specific to this area. 这种疾病只发生在这一地区。
5. figure n.图解, 图表; 装饰性的图案 The figure on page 22 shows a political map of Africa. 第22页的插图是非洲的政区图。 人或动物的像, 画像, 肖像 There is a group of figures on the left of the painting. 这幅画的左方是一群人像。 轮廓, 人影, 身材, 体态, 风姿 I made out three figures moving in the distance. 我隐约看出远处有三个人影在移动。
vi.出现, 被提及 His name figured among the guests. 宾客名单中有他的名字。 vt.计算在内 Figure the total and I’ll pay it with a cheque. 请把总数算出来, 我用支票支付。 估计, 有可能; 认为, 料想 He figured himself as a good candidate. 他认为自己是合适的候选人。
Find the proper words which have the same meaning in the text. 1. having no reference to material objects or specific examples( abstract ) 2. a room or building for exhibiting works of art ( gallery ) 3. absurd, preposterous, laughable, or contemptible (ridiculous) 4. marked by or capable of arousing controversy (controversial)
5 to state or make a declaration about in advance (predict) 6 easily damaged or injured(delicate) 7 of, relating to, having, or caused by an allergy (allergic) 8 a public display of art, products, skills, activities, etc (exhibition) 9 the estimation in which a person or thing is generally held (reputation) 10 having a pleasant or sweet smell (fragrant)
Morphology 1. faith → faithful →faithfully n → adj. →adv. care → careful →carefully awe→ awful →awfully beauty →beautiful → beautifully success →successful →successfully
Expressions 1. by coincidence巧合 By coincidence Mary is there too. 完全由于巧合,玛丽也在那儿。 By a strange coincidence we happen to be traveling on the same train. 巧的出奇,我们正好坐同一列火车。 2. a great deal 许多的,大量的 I don’t know a great deal about politics.我不太懂政治。 He has a great deal of experience. 他很有经验。
3. on the other hand 另一方面 On the one hand I have to work; on the other hand I have many visitors to see. 一方面我必须工作;另一方面我有许多来宾要照看。 On the other hand, natural gas is still cheaper than other energy sources. 另一方面,天然气仍比其它能源便宜。 4. in the flesh亲自,本人 He’s nicer in the flesh than in his photographs. 他本人看上去比照片上的好看。
His appearance in the flesh end the rumor about his death.他亲自露面使传说他死亡的谣言不攻自灭。 5. appeal to 向…呼吁;向…请求 The United Nations appealed to the people of the developed countries for aiding those of the backward countries. 联合国呼吁发达国家的人民援助落后国家的人民。 I appeal to you to vote against him. 我想请你投他的反对票。
向…投诉 She appealed to a higher court once again. 她再一次向上级法院上诉。 诉诸武力 The two disputing countries decided not to appeal to arms. 这两个有争端的国家决定不诉诸武力。 对…有吸引力 This job rather appeals to me at the time. 这工作那时对我有吸引力。
Structures 虚拟语气用在would rather,would(just)as soon,would sooner,would prefer(希望)等后接的宾语从句中。意指某人宁愿让另一个人做某事,其后的宾语从句的谓语动词需用虚拟语气。若表示现在或将来要做某事,从句谓语动词需用一般过去时,表示过去已经做的事,从句谓语动词用过去完成时。虚拟语气可大致分为三类:一、 对现在事实的虚拟基本形式:If+were/did等过去
式…, …would /could /should /might + do 例如:If I were a fish, I would swimin the sea. (I’m not a fish, so I will not swimin the sea.)If she knew who am I, she would go out of joy. (She doesn’t know, so she still feels joyous.)I would certainly go if I had the time. How nice it would be if you could stay a bit longer.二、对过去事实的虚拟基本形式:If + had done…, …would /could / should /might + have done
例如:If she had been warned earlier, she wouldn’t例如:If she had been warned earlier, she wouldn’t have broken the window. (She was not warned earlier andshe broke the window.) If it hadn’t winded, the match would have seemedmore interesting. (It winded and the match was less interesting.)She would have come if we had invited her. 三、 对未来事实的虚拟 基本形式:
If + should do…, …would /could /should /might + do; were+to+v(可能性极小),意思相当于汉语中的“万一”例如:If he should forget the date, I might teach him a good lesson. (事实上他不大可能忘记那个日期) If it should snow this afternoon, we could make a snowman. (事实上不大可能会下雪) 这种虚拟可倒装,如: Should my car fail, I would have to return homeon foot.
= If my car should fail, I would have to return home on foot. 如果条件从句中包含有were,had,should或could,有时可把if省略掉,但这时要把were,had,should或could放在主语前面(这种结构在口语中较少使用)。例如:(1)Had we made (= If we had made ) adequate preparations, we might have succeeded. (2)Were there no gravity, there would be no air around us. (3)Should it rain tomorrow, the meeting would be put off.
Using Language Speaking 1. Bring in some prints or photographs of art works that appeal to you to share with the class. Tell whether it is the subject, the style, or both that you like in these paintings and why you are impressed by them. 2. Try to find a book with reproductions of paintings and explain what you like and dislike about them.